A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Holkham misc. 24

Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)

Documents relating to the Franciscans of the Observance; Italy, 16th century, early


Language(s): Latin and Italian

1. (fol. 1)
Rubric: Incipiunt constitutiones seu ordinationes circa divium officium

Ed. H. Golubovich, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 3 (1910), pp. 51–81; with (fol. 5) additions made 'in capitulo generali Methis celebrato', but not pr. with the liturgical legislation of the counicl of Metz in Wadding, Annales III.209; and (fol. 5v) additions made at the council of Pisa, 1263, pr. Golubovich, A.F.H. 4 (1911), pp. 62–73, differing from the printed text from c. 26 onwards.

2. (fol. 6v)
Haymo of Faversham, Ceremonial
Rubric: Incipit ordo agendorum et dicendorum a sacerdote in missa secundum consuetudinem ecclesie Romane
Incipit: Indutus planeta sacerdos
Explicit: benedicat vos Pater et Filius Amen

Ed. V. L. Kennedy, Mediaeval Studies 2 (1940), 218–22

(fol. 9)

List of feasts and fasts to be observed

(fol. 10)
Statutes of the Franciscan General Chapter of Assisi, 1354
Rubric: Incipit prologus in novam compilationem statutorum generalium ordinis minorum factam apud Asisium in capitulo generali ibi celebrato per rev. p.f. Guilelmum eiusdem ordinis generalem ministrum anno domini 1354 in festo Pentecoste
Explicit: a quolibet layco C. Pater noster (ed. p. 220) ||

Ed. M. Bihl, A.F.H. 35 (1942), 35–112, 176–253

(fol. 31)
Ordinances of general congregations of the Franciscan observants of the 'provincia cismontana', c. 1461–1493
Rubric: Infrascripte sunt ordinaciones familie sacre in diversis generalibus congregationibus viz Rome Assisi Aquile Bononie Mediolani item secundo Rome et Ausmi simul in unum reducte in generali congregatione apud Ausmum celebrata a.d. 1461

Ed. A. van den Wyngaert, A.F.H. 16 (1923), 496–506, here wanting cc. 68–70

(fol. 33)

Ordinances of Ferrara, 1481, listed by can den Wyngaert, A.F.H. 22 (1929), p. 533, no. 7

(fol. 33)

Assisi, 1487, A.F.H. 22, p. 534, no. 9

(fol. 33v)

Urbino, 1490, A.F.H. 22, p. 534, no. 10

(fol. 33v)

Florence, 1493, A.F.H. 22, p. 534, no. 11

(fol. 34)
Rubric: Infrascripta vero ordinata sunt per prefatum rev. p.v. G(uilelmum) et per diffinitores

Florence, 1493, ed. van den Wyngaert, A.F.H. 22, pp. 535–6. Here the first article only follows the title, with the rubric 'verte folium'. The rest of the text is on fol. 34v. Wants articles 8–12.

(fol. 34)

Bergamo, n.d.

(fol. 34)

Brescia, 1480

(fol. 34v)

Lucca, 1481

(fol. 35)
List of papal grants, Eugenius IV to Sixtus IV
Rubric: Infrascripte sunt gracie concesse per diversos summos pontifices familie cismontane ordinis minorum
Incipit: Primo 1446 die xx Mayi
(fol. 38)
Rubric: Confirmatio priviligiorum per dominum Alexandrum quartum
(fol. 38)
List of indulgences given to those visiting Franciscan churches
(fol. 39v)
Ordinances of general congregations of the Franciscan observants, c. 1472–1501
(fol. 39v)

Aquila, 1495, A.F.H. 22, p. 536, no. 12

(fol. 39v)

Aquila, 1472, A.F.H. 22, p. 531, no. 4

(fol. 40v)

Urbino, 1501, A.F.H. 22, p. 537, no. 14

(fol. 40v)

Milan, 1498, A.F.H. 22, p. 537, no. 13

(fol. 41)

Naples, n.d. (A later addition.)

(fol. 42v)

Legnani, n.d.

(fol. 42v)

Bergamo, 1485

(fol. 43)

Pratalborno, n.d.

(fol. 43)

Bergamo, 1490

(fol. 43)

Cremona, 1495

(fol. 43v)

Brescia, 1496

(fol. 43v)

Lonati, 1500

(fol. 44)

Asule, 1501

Fol. 41v, 42 are blank.

(fol. 45)
Bernardinus of Siena, Commentary on the Franciscan rule
Rubric: S. Bernardini quedam declarationes seu determinationes super regulam
Incipit: In christo sibi carissimis fratribus...Volens mihi amissorum saluti

ed. E. Bulletti, Bullettino di Studi Bernardiniani 4 (1943), pp. 82 sqq. For other editions see D. Pacetti, De S. Bernardini Senensis operibus, Quaracchi, 1947, p. 208, no. 8

(fol. 46)
Rubric: Quando liceat recurere ad amicum spiritualem pro pecunia exbursanda mutuanda vel donanda fratribus minoribus cum bona conscientia
Incipit: Premitto primo quod declaratio regule nihil aliud est
Explicit: hec breviter dicta iudicio cuiusque rectius sentientis humillime submitto. Ego Hieronymus de Torniellis inter minores minimus.
(fol. 48)
Gregory IX, Declaration on the Franciscan rule
Rubric: Incipit declaratio gregorii noni super regulam fratrum minorum

Pr. Sbaralea, Bullarium Franciscanum I pp. 68–70 and Firmamentum trium ordinem...Francisci, Paris [1512], pt. IV, fol. 2v-3v.

(fol. 50)
Nicholas III, Declaration on the Franciscan rule
Language(s): Italian

Latin version pr. Bull. Francisc. III. 404–16, Firmamentum pt. IV fol. 4v-9.

(fol. 59)
Clement V, Declaration on the Franciscan rule
Language(s): Italian

Latin version pr. Bull. Francisc. V. 80–6, Firmamentum pt. IV fol. 9–12.

(fol. 64v)

Note on accusations by one friar against another before his superior

(fol. 65)
Bonaventure, Epistola de tribus quaestionibus
Rubric: Declaratio domini sancti Boneventure de Balneo Regio super tribus articulis regule fratrum minorum valde pulcra
Incipit: Innominato magistro

Pr. Opera, ed. Quaracchi, VIII.331–6

Language(s): Italian
(fol. 67)
Rubric: Alia quedam declaratio valde pulchra et utilis super tria vota regule
Incipit: Cum de expositione regule agitur non est intelligendum
Explicit: aquiescere monitis humiliter et devote
(fol. 70)
Questi sono li casi per li qualli el fratre si dito proprietario
Language(s): Italian

Somewhat shorter than the Latin version pr. Firmamentum pt. IV, fol. 178v-179v.

(fol. 71v)
Bartholomaeus de Pisis, De conformitate vitae beati Francisci ad vitam domini Iesu

Extract on the Franciscan rule, pr. Analecta Franciscana, Quaracchi, 1906, IV.381–425.

Rubric: Incipit declaratio regule fratrum minorum secundum dominum magistrum Bartholomeum de Pisis o.f.m. que continetur in libro primo Conformitatum beati Francisci
(fol. 87v)
Incipit: Scripturus ego ad te pontificis summi Nicolai quinti progressum
(fol. 88v)
Commentary on the Franciscan rule
Rubric: Incipit quedam brevis expositio et verissima intentio regule edita a sanctis patribus ordinis emendata et collecta de omnibus aliis expositionibus
Incipit: Regula et vita ... Hoc est preceptum ut secundum expositionem quatuor magistrorum

pr. Firmamentum pt. IV fol. 70–2, see also Oliver, Expositio IV magistrorum p. 94

(fol. 92)
Benedict XII, Declaration on the Franciscan rule
Rubric: Incipiunt ordinationes Benedicti pape XII circa statum fratrum minorum

ed. M. Bihl, A.F.H. 30 (1937), 309–90. Fol. 104–5 are blank.

(fol. 106)
Privileges granted and confirmed to the Franciscans, 1474
Rubric: Incipiunt Maremagnum Sixti (quarti)

pr. Wadding, Annales Minorum, XIV.99–111

(fol. 112)
Sixtus IV, Bull Dum fructus uberes,

dated 28th Feb. 1471

(fol. 113v)
Clement V, Bull Obtentu divini nominis,

dated 12th Feb. 1306, with a note by the scribe: 'Hec est copia cuiusdam bulle papalis reperte in archivio ecclesie s. Francisci de Assisio'

(fol. 114)
Sixtus IV, Bull Sacri predicatorum et minorum,

pr. Wadding, Annales Minorum XIV. 224–9

(fol. 116v)
Privilegium domini Alexandri pape VI in quo exemptio quarte or(dinis) fratrum minorum de observantia continetur
Incipit: Dilecti filii... Sacre religionis sub qua devotum
(fol. 117)
Rubric: Privilegium (Sixti IV) sanctificandi festum... s. Francisci
Incipit: Praeclara sanctorum merita

Dated 3rd Oct. 1472

(fol. 117v-18)
List of privileges granted to the order by Alexander VI (later addition)

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper. Watermarks three hills in circle, cf. Briquet 11887*, circle, cf. Briquet 3058, letter S or M.
Extent: iii (modern paper) + 119 + iii (modern paper).
Dimensions (leaf): 200 × 70 mm.
Dimensions (ruled): 165–70 × 50–5 mm.
Foliation: Modern pencil: i-iii, 1–122; an original foliation in arabic numerals in red ink, 1–115, included the five leaves now missing after fol. 9, and the leaf now missing after fol. 104, but stops at the present fol. 109.


Too tightly bound for collation.


60–8 written lines; in 1 columns


Several very small humanistic hands.


Plain red initials.


Typical Holkham binding of straight-grained morocco; the spine lettered in gilt 'BENEDICTI | PAPÆ XII | ORDINATIONES' and 'MS | 222'.


Origin: Italian ; 16th century, early

Provenance and Acquisition

fr. Steffano da Isola della Scala , 1646–76: 'Questo libro fu dato a frate Steffano da Isola della Scala chanonico minore assistente dal p. Agyapito da Venezia lett. all' hors in Piove di [...] nel tempore che el detto p. lett. andò nella rifforma 7 Sept. 1646', and 'Ego frater Stephanus qui supra manu propria scripsi' (fol. 119r); and 'Fratris Stephani usui Mantue habitantis 1676 (fol. 119v).

Bookplate of ' THOMAS WILLIAM COKE ', and signed 'Thos. Willm. Coke' (fol. 1r); formerly Norfolk, Holkham Hall, MS. 222.

Record Sources

Typescript description by Bodleian Library staff, revised by Peter Kidd, late 1990s

Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.