A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Lat. th. d. 17

Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)


1. (fol.3)
Commentary on Regula S. Augustini ad seruos Dei (the 'Bridington Dialogue')
Rubric: Colloquium magistri st di⟨s⟩cipuli in regulam beati Agustini de vita clericorum
Incipit: Sicut ille iure laudandus est
Explicit: non nostre providencie sed dei gracie tribuatur qui est benedictus
The Bridlington Dialogue: An Exposition of the Rule of St. Augustine for the Life of the Clergy, Given Through a Dialogue Between Master and Disciple (1960)

The author has been identified as Robertus Scriba, prior of Bridlington ; for discussion see Marvin L. Colker, 'Richard of Saint Victor and the Anonymous of Bridlington', Traditio 18 (1962), 181-227

Language(s): Latin
2. (fol.97v)
Augustine, Letters

Letters exchanged between St. Augustine and St. Jerome, nos. 67, 68, 28, 71, 72, 81, 40, 75, 82, 172, 202 in the edition of St. Augustine's letters, C.S.E.L. vol. 34, 44 and 57.

Language(s): Latin
3. (fol.122)
The vision of Barontus (B.H.L. 997),

in a revised and somewhat shortened version

Incipit: Volumus enarrare caritati vestre
Explicit: ductores habere mereamur ad vitam eternam
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: neophitorum
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 130 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 235 × 165 mm.
Edges cropped by binder
Dimensions (written): 170–5 × 105 mm.
Foliation: 15th cent. foliation


1(8)–5(8), 6(10) 4 and 6 canc.), 7(10)(9 cut out), 8(8)–10(8), 11(10), 12(8)–14(8), 15(6)(6 canc.), 16(8) catchwords, now mostly cut away


24–25 (fol.3–98, 122–129v) long lines

32 (fol.98v–121v) long lines


Plain red initials.


Origin: 12th century, last quarter ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

' William Thompson , John Robinson ' (fol. 116), 'To my loving friend John Robinson 1573' (fol. 123)

Bought from E. P. Goldschmidt, cat. 100, no. 83, 1932.

Record Sources

Typescript description by Bodleian Library staff

Last Substantive Revision

2022-10: art. 1: add title and bibliographical references.