MS. Holkham Gr. 23
Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)
Diktyon no.: 48091
Sermons, mainly for feasts of Christ and the Virgin, by various authors
Language(s): Greek
pasted leaf in Morezenos’ hand with memoires from years 1607 and 1608.
Table of Contents
CPG 6657, PG 28. 1073–1081. Attributed in the manuscript to Athanasios of Alexandria.
PG 46, 628–652. The text is attributed elsewhere also to Severus of Antioch or to Gregory of Nyssa.
CPG 8008, BHGa 1104, Aldama 193, PG 98, 309–320.
CPG 8173, BHGa 1092–1092b, 1902d, PG 97, 861–881.
See CPG 6109, where it is attributed to Diadochus of Photike as Catechesis, but indicated as ‘spurious’. The work is possibly written by Symeon the New Theologian. Cf. B. Krivochéine, The Writings of St. Symeon the New Theologian, OCP 20 (1954), pp. 315–327. Ed. E. des Places, Diadoque de Photicé, Œuvres spirituelles (SChr 5ter), Paris 1966, pp. 180–182.
CPG 7930, BHG 440, ed. I. Gretser, Opera Omnia de sancta cruce, II, Ratisbonae 1734, pp. 85–88.
CPG 4684, BHG 2103kd, Aldama 254, PG 63, 887–892.
CPG 4329, BHG 2103i, PG 48, 963–1026: i) fols 271r-297v: concio 1; ii) fols 298r-311v: concio 2; iii) fols 312r-333r: concio 3; iv) fols 333v-348r: concio 4; v) fols 348v-358v: concio 5.
CPG 4414, PG 55, 511–518.
Physical Description
Several hands (even within the same work there are many changes in hands; see fols 150r-158r; 158r-171v; 171v-184v; 271r-358v).
Head-piece decorative pieces mainly in red and black ink, before each work: fols ivr, 1r, 20v, 31v, 41r, 57v, 73r, 121r, 137r, 212r, 219r, 254br, 271r, 298r, 312r, 348v, 375r.
fol. IIIv: Εἰς ᾳχζ´τὸν Ἰανουάρι(ον).| + Τὸν παρόντ(α) χρόν(ον) ἔγιν(εν) μεγάλος χειμ(ὼν) κ(αὶ) περίσα δυνατός,| καὶ ἔκαμ(εν) τὸν μήναν τὸν δικέμβριον κ(αὶ) νοέμβριον πολλὰ νερά.| ὁποὺ ἄλλοτες δὲν ἔκαμε(ν) τόσα, κ(αὶ) τῶρα τὸν μῆν(α) Ἰανουάριον| ἐγίννηκ(εν) μιὰ χιωνιά, καὶ κριῶταις τόσα δυνατ(αῖς), | ἀποῦ δὲν θυμοῦμεσθαν ποτὲ ἔτοιαις. κ(αὶ) ὅλον τὸ νυσῆ ἐχιωνήστ(η)| εἰς πολλ(ὴν) ποσότ(η)τ(α). κ(αὶ) μέσα εἰς τὴν χώρ(αν) ἔγιν(εν) τὸ ὅμοιον κ(αὶ)| ἐστάθηκεν ὡς πήχην, κ(αὶ) ἔκρατ(εν) πολλ(αῖς) ὥραις. κ(αὶ) ὅλοι τὸ εἴχ(αν) ὀδιὰ θαυμαστ(όν).
Εἰς ᾳχη´τὸν νοεμβρίον.| Τὸν παρόντ(α) χρόν(ον) ἐφάνηκ(εν) εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν ἕνας ὡς ὁμοίωμ(α) ἀστέρος κ(αὶ) τοῦτον| ὑπολαμβάνωμ(εν) νὰ ἦτον ὁ αὐγερηνὸς καὶ εἶχε μί(αν) λάμψιν καὶ μί(αν) φλόγαν| εἰς τὴν καρδί(αν) καὶ εὔγεν(εν) ἔξω ὡσᾶν νὰ εἶχεν τὴν δειώχνη νὰ τὴν| φυσά ὁ ἴδιος ἀστέρας· κ(αὶ) ἄλλον ὡς ἕνα σπαθὴ τούρκικ(ον), κ(αὶ) ἦν θαυμαστ(ὸν)| καὶ ἐφάνηκεν εἰς πολλαῖς φορ(αῖς).
(See Kakoulidi, ‘ Ὁ Ἰωάννης Μορεζῆνος καὶ τὸ ἔργο του’, 53, esp. fn. 10)
Typical Holkham binding of light brown leather, with Coke family ostrich crest in gilt in the centre of the upper cover; Date: early nineteenth century. Rebound by John Jones of Liverpool (worked for Holkham 1816–1823). The spine lettered in gilt: DIVERSORUM/ PATRUM/ HOMILIÆ/ GR.– M.S./ SÆC. XV./ in pasted black leather(?):in pasted black leather(?): MS. /HOLKHAM/ Gr. 23/
Plant fragments, found in the text-block, preserved in a special transparent case at the end-leaf, d. 1994.
Provenance and Acquisition
Ownership Notes: fol. ivr: handwritten note in black ink by B. de Montfaucon: 1698. Codex num. 60. 200 circiter annorum Homiliae/ diversorum partum.
Old Catalogue Nrs: fol. ir: Holk. Cat. – No 96 C 2 Β.10 (96 and 120 have been crossed out; all written in pencil); Morezenos 65. Giustiniani 60.
Flyleaf: 662 h.
fol. ivr: ΞΕον
Record Sources
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2018-07-10: Record fully revised according to new description by Dimitris Skrekas