A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Hamilton 7

Summary Catalogue no.: 24437

Bridget of Sweden; Germany, c. 1420–30


Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. i recto a - iv verso b) [part of quire 1]
Rubric: Bulla Canonizacionis beate brigitte

Bull of canonization for Bridget of Sweden issued by Boniface IX, 1391, as pr. Acta Sanctorum Oct, IV, 468–72.

2. (fols. iv verso b - xiii verso a) [part of quire 1, part of quire 2]
Office of St Bridget
Rubric: Sequitur Officium Sancte Birgitte […]
Incipit: Brigitte matris inclite festa iocunda suscipe
Explicit: perhenniter exultantes. Per eundum.

Largely as pr. Birger Gregerssons Birgitta-Officium, ed. C.-G. Undhagen (1960), pp. 177–237 (not this MS.); tab at fol. 13 for the order of the mass. Oratio I (p. 182) follows the order of the mass.

Followed by:

Rubric: Item oracio
Incipit: Brigitta regalis et amica dei specialis Semita virtutis nouella tutela salutis

Cf. Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, MS. Theol. Lat. Fol. 732, f. 277v-278r.

3. (fols. xiii verso a - xxviii recto a) [part of quire 2, part of quire 3]
Bridget of Sweden, Sermo angelicus
Rubric: Sequitur alie lecciones ab angelis beate brigitte
Incipit: Cvm beata Brigitta principissa regni Swecie quia plures annos habitaret in rome in domo cardinalatus
Explicit: per infinita secula seculorum. Amen. Solamen sis Brigitta singulis. Amen.

Ed. Sancta Birgitta Opera minora II, ed. S. Eklynd (1972), pp. 73–6, 77–137 (= ms. l, p. 12).

Final rubric: Sequitur prologus super libros reuelacionum Sancte Brigitte cum Reuelacionibus approbatis
4.1. (fol. xxviii recto b - ccxxvi verso a) [part of quire 3; quires 4–18; part of quire 19]
Bridget of Sweden, Revelations
Rubric: (fol. xxviii recto b) Prologus in libro Brigitte
Incipit: Stupor et mirabilia audita sunt in terra nostra
Explicit: ab eo missa fatebantur
Rubric: (fol. xxx recto b) Incipit primus liber reuelacionum celestium domine Brigitte de Swecia
Incipit: Verba domini nostri iesu christi ... ego sum creator celi et terri et vnus in deitate
Explicit: humiliter pedes eorum

Ed. B. Bergh et al. (Lund, 1967–2002); = ms. l.

Bk. 2, fol. lxix verso a; bk. 3, fol. lxxxviii recto b; bk. 4, fol. c verso a (rubric, fol. c recto b); bk. 5, fol. cxlvi verso b; bk. 6, fol. clviii recto a; bk. 7, fol. cxciii recto a; bk. 8, fol. ccv recto a. Finishes at the end of viii.57 (ed. p. 224) (chapter here numbered 51).

4.2. (fol. ccxxvii recto a - ccxxviii verso a) [part of quire 19]

Table of contents to bks. i-viii (ends at viii.39).

5. (fol. ccxxix recto a - ccxlviii verso a) [quires 20 and 21]
Adam Easton, Defensorium sanctae Birgittae
Incipit: Respondebo ex probantibus michi verbum Ps. C. xviii. Beatissime pater. Cum verbo domini celi firmati sunt
Rubric: Primus articulus
Incipit: Primo dicitur in prologo quod christus ore proprio dictauit prefate domine
Explicit: (fol. ccxlviii recto a, art. 41) defensionem sue deuote famule deuote domine brigitte cui sit honor et gloria in eternum amen
Rubric: Petitio admissionis articulorum
Incipit: Pater beatissime cum reuerencia semper et correctione vestre altissime sapiencie
Explicit: sapientia dei patris. amen.
Rubric: Epistola domini cardinalis ad abbatissam et conuentum
Incipit: Carissime domine et sorores ad deuocionum deuotissime domine brigitte vos exhortor
Explicit: precibus deuote brigitte sacro sanctis
Final rubric: Religiose domine abbatisse et conuentui Monasterii Beate Virginis et Beate Britgitte Watzsteno ordinis sancti Saluatoris In Regno Swecie dyoc’ Lincopen’ deuotis suis precarissimis et cetera

Pr. from this MS., J. A. Schmidtke, 'Adam Easton's Defense of St. Birgitta from Bodleian Ms. Hamilton 7 Oxford University.', Ph.D. thesis, Duke University, 1971.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper, the centre of each quire strengthened with parchment apparently from the same manuscript as the upper pastedown. Watermarks: (1) fols. 1–12 and 133–144: Bull's head, indistinct (Ochsenkopf - frei, mit Oberzeichen - mit einkonturiger Stange - Blume - ohne weiteres Beizeichen - sechs Blütenblätter - mit Augen; between chainlines; chainlines c. 42 mm. apart). (2) fols. 13–132, 145–228: Moor's head (Kopf, Mohr, frei, mit Kopfbedeckung, Krone und Stirnband, Stern (einkonturig), ohne weiteres Beizeichen); on a chainline, distance between chainlines 55mm., c. 89 × 45 mm. - no exact match in Piccard-Online or Briquet, but resembles motifs used c. 1421–25 in Southern Germany / Switzerland). (3) fols. 229–240, 245, 246, 249: Moor's head (Kopf, Mohr, frei, mit Kopfbedeckung, Krone und Stirnband, Kreis, ohne weiteres Beizeichen, darunter) c. 88 × 41 mm. , between chainlines, distance between chainlines c. 41 mm., cf. WZIS DE2730-PO-20703 (Wetzlar, 1426)). (4) fols. 241, 250: Bull's head (Ochsenkopf, frei, mit Oberzeichen, mit einkonturiger Stange, Blume, ohne weiteres Beizeichen, fünf Blütenblätter, Blütenblätter rund, ohne Gesichtsmerkmale), c. 115 × 41 mm. , between chainlines, distance between chainlines c. 41 mm., cf. WZIS DE4860-Ms687_8, DE0510-CodII12_224_X (Erfurt (?), 1401–1433)).
Extent: 250 folios
Dimensions (leaf): 310 × 210 mm.
Foliation: Incomplete contemporary foliation in roman numerals i-ccl, supplied in modern pencil where lacking.


1–20(12) (fols. i-ccxl); 21(12–2)(11 and 12 canc.) (fols. cxli-cl)


2 cols., c. 51–55 lines, written space 225 × 150 mm.


Several scribes: (1) fols. i recto - lxii verso (quires 1–6); (2) fols. lxxiii recto - xcvj verso (quires 7 and 8); (3) fols. xcvii recto (col. a line 20) - ccxxvi verso (quires 9–18, part of 19); (4) fols. ccxxvii recto - ccxxiii verso (end of quire 19); (5) fols. ccxxviiii recto - ccxlviii verso (quires 20–21). The scribe of fol. xcvii recto a lines 1–20 is probably scribe 4.


Fifteenth-century: alum-tawed sheepskin, stained pink, over boards; 4+1 bosses on the front and back boards, lost; two strap-and-pin fastenings, lost. Label with pressmark, and label with contents note. Tabs at the beginning of each item (red) and of each book of the Revelations (brown).

Blind-tooled; stamp, an eagle (?)



Origin: c. 1420–30 ; Germany

Provenance and Acquisition

Erfurt, Carthusian abbey of St. Salvator: pressmark ‘I.3’ (label, upper board); listed ('J.3') in the late-fifteenth-century library catalogue ( Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz II.431).

Friedrich Gottlieb Julius von Bülow, 1760-?1831, 22b in the catalogue of part 3 of his sale, 10 Oct. 1836 (cf. fol. i recto)

Sir William Hamilton, 1788–1856

Presented to the Bodleian Library by his sons and received in 1857.

MS. Hamilton 7, upper pastedown



Temporale: lessons and responsories of Advent tide.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: Fragment of a folio, preserving the full width of the written area
Dimensions (fragment): 309 × 212 mm.
Dimensions (written): 280 × 190–195 mm.


2 cols., at least 46 lines


Rubrics and capitals not filled in.


Origin: 15th century Germany

MS. Hamilton 7, lower pastedown


Justinian, Digest (– and–27.9.7.pr)
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: Fragment of a bifolium, pasted in sideways preserving almost the full height and width of the written space on one folio
Dimensions (leaf): at least 235 × at least 192 mm.


2 cols., originally 44 lines (42 lines extant at fullest extent, one fragmentary line at the bottom, one line missing at the top), written space c. 240 × c. 150 mm.


Origin: 14th century (?) ; Italy

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description by Matthew Holford, August 2019; previously described in the Summary Catalogue.

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)


    Online resources:

    Balázs József Nemes, Bibliotheca Cartusiae Erfordiensis : Dokumentation über den überlieferten Buchbestand der Erfurter Kartause, 3., korrigierte und erweiterte Version (2022) DOI: 10.6094/UNIFR/223370

    Printed descriptions:

    S. J. P. Van Dijk, Handlist of the Latin Liturgical Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford (typescript, 1957), VI, p. 261 (upper pastedown)
    S. J. P. van Dijk, Latin Liturgical Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, vol. 6: Fragments - Office Books, Rituals, Directories (typescript, 1957), p. 261

Last Substantive Revision

2019-08-15: Description revised for Polonsky German