A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Hamilton 36

Summary Catalogue no.: 24466

Peregrinus de Oppeln, Conrad von Soltow, Henricus de Frimaria; A, B Germany, 15th century

Physical Description

Composite: two parts, the first part comprising two codicological units (fols. 1–112c, 113–226).
Form: codex
Support: paper
Extent: 262 + i (paper) + i (a lifted parchment pastedown)
Dimensions (leaf): 295 × 205 mm.
Foliation: 1–111, 112a–c, 113–210, 211a–b, 212–260, in modern pencil


1(12)-9(12) (fols. 1–108), 10(six) (fols. 109–112c) | 11(12)-19(12) (fols. 113–219, including 211a, b), 20(8–1) (fols. 220–6, one leaf cancelled from the second half of the quire) | 21(12)-22(12) (fols. 227–250), 23(12–3) (fols. 251–59, three leaves cancelled from the second half of the quire; fol. 260 is apparently an endleaf and not part of the quire). Catchwords sometimes surviving in part A.


Medieval binding. Sewn on four double/slit bands laced into straight channels in wood boards, the spine and one-third of the width of the boards covered with white pig(?)-skin blind-tooled with a lattice pattern stamped in the interstices with a rampant lion and a fleur-de-lys each in a lozenge and an Agnus Dei in a circle; the spine stamped with a small flower-head tool; remains of one wide pink-stained alum-tawed(?) strap recessed into the back board. The front board with two paper slips, one inscribed ‘Peregrinus de tempore’, the other ‘B XX’ and ‘b 20’, the board itself inscribed with a three-line list of contents, very like that on the front pastedown; the spine also inscribed ‘Peregrinus de tempore’. Stamps of the bindery of St Peter's, Erfurt (EBDB w002367): s015815, s015822, s015825.


Provenance and Acquisition

Erfurt, St Peter’s: ‘Liber sancti Petri in Erfordia’ and ‘b 20’ (front pastedown; cf. front cover).

Friedrich Gottlieb Julius von Bülow, 1760-?1831, identifiable as 92 in the catalogue of part 3 of his sale, 10 Oct. 1836.

Sir William Hamilton, 1788–1856

Presented to the Bodleian Library by his sons and received in 1857. Former Bodleian shelfmarks: ‘Addit. Bodl. MSS III.D.3.’

MS. Hamilton 36 – Part A (fols. 1–226)


Language(s): Latin

1. (fols. 1r–112(a)v)
Peregrinus de Oppeln, Sermons
Rubric: Peregrinus de tempore
Incipit: Ecce rex tuus venit tibi (Matt. 21:5). In his verbis consolatur propheta sanctos patres
Explicit: ad istum patrem oculos cordis elevare debemus Rogemus ergo dominum Ihesum Christum ut &c.
Schneyer, IV, pp. 548–56 nos. 2–104, citing the present manuscript.

Rest of fol. 112(a)v blank; Fols. 112(b)r-112(c)v blank.

(fols. 113r–223r)
Conrad von Soltow, Summa de trinitate (Commentary on the Decretals 1.1.1)
Rubric: \Conradus Soltaw super capitulo firmiter credimus De sancta trinitate et fide katholica/ [table of contents]
Incipit: Firmiter credimus & simpliciter confitemur fidem … Auctorizans egregius et doctor gencium paulus apostolus
Explicit: quam leticiam perducat nos trinitas individua in secula seculorum Amen
Final rubric: Explicit Summa de sancta trinitate et fide katholica, composita a venerabili et eximio doctore magistro Conrado Zolkow, finita per ipsum magistrum Anno domini millesimo trecentesimo octuagesimo ocauo in crastino Procopii. Amen Deo laus.
(fols. 223r–225v)

List of subjects

Incipit: Quid sit fides diffinitive, An obiectum fidei sit complexum an non

Rest of fol. 225v blank; fol. 226r-v blank.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper. The main watermark in quires 3–10 is a processional cross of a type documented in WZIS only in 1427


Frame-ruled in ink and written in two columns of about 35 lines. Ruled space c. 215–20 × 135–40 mm.


High-grade Gothic cursive


A few initials in plain red


Origin: 15th century ; German

MS. Hamilton 36 – Part B (fols. 227–260)


Language(s): Latin

3. (fols. 227r–259v)
Henricus de Frimaria, Commentary on Decretals 3.41.6, ‘Cum Marthae’
Rubric: \Henricis de Frimaria super capitulo cum Marthe/ [table of contents]
(fols. 227r–228r)
Innocent III, Letter ‘Cum Marthae et circa’
Incipit: Cum Marthe et circa(?). Quesivisti quis forme verborum quam ipse Christus expressit
(fol. 228v)

Prefatory letter

Incipit: Reuerendo in Christo patri et domino suo speciali domino Mathie sancte Maguntine sedis archiepiscopo … frater Henricus de Vrimaria sacre theologie professor ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti Augustini iam egens Erffordie
(fols. 228v–258r)
Incipit: Cum Marthe. Quia ius constitucionis maxime sacrorum
Explicit: transferamur ad celeste conuiuium beatorum. Quod nobis … Amen.
(fols. 258r–259v)

List of subjects

Incipit: Ut autem vtilitas presentis opusculi legenti prompcius occurat
Incipit: [fol. 258v] Utrum hec verba hoc est corpus meum et hic est calix sanguinis mei &c. sint de substantia huius sacramenti

Fol. 260r-v blank. The leaves in the first quire are lettered A-M, according to which fol. 232 ('d') should precede fol. 230 ('E') and fol. 233 ('i') should follow fol. 235 ('h').

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper.


2 columns of c. 40 lines. Frame-ruled in ink, ruled space c. 230–5 × 165–70 mm.


Gothic cursive


A few initials in plain red


Origin: 15th century ; German

Additional Information

Record Sources

Summary description (Feb. 2021) by Peter Kidd, edited with dimensions and collation supplied by Matthew Holford. Previously described in the Summary Catalogue.

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)


Last Substantive Revision

2021-02-24: Revised description for Polonsky German digitization project.