MS. Holkham misc. 24
Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)
Documents relating to the Franciscans of the Observance; Italy, 16th century, early
Language(s): Latin and Italian
Ed. H. Golubovich, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 3 (1910), pp. 51–81; with (fol. 5) additions made 'in capitulo generali Methis celebrato', but not pr. with the liturgical legislation of the counicl of Metz in Wadding, Annales III.209; and (fol. 5v) additions made at the council of Pisa, 1263, pr. Golubovich, A.F.H. 4 (1911), pp. 62–73, differing from the printed text from c. 26 onwards.
Ed. V. L. Kennedy, Mediaeval Studies 2 (1940), 218–22
List of feasts and fasts to be observed
Ed. M. Bihl, A.F.H. 35 (1942), 35–112, 176–253
Ed. A. van den Wyngaert, A.F.H. 16 (1923), 496–506, here wanting cc. 68–70
Ordinances of Ferrara, 1481, listed by can den Wyngaert, A.F.H. 22 (1929), p. 533, no. 7
Assisi, 1487, A.F.H. 22, p. 534, no. 9
Urbino, 1490, A.F.H. 22, p. 534, no. 10
Florence, 1493, A.F.H. 22, p. 534, no. 11
Florence, 1493, ed. van den Wyngaert, A.F.H. 22, pp. 535–6. Here the first article only follows the title, with the rubric 'verte folium'. The rest of the text is on fol. 34v. Wants articles 8–12.
Bergamo, n.d.
Brescia, 1480
Lucca, 1481
Aquila, 1495, A.F.H. 22, p. 536, no. 12
Aquila, 1472, A.F.H. 22, p. 531, no. 4
Urbino, 1501, A.F.H. 22, p. 537, no. 14
Milan, 1498, A.F.H. 22, p. 537, no. 13
Naples, n.d. (A later addition.)
Legnani, n.d.
Bergamo, 1485
Pratalborno, n.d.
Bergamo, 1490
Cremona, 1495
Brescia, 1496
Lonati, 1500
Asule, 1501
Fol. 41v, 42 are blank.
ed. E. Bulletti, Bullettino di Studi Bernardiniani 4 (1943), pp. 82 sqq. For other editions see D. Pacetti, De S. Bernardini Senensis operibus, Quaracchi, 1947, p. 208, no. 8
Pr. Sbaralea, Bullarium Franciscanum I pp. 68–70 and Firmamentum trium ordinem...Francisci, Paris [1512], pt. IV, fol. 2v-3v.
Latin version pr. Bull. Francisc. III. 404–16, Firmamentum pt. IV fol. 4v-9.
Latin version pr. Bull. Francisc. V. 80–6, Firmamentum pt. IV fol. 9–12.
Note on accusations by one friar against another before his superior
Pr. Opera, ed. Quaracchi, VIII.331–6
Somewhat shorter than the Latin version pr. Firmamentum pt. IV, fol. 178v-179v.
Extract on the Franciscan rule, pr. Analecta Franciscana, Quaracchi, 1906, IV.381–425.
pr. Firmamentum pt. IV fol. 70–2, see also Oliver, Expositio IV magistrorum p. 94
ed. M. Bihl, A.F.H. 30 (1937), 309–90. Fol. 104–5 are blank.
pr. Wadding, Annales Minorum, XIV.99–111
dated 12th Feb. 1306, with a note by the scribe: 'Hec est copia cuiusdam bulle papalis reperte in archivio ecclesie s. Francisci de Assisio'
Dated 3rd Oct. 1472
Physical Description
60–8 written lines; in 1 columns
Several very small humanistic hands.
Plain red initials.
Typical Holkham binding of straight-grained morocco; the spine lettered in gilt 'BENEDICTI | PAPÆ XII | ORDINATIONES' and 'MS | 222'.
Provenance and Acquisition
fr. Steffano da Isola della Scala , 1646–76: 'Questo libro fu dato a frate Steffano da Isola della Scala chanonico minore assistente dal p. Agyapito da Venezia lett. all' hors in Piove di [...] nel tempore che el detto p. lett. andò nella rifforma 7 Sept. 1646', and 'Ego frater Stephanus qui supra manu propria scripsi' (fol. 119r); and 'Fratris Stephani usui Mantue habitantis 1676 (fol. 119v).
Bookplate of ' THOMAS WILLIAM COKE ', and signed 'Thos. Willm. Coke' (fol. 1r); formerly Norfolk, Holkham Hall, MS. 222.
Record Sources
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2017-07-01: First online publication.