A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Lat. liturg. e. 6

Summary Catalogue no.: 32558


Breviary of Chertsey Abbey (fragments)
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


By the Master of the Queen Mary Psalter and his workshop. Pächt and Alexander iii. 543, pl. LIV:

Fine miniature.

Fine borders.

Fine historiated initials.

Fine other initials.


Origin: 14th century, beginning ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

Chertsey, Surrey, Benedictine abbey of St Peter: Provenance inferred from calendar-entries, etc. See F. Wormald, English Benedictine Kalendars before a.d. 1100, 1 Henry Bradshaw Soc. (1938), 81. Fols. 221–225, 306–308, 277(?), and 34 and 10 (from the sanctorale) of a breviary; the foliation is comparatively recent. 2 cols. of 32 lines. Bodl. Lat. liturg. d.42, e.6, e.37 and e.39 are portions of one manuscript; see BLR 9 (1974) 72–4, 78–80. (MLGB3: Liturgical evidence, often to be found in the kalendar).

Bought from Quaritch's Rough List 176 no. 17, 31 January 1898. (MLGB3)

Bodl. Lat. liturg. d.42, e.6, e.37 and e.39 are portions of one manuscript; see BLR 9 (1974) 72–4, 78–80. (MLGB3)

Record Sources

Summary description abbreviated from the Summary Catalogue (1924). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1973).

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (5 images from 35mm slides)


    Online resources:

    Printed descriptions:

    S. J. P. van Dijk, Latin Liturgical Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, vol. 3: Rituals and Directories (typescript, 1957), p. 114

Last Substantive Revision

2021-12-14: Add provenance information from MLGB3.