MS. Holkham misc. 19
Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)
Canon law collection; Italy (Pistoia), early 12th century
Language(s): Latin
Fols. 2v, 3r and col. 1 of 3v are blank.
consisting of 'versificatio et 'interrogatio', pr. P.L. 84 col. 23, each book here preceding by a list of capitula.
Preface, pr. P.L. 84 col. 94
Ten elegiac verses
Councils, Nicea to Merida, as pr. P.L. 84 col. 93–626, , omitting Saragossa II and III, P.L. 84 cols.317–8, and Barcelona I-Egara, P.L. 84 col. 607–14
Canons 48–70 of the council of Agde, P.L. 84 col. 270–3, numbered I-XXII, already in this MS. at fol. 74r-v.
Decr. II ca. 24. qu. 3 c. 31
Decr. II. ca. 23 qu. 3 c. 8
Decr. II. ca. 2 qu. 7 c. 48
Decr. II. ca. 16 qu. 6 c. 7
Decr. II. ca. 30 qu. 4 c. 3
Decr. II ca. 11 qu. 3 c. 87 (first part)
ibid. ca. 11 qu. 3 c. 87 to ‘perperam’, then continues: ‘Secundam catholicam fidem et sanam doctrinam nec naturae Dei nocere potest quisquam’
ibid. ca. 11 qu. 3 c. 87 to ‘columba dimittit’, then continues: ‘Temerarium iudicium...necesse est ut noceat’
Decr. I. dist. 20 c. 2
pr. Mansi XIV.999–1009
The text agrees closely with that of MS. Lucca 124 of which the variants are recorded by Mansi.
Fol. 145v is blank
mainly from the Hispana collection, pr. P.L. 84 cols. 627–848, and the False Decretals, pr. Hinschius, op. cit.
preface: Actenus digestis conciliis, pr. Hinschius p. 444, followed by list of contents headed 'Numerus decretalium episcoporum'. Numbered I-CII.
Items 1–36 are P.L. 84, nos. 1–35, but P.L. no. 25 is 2 letters, 25 and 26 in MS., and P.L. nos. 26 and 27 are both numbered 27 in MS. P.L. in error numbers both of Celestine's letters (col. 679 and 686) as 34.
Fol. 162A is left blank.
Not in list of contents = Hinschius pp. 561–5, letter of Sixtus III
Item 37, P.L. no. 36
Item 38, P.L. no. 37
Item 39, P.L. col. 693
Item 40, P.L. no. 38. Here the numbering ceases in the MS., though continuing in the list of contents. Item 41 in the list of contents, Epistola Petri episcopi Ravanensis (= P.L. no. 39) is omitted in the text.
Item 42, Hinschius p. 575, Leo to Julian
Item 43, Hinschius p. 576, Leo to Theodosius
Item 44, Hinschius p. 570, Leo to Pulcheria
Item 45, P.L. no. 40
Items 46–8, P.L. nos. 42–4
Items 49–51, P.L. nos. 47–9
Item 52, P.L. no. 52
Item 53, Hinschius p. 565, Leo to Theodoretus
Item 54, Hinschius p. 559, Leo to Juvenalis. Items 52–4 are wrongly addressed to Marcianus in list of contents.
Item 55, P.L. no. 57. Items 56–61 in the list of contents are omitted in the text.
Item 62, most of P.L. no. 60, col. 737 'Sancti Hilarii Pictaviensis' - 746
Item 63, P.L. no. 61
Item 64, P.L. no. 62
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 574, Leo I to bp. of Aquila
Items 65–7, P.L. nos. 63–5
Item 68, P.L. no. 66 but beg:
Items 69–74, P.L. nos. 67–72
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 628, Leo I to bps. of Gaul and Germany
Item 75, P.L. no. 73. Another contemporary hand has filled up the bottom of fol. 186vB with the letter of Leo IX 'Relatum nobis', Jaffé, Regesta no. 4269 (dated 1052)
Item 76, P.L. no. 74
Item 77, letters of Ascanius and the bishops of the archdiocese of Tarragona to Hilary, pr. in a different order in P.L.58 cols. 12–16.
