A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Auct. F. 2. 24

Summary Catalogue no.: 27605


Language(s): Latin

(pp. 343–6)
Caesar, Letters

Cic. Ad Atticum ix.16, x.8, ix.8, ix.13, ix.14, ix.6, and 'Veni, vidi' etc., preceded by the Epistola pilati ad Tyberium de Yesu Christo ad maximam fidei confirmationem ('De Yesu Christo, quem tibi plane ...').

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 346 pages
Dimensions (leaf): 260 × 180 mm.
Dimensions (written): 173 × 113 mm.


1 col., 30 lines.


Humanistic script.


Pächt and Alexander ii. 837, pl. LXXVI):

Fine historiated border.

Fine historiated initials.

Fine other initials. (



Origin: 1463 ; Italian, Genoa

Provenance and Acquisition

'In exemplari tantum erat. si quispiam hinc descripserit nouum: sciat me quantum repperi fideliter ab exemplo transcripsisse: quod inter cetera non est neque pessimum neque mendosissimum. Τέλος θεῷ χάριν. genue pridie ydus decembris. anno MccccLx tertio.' (p. 343)

Francis Bernard (1627–1698) (Cat. MSS. Angliae et Hiberniae (1697), II.i, no. 3582).

Given by his brother Charles Bernard (d. 1710) in 1705.

Record Sources

Description adapted (2018) from the following sources:
A. G. Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c.435–1600 in Oxford Libraries (Oxford, 1984), no. 54 [physical description, origin, provenance]
Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, II (1970), no. 837 [decoration]
Summary Catalogue [contents, provenance]

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (8 images from 35mm slides)

Last Substantive Revision

2018-08-01: Fully revised to incorporate all information in Watson, Pächt and Alexander, and SC.