A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Lat. th. d. 26

Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)

Physical Description

Composite: two parts
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: ii + 82 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 225 × 145 mm.


Provenance and Acquisition

Luca Conte Gianinni

Bought, 1948.

MS. Lat. th. d. 26 – Part 1


Rubric: Incipit qualiter hereticus Patarinus abrenuntiet heresi sue atque ecclesie catholice satisfaciat
Incipit: Peccatis exigentibus
Disputatio inter Catholicum et Patarinum

Pr. Martène et Durand, Thesaurus Nov. Anecd. V. 1705–54, wants parts of ch.3, 4 and part of ch.13 due to loss of a leaf after fol.7 and 16 respectively. Ch.8 is omitted.

Incipit: Vergente ