MS. Hamilton 8
Summary Catalogue no.: 24438
Johannes a Sancto Geminiano, Sermones quadragesimales; Germany (in part Erfurt), c. 1442
Schneyer III.734–41, nos. 155–242; the end of 165 and the beginning of 166 lost. As pr. Convivium quadragesimale (Cologne, 1612).
Not listed by Schneyer; ed. 1612, pp. 643–644.
Not listed by Schneyer; ed. 1612, pp. 687–692.
Schneyer, no. 243
Not listed by Schneyer; ed. 1612, pp. 702–717
Schneyer, no. 244
Schneyer, no. 245
Not listed by Schneyer; ed. 1612, pp. 750–751[bis]
Not listed by Schneyer; ed. 1612, pp. 751[bis]-756[bis]
Not listed by Schneyer; ed. 1612, pp. 756[bis]-68
Not listed by Schneyer; ed. 1612, pp. 769–74
Sermons 1–58 numbered in arabic and roman. Marginal notes marking divisions of the sermons and cited authorities.
Additional notes in later hands, fols. 35r, 61, 74r, 91r-v, etc.
Rest of fol. 156vb blank.
Later note, fol. 1r, 'Sermones isti scripsit Matheus de Cracouia'.
Physical Description
2 cols., c. 40–46 lines. Frame-ruled, ruled space c. 225–30 × 150 mm.
Mostly the work of two scribes, (a) fols. 1ra-108vb (b) fols. 109ra-161v, Johannes Czesaris; a third scribe seems to appear briefly on fols. 153vb-154ra.
Scribe a, cursiva
Scribe b, hybrida (loopless cursive)
Red initials, mostly 2–3 lines, sometimes with simple 'arabesque' or 'silhouette' decoration.
Rubrication of fols. 1–108 apparently unfinished.
Contemporary binding of white whittawed skin over boards; clasps lost; formerly chained from the head of the back board. Contemporary contents label on the front cover, with pressmark E 1.
Provenance and Acquisition
Colophon, fol. 161vb, referring to fols. 109–161, but fols. 1–108 are evidently contemporary.
Erfurt, unidentified religious house: ‘Liber conuentus Erfford' Held'ug' (Heldrug'?)’ (fol. 1r); pressmark ‘E 1’ on the binding.
Friedrich Gottlieb Julius von Bülow, 1760-?1831 (?): probably identifiable as 209a in the catalogue of part 3 of his sale, 10 Oct. 1836 ('JOHANNIS (Fr. Ord. S. Domin.) Sermones quadragesimales (a. 1442. scr.)').
Sir William Hamilton, 1788–1856
Presented to the Bodleian Library by his sons and received in 1857.
MS. Hamilton 8 - upper pastedown
Language(s): Latin
Bifolium of non-continous text, (a) II.20–21 '|mittet nobis. Septimo per karitatis ... // ... vnde dicitur Timor primus |' (PL 172.1150C-1151C), (b) III.11–13 '|giter in morte dolentia ... // ... ut dicitur Sedibitis super|' (PL 172.1165B-1166B)
Physical Description
1 col., at least 42 lines. Width of the ruled space, 90 mm.
MS. Hamilton 8 - lower pastedown, fragment A
Language(s): Latin
Bifolium of non-continuous text. Left folio: apparently part of the sermon for St James (Schneyer IV.560 no. 148): ‘confitentem timuisset. hominem illum cum cedula in qua peccatum illud erat scriptum ad sanctum iacobum misit ut ille suis meritis deleret rogauit. et sic cedulam super altare posuit. Quam postmodum inueniens deletum aperiens deo gratias et sancto Iacobo egit. Quidam uir ad sanctum Iacobum pecunia deficiente mendicare erubuit requirens’ (cf. the edition of 1495)
Right folio: apparently part of the sermon on St Bartholomew (Schneyer IV.561 no. 152): ‘Prima igitur via dicitur lata et hoc ideo quia multi ⟨…⟩ et cottidie per eam ambulant, quia lucifer cum ⟨…⟩ quando detrusus fuit de celo ⟨per eam⟩ ambulavit ⟨…⟩ ⟨so⟩domite, quando’ (cf. MS. Laud Misc. 198, fol. 47ra)
Physical Description
Width of a column, 80 mm.
MS. Hamilton 8 - lower pastedown, fragments B and C
Language(s): Latin
Alexander de Villa Dei, Doctrinale, with interlinear glosses and commentary in textus inclusus.
Fragment B: part of lines 1159–1167 (ed. Reichling) (II c. 8) ‘|oteris coniugere vini ... | |os crimine purget ab omni|’. Fragment C has the earlier part of lines 1164–7.
Physical Description
1 col., 50 lines of gloss. Height of the written space, 185 mm.
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Online resources:
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-03-02: Added identification in Buelow catalogue.