Item 78, P.L. no. 75
Not in list of contents, letter of St. Simplicius to John, bp. of Ravenna, Si quis esset, Jaffé, Regesta no. 583
Item 79, letter of St. Simplicius to Florentius, Relatio nos vestrae, Jaffé, Regesta no. 570
Items 80–3, P.L. nos. 78–81
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 635, Gelasius, 'De recipiendis'
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 637, Gelasius to Faustus
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 639, Gelasius to Anastasius
Items 84–7, P.L. nos. 82–5
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 657, Decrees of Symmachus
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 659, further decrees of Symmachus. The text of the 4th Lateran synod (Hinschius p. 662, here fol. 201) is continuous with that of the decrees.
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 675, 5th Lateran synod
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 679, 6th Lateran synod
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 684, Symmachus to Laurentius
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 685, Symmachus to Liberius
Not in list of contents, P.L. 63.501–5, Justin to Hormisdas, with Exemplar precum
Item 88, P.L. no. 86, Hormisdas to Justin
Item 89, P.L. no. 87, Justin to Hormisdas
Items 90–7, P.L. nos. 88–95
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 694, decrees of John I
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 695, John I to bishops of Italy
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 697, decree of Felix IV
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 701, Felix IV to Sabina
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 703, Boniface II to Eulalius, with Exemplar precum
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 705, John II to Valerius
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 706, Agapetus I to Anthemius
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 708, Amator to St. Silverius
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 708, rescript of St. Silverius
Item 98, P.L. no. 96, but here omitting ch. vii
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 712, decrees of Pelagius VIII
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 715, decrees of John III
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 718, decrees of Benedict I
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 720, decrees of Pelagius II
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 725, Pelagius II to Benignus
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 730, Pelagius II, letter to bishops
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 746, decrees of Gregory I. At the end is the note: Hic desunt quedam que in fine [i.e. fol. 245] habentur
Not in list of contents, Hinschius p. 738, Gregory I to St. Augustine of Canterbury. The text agrees with that of Lanfranc's collection, except in the beginning of the third interrogatio.
Item 99, Hinschius p. 732, P.L. no. 97 in part, Gregory I to Leander
Item 100, P.L. no. 99, Gregory I to Leandar. Item 101 in the index is a third letter to Leander (probably P.L. no. 98) not in the text.
Item 102, P.L. no. 100, Gregory I to Reccared
P.L. 77 col. 106, letter from Gregory to Etherius
P.L. 77 col. 109, part of letter from Gregory to Brunhilda
Hinschius p. 742, Gregory I to Theoctista
Hinschius p. 735, Gregory I to Secundinus, ends imperf. venit ymagines.
There are forty-three extracts, mostly with rubrics giving the name of the addressee
pr. Hinschius pp. 753–4
pr. P.L. 83 cols. 893–8, here ends imperf. preparatio sacrificii (col. 897 l. 9)
Decr. II. c. 32 qu. 7 c. 22
Decr. II. c. 27 qu. 1 c. 13
Decr. II. c. 35 qu. 2 and 3 c. 1
Decr. II. c. 32 qu. 8 c. 1 pt. 2, ends different to the printed text: in eis que mala agunt
Decr. II. c. 33 qu. 1 c. 2
Decr. II. c. 35 qu. 8 c. 1 pt. 1
There is a summary notice of the MS. by P. Fournier, 'Note sur les anciennes collections canoniques', Rev. historique de droit français et étranger 12 (1933), 132–4, based on information supplied by Z. N. Brooke.
Physical Description
48 lines written above top line; in 2 columns
Fine caroline minuscule; some rubrics in display capitals, or in uncial forms.
Zoomorphic initials, each composed of a lion-like creature (fols. 30v, 48r), or a peacock (fol. 59r); or containing a bird (fol. 35v). (Pächt and Alexander ii. 27, pl. III)
Principal initials yellow, enclosing a vine scroll design, fols. 1–44; with the same design but left uncoloured, fols. 44–65; plain red, fol. 66-end. Smaller initials, plain red throughout. Titles of books at the beginning (fols. 11v-26) are enclosed in a frame of blue, red, green and yellow incorporating geometrical patterns, and an ornamental arch encloses the title (fol. 4)
Typical Holkham binding of polished brown leather, rebacked, the spine lettered 'INSTITUTIONES | ET | CANONES | ECCLESIÆ || M.S.', with the number '211' at the bottom.
Provenance and Acquisition
Sacristy of S. Zeno, the cathedral of Pistoia , 15th century: inscribed 'Liber sacristie sancti Zenonis Pistoriensus' (fol. 245v).
Bookplate of ' THOMAS WILLIAM COKE ' (1754–1842), formerly Norfolk, Holkham Hall, MS. 211.
Record Sources
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2017-07-01: First online publication.