MS. Hamilton 43
Summary Catalogue no.: 24473
A Ps.-Thomas Aquinas, Vita Christi, etc.; B Parati sermones; C Indexes and extracts; Jacobus de Clusa. Germany (partly Erfurt OCarth), 15th century (partly 1449)
Physical Description
Nineteenth-century quarter-binding.
Provenance and Acquisition
Erfurt Carthusians: ex libris, 18th (?) century, fol. 1r. Note, fol. 1r: 'Vita christi forte secundum Thomam de Aquino sed hic valde incorrecte habetur, sed H 80 correctius'; identifiable as O.83 in the late-fifteenth-century library catalogue (ed. Lehmann, p. 502), where the same phrase occurs.
Friedrich Gottlieb Julius von Bülow, 1760-?1831: identifiable as 329 in the catalogue of part 3 of his sale, 10 Oct. 1836.
Sir William Hamilton, 1788–1856
Presented to the Bodleian Library by his sons and received in 1857.
MS. Hamilton 43 – Part A (fols. 1–84)
Followed by note 'Sequitur de quolibet festo marie scilicet in terram respexit'.
Physical Description
1 col., c. 32–34 lines. Frame-ruled (verticals only), written space c. 160–165 × 95 mm.
Cursive, one scribe.
2–3 line coloured red initials.
MS. Hamilton 43 – Part B (fols. 85–218)
Schneyer IV.523–48 (this ms. not listed), nos. 92–95, (fol. 94v) additional sermon, below, (fol. 95v) 96 (text continues from fol. 97(a)v to fol. 99r; for fols. 97(b), 98 see below), 97–9, 100 (additional passage from Bernard of Clairvaux at the end), 101–5, (fol. 114v) de letania, (fol. 115v) 106, (fol. 116v) de ascensione, (fol. 117v) 107–10, (fol. 123v) ⟨De spiritu sancto⟩, (fol. 124v) 111–15, 117–118, 120–122, 124–9, (fol. 148r) additional sermon, (fol. 149v), 130–7, (fol. 158r) additional sermon, (fol. 160r) 138–9, 140 (with additional sentences at the beginning, citing 'commentator super librum de celo et mundo' and additional exemplum at the end), (fol. 166r) additional sermon, (fol. 167r) 141 (but beginning differently, 'legimus in Daniel 6o capitulo quod cum Darius ...'), 142–5, (fol. 174r) additional sermon, (fol. 175v) 146 (beginning differently, 'In historia britonum scribitur de arthuro ...'), 149 (beginning differently, 'Philosophus in libro animalium dicit quod si sangwis(?) in animali fuerit sanus ...', and ending differently), 147–8, (fol. 183r) additional sermon, (fol. 185v) 150 (ending at 'damnatus est', without the additional exemplum), 151–8, 159 (without the final exemplum), 160–2, 163 (without the final reference to Kings), 164 (without the final exemplum from Luke xi), 165, 166 (text continues from fol. 206v to fol. 208r, for fol. 207r-v see below), 167–72.
Additional sermons and texts:
Cf. John 20.19–30.
Fol. 97br-v is an inserted slip with a note on humility, beg. 'Debet enim homo esse humilis...' and ending 'hoc (?) dobergosz'. Fol. 98r-v is a misplaced (?) leaf containing a text on the resurrection, beg. 'Notandum quod christus post resurrectionem suam 4 dotes in suo corde habuit...'.
Cf. Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda Aurea, c. 66
Followed by note 'Quere alium sermonem in sexterno ante scilicet Diliges deum etc.'.
Misplaced (?)
Physical Description
1 col., c. 35–41 lines. Frame-ruled (often verticals only); written above top line. Written space c. 165–185 × 95–100 mm. , the written area increasing noticeably towards the end of the manuscript.
Cursive, two hands, one only contributing on fols. 150r-151r and 154v-155r; the main scribe probably the same scribe as part A.
MS. Hamilton 43 – Part C (fols. 219–66)
Indexes and extracts; Germany (Erfurt), c. 1449
Language(s): Latin
For the original text see PL 103.485–554 (CPG 2876)
All arranged in order of the original text.
Theological extracts
On dispensare, lex, debita onera, discretio, ieiunium; mostly from Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologica (1a2ae 97.4; 1a2ae 96.1–2; 2a2ae 147.3; 2a2ae 120.1); one extract from John of Freiburg, Summa confessorum 3.33.14, and one from Bernard, De praecepto et dispensatione.
Followed by short sentences from Ambrose ('Procul sit a religiosis indignacio...') and Chrysostom ('Vindicasti si no vindicaueris...').
Physical Description
2 cols., c. 43–60 lines; written space c. 175–190 × 120–5 mm. , c. 11 mm. between columns.
Fols. 267r-268v: 1 col., c. 43–4 lines, written space c. 185 × 130 mm.
Probably one main hand, cursive/hybrida (predominantly loopless forms) by 'Johannes' (fol. 266vb), although Watson distinguished two scribes, fols. 219ra-252ra and fols. 252rb-266vb
Fols. 267–8 cursive by Jacobus de Clusa.
2–4 line coloured red initials.
Fols. 267–8: no decoration.
MS. Hamilton 43 - fol. 22b
Language(s): Latin
Schneyer IX.336 no. 143. Leaf from a different manuscript, tipped in between folios 22(a) and 23.
Physical Description
1 col., 22–3 lines. Frame-ruled, ruled space 112 × 67 mm.
Space for 3-line initial not filled in.
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Online resources:
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-12-17: Finalize description for Polonsky German.