MS. Hamilton 7
Summary Catalogue no.: 24437
Bridget of Sweden; Germany, c. 1420–30
Language(s): Latin
Bull of canonization for Bridget of Sweden issued by Boniface IX, 1391, as pr. Acta Sanctorum Oct, IV, 468–72.
Largely as pr. Birger Gregerssons Birgitta-Officium, ed. C.-G. Undhagen (1960), pp. 177–237 (not this MS.); tab at fol. 13 for the order of the mass. Oratio I (p. 182) follows the order of the mass.
Followed by:
Cf. Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, MS. Theol. Lat. Fol. 732, f. 277v-278r.
Ed. Sancta Birgitta Opera minora II, ed. S. Eklynd (1972), pp. 73–6, 77–137 (= ms. l, p. 12).
Ed. B. Bergh et al. (Lund, 1967–2002); = ms. l.
Bk. 2, fol. lxix verso a; bk. 3, fol. lxxxviii recto b; bk. 4, fol. c verso a (rubric, fol. c recto b); bk. 5, fol. cxlvi verso b; bk. 6, fol. clviii recto a; bk. 7, fol. cxciii recto a; bk. 8, fol. ccv recto a. Finishes at the end of viii.57 (ed. p. 224) (chapter here numbered 51).
Table of contents to bks. i-viii (ends at viii.39).
Pr. from this MS., J. A. Schmidtke, 'Adam Easton's Defense of St. Birgitta from Bodleian Ms. Hamilton 7 Oxford University.', Ph.D. thesis, Duke University, 1971.
Physical Description
2 cols., c. 51–55 lines, written space 225 × 150 mm.
Several scribes: (1) fols. i recto - lxii verso (quires 1–6); (2) fols. lxxiii recto - xcvj verso (quires 7 and 8); (3) fols. xcvii recto (col. a line 20) - ccxxvi verso (quires 9–18, part of 19); (4) fols. ccxxvii recto - ccxxiii verso (end of quire 19); (5) fols. ccxxviiii recto - ccxlviii verso (quires 20–21). The scribe of fol. xcvii recto a lines 1–20 is probably scribe 4.
Fifteenth-century: alum-tawed sheepskin, stained pink, over boards; 4+1 bosses on the front and back boards, lost; two strap-and-pin fastenings, lost. Label with pressmark, and label with contents note. Tabs at the beginning of each item (red) and of each book of the Revelations (brown).
Blind-tooled; stamp, an eagle (?)
Provenance and Acquisition
Erfurt, Carthusian abbey of St. Salvator: pressmark ‘I.3’ (label, upper board); listed ('J.3') in the late-fifteenth-century library catalogue ( Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz II.431).
Friedrich Gottlieb Julius von Bülow, 1760-?1831, 22b in the catalogue of part 3 of his sale, 10 Oct. 1836 (cf. fol. i recto)
Sir William Hamilton, 1788–1856
Presented to the Bodleian Library by his sons and received in 1857.
MS. Hamilton 7, upper pastedown
Physical Description
2 cols., at least 46 lines
Rubrics and capitals not filled in.
MS. Hamilton 7, lower pastedown
Physical Description
2 cols., originally 44 lines (42 lines extant at fullest extent, one fragmentary line at the bottom, one line missing at the top), written space c. 240 × c. 150 mm.
Additional Information
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Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
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Last Substantive Revision
2019-08-15: Description revised for Polonsky German