A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Hamilton 10

Summary Catalogue no.: 24440

Theological collection; A-D Germany, 15th century, second quarter/middle (partly 1434)

Physical Description

Composite: four sections, together early.
Extent: 318 fols.
Dimensions (leaf): 295 × 205 mm.


Fifteenth-century binding of dark brown leather over boards, ruled in blind; rebacked; bosses and clasps (and cornerpieces?) lost; contemporary contents label on upper cover.


Provenance and Acquisition

‘Frater charo nolo librum maculare | Ambrosius schreiber de Oschatz 1543’ (upper pastedown): probably identifiable with the parish priest of Collm (1555) and Mockritz (1567) who died in 1576: see Pfarrerbuch.

Not identifiable in the 1836 catalogue of Friedrich Gottlieb Julius von Bülow, 1760-?1831

Sir William Hamilton, 1788–1856

Presented to the Bodleian Library by his sons and received in 1857.

MS. Hamilton 10 – Part A (fols. 1–112)


Language(s): Latin

1. (fols. 1ra-112vb)
Jacobus Magni, Sophilogium
Rubric: Incipit sophilogium cuius finis est amare scientias et virtutes
Incipit: Illustrissimi principis regis francorum deuotissimo confessori domino Michaeli […] capellanus frater Jacobus Magni ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti Augustini continuum famulandi affectum
Incipit: Lecta colligere et ad summulam ordinatim redigere
Rubric: Incipit primus liber sophilogoii […]
Incipit: Dicit Aristoteles x. ethicorum quod homo sapiens maxime felix est
(fols. 112ra-vb)
Rubric: Sequitur capitula tocius libri Sophil.
Final rubric: Et sic est finis huius Sophilogii

Includes Greek and Hebrew alphabets, fol. 15ra.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper. Watermarks (a) bull's head with seven-petalled flower, type Piccard xiii.1–53, (b) moor's head, indistinct


2 cols., c. 46–49 lines. Frame-ruled, ruled space 220–5 × 140–5 mm.


Hybrida (loopless bastarda) by one hand.


Red initials usually of three or four lines, with simple arabesque decoration and often with flourishing in the ink of the text.

Several initials not filled in.


Origin: 15th century, second quarter or middle ; German

MS. Hamilton 10 – Part B (fols. 113–237)


Language(s): Latin

2. (fols. 113ra-117rb)
Table of lections
Rubric: De Invencione prophetiarum Epistolarum Ewangeliorum per circulum anni tam de sanctis quam de tempore nota bene

Temporal from Advent to the 25th Sunday after Trinity, 'in dedicacione', sanctoral from the vigil of Andrew to Katherine, with widows and apostles added at the bottom of fol. 117r.

Fol. 117v blank.

3. (fols. 118r-236v)
New Testament

Stegmüller, Bibl. 590, 589, Matthew, (fol. 132r) Stegm. 607, Mark, (fol. 141r) Stegm. 49 (prol.), 620, Luke, (fol. 157v) Stegm. 624, John (ends fol. 170v; rest of fol. 170v blank), (fol. 171r) Stegm. 670, 677, Romans, (fol. 178r) Stegm. 685, 1 Cor., (fol. 184v) Stegm. 699, 2 Cor., (fol. 188v) Stegm. 707, Gal., (fol. 190r) Stegm. 715, Eph., (fol. 192v) Stegm. 728, Phil., (fol. 194r) Stegm. 736, Col., (fol. 195v) Stegm. 747, 1 Thess., (fol. 196v) Stegm. 752, 2 Thess., (fol. 197r) Stegm. 765, 1 Tim., (fol. 199r) Stegm. 772, 2 Tim., (fol. 200r) Stegm. 780, Tit., (fol. 200v) Stegm. 783, Philem., (fol. 201r) Stegm. 793, Hebr., (fol. 205v) Stegm. 640, Acts, (fol. 222r, rubric at end of fol. 221v) Stegm. 809, James, (fol. 223v) 1 Pet. (no prol.), (fol. 225r) 2 Pet. (no prol.), (fol. 226r) 1 John (no prol.), (fol. 227v) 2 John (no prol.), (fol. 228r) 3 John (no prol.), (fol. 228r) Jude (no prol.), (fol. 228v) Stegm. 839, Apoc.

Colophon: (fol. 236v) Explicit liber noui testamenti finitus per me Thomam Backmel tunc sub anno domini Mo cccco Tricesimo quarto Ipso die sancti Agapiti martiris. Pro cuius fine deus gloriosus sit benedictus In secula seculorum amen. Et sic est finis huius libri deo gracias amen.

Fols. 204r-v with extensive contemporary annotation. Fols. 121r-125r with later (sixteenth-century) annotation.

4. (fol. 237r)

List of lections from Advent to feria sexta after Quinquagesima, apparently breaking off unfinished with Isaiah 58 'A clama ne cesses'. Cf. fols. 113ra-117rb above. Fol. 237v blank.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper. Watermark(s) mostly indistinct, but include and may only consist of bull's head with seven-petalled flower, type Piccard xiii.201–300, probably 268–9


Fols. 113ra-117rb: 2 cols., c. 44–5 lines. Frame-ruled, ruled space c. 220 × 145 mm.

Fols. 118r-237r: 1 col., c. 40–46 lines. Frame-ruled, ruled space 215–20 × 145–50 mm.


Cursive all by one hand, that of Thomas Backmel (colophon, fol. 236v).


Fols. 113ra-117rb: 1–2 line red initials with simple decoration at the beginning of each group of lections.

Fols. 118r-236v: four- to eleven-line red initials with elaborate silhouette/arabesque decoration and floursiing in the ink of the text.

Fols. 118r-236v: elsewhere three-line red initials with a little arabesque decoration.

No decoration or rubrication on fol. 237r.


Origin: c. 1434 ; German

MS. Hamilton 10 – Part C (fols. 238–266)


5. (fols. 238r-266v)
Apocalypse with glossa ordinaria

Stegmüller, Bibl. 11853

(fols. 238r-239r)

Prologues: Stegmüller, Bibl. 832 (= 11853(1)), 828 (= 11853(5)); 'A⟨lpha⟩ principium est elementum grecorum alpha et o finis' (Stegmüller, Bibl. 11853(6)); 'Nomen auctoris eciam queritur' (Stegmüller, Bibl. 11853(8)); Stegmüller, Bibl. 834; 'Sicut in secularibus libris' (Stegmüller, Bibl. 11853(1)); 'Asia minor est ista non magna'; 'Notandum quod visio que futura indicat'.

(fols. 239r-266r)
Incipit: Prepat auditores beniuolos attentos sicut et ibi
Explicit: Amen consummacio apostoli in verba christi
Final rubric: Explicit Apocalipsis
(fols. 266r-v)
De XII lapidibus
Incipit: Ysid. xvj ethymologicorum significat fidem. Primus. Jaspis viridis virorem
Explicit: colorum varietas virtutum multiplicatas[sic]
Stegmüller, Bibl. 11854
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper. Watermarks (a) bull's head with seven-petalled flower above, type Piccard xiii.201–300, close to 288/9; (b) moor's head (WZIS type 001002004002001001002001–2936) ; (c) bull's head with leaf-petalled flower above, Piccard xii.601 (Königsberg, Leipe, 1444–5)


In 2 or 3 columns (one column of text, 1–2 of gloss) of varying dimensions.

c. 20–1 lines of text

c. 45 lines of gloss.

Frame-ruled for the boundaries of the whole page, with occasional ad hoc ruling in red between columns; overall ruled space c. 225 × 140 mm.


Hybrida (loopless bastarda) by one hand.


5-line red initial, fol. 238r; 7-line red initial, fol. 239r.

Otherwise no decoration, and rubrication of the text not continued past fol. 247r.


Origin: 15th century, second quarter ; German

MS. Hamilton 10 – Part D (fols. 267–318)


6. (fols. 267ra-318va)
⟨James of Lausanne⟩ , ⟨Compendium moralitatum⟩
Incipit: Abicit mundus pauperes et honorat divites Nota Augustinus dicit quod coruus est talis nature
Incipit: Abiciendum est peccatum quia nidum est diaboli. Nota auis quandoque facit nidum
Incipit: Abire debemus post christum […] Nota quod dicit philosophus de auibus quod perdix nutrit pullos alteris perdicis
Incipit: (fol. 273ra) Baptismus dat uitam gracie. Nota narrat jacob anthioceus in historiis orientalibus qui in quibus
Incipit: (fol. 318ra) Sanctificari debet cor ut in christe digne accipiatur. Nota secundum iura ecclesia in qua sepelitur iudeus uel paganus
Explicit: omni mense obtenebratur. Sic illi q'

Breaks off apparently unfinished in the entry for 'Sequentes christum per consilium ...' (cf. Troyes, BM, 1272, fol. 45r).

Marginal letters in alphabetical sequence mark each entry.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper. Watermarks (a), (b) bull's head with seven-petalled flower above, type Piccard xiii.12–71 (perhaps 32–3?), (c) bull's head with eight-petalled flower above, type Piccard xii.481–9, close to WZIS DE4860-Ms1448_5


2 cols., c. 39–40 lines. Frame-ruled, written above (hand 1), on or below (hand 2) top line. Ruled space 225–30 × 140–50 mm.


Cursive by two hands, fols. 267ra-296rb, 297ra-318va.


3-line spaces for initials at the beginning of each alphabetical section left unfilled.


Origin: 15th century, second quarter or middle ; German

MS. Hamilton 10 - pastedowns


Language(s): Latin

Sermones de tempore

Three incipits are preserved:

Incipit: (upper pastedown) ⟨E⟩t postquam conseruati[sic] sunt dies octo […] Continuatur hoc ewangelium de circumsione christi precedenti dominice in hunc modum. Dixit apostolus in epistola precedentis dominice, Misit deus filium suum
Incipit: (lower pastedown) Pastores loquebantur ad inuicem Hoc ewangelium secunde misse continuatur ewangelio prime misse, hoc modo. Dicit
Incipit: In principio erat uerbum In hoc ewangelio tercie misse describit Johannes ewangelista eterna dei natiuitate


Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: Two bifolia.
Dimensions (leaf): at least 180 × at least 155 mm.


2 cols., at least 43 lines; the width of the ruled space 135 mm., of each column c. 65 mm.




3-line spaces for initials left unfilled.


Origin: 14th century, early ; German

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description by Matthew Holford (September 2020). Previously described in the Summary Catalogue.

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)


Last Substantive Revision

2020-09-23: Revised description finalized for Polonsky German project.