MS. Auct. E. 2. 19
Summary Catalogue no.: 3016
Book of Job with catena compilationIncomplete. Catena compiled, possibly by the scribe, from the types known as Γ and w, with material taken from a hitherto unidentified source.
This compilation complements the commentaries contained in the current second part (fols. 76r-90v) of the manuscript.
This part of the manuscript was originally a late-11th-century copy of Job and glosses were added on the margin later. After space proved to be insufficient, additional leaves (fols. 6-75) were added to the volume for more glosses.
Physical Description
One column. Ruling: 31–36 lines. Ruling type Lake I 10c.
Text written probably by two scribes. A: fols. 76r–90v: biblical text, B: fols. 1r–75v, and the marginal glosses in fols 76r-90v.
Titles and some initials in red.
Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard.
Provenance and Acquisition
Used in Western Europe in the course of the 15th century. Cf. Latin notes and additions on ff. 7r, 48v, 62r, 70v, 71r.
Acquired about 1613-15.
Record Sources
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2024-04-30: Updated from handwritten description by Nigel Wilson from 1970's and referenced edition by Hagedorn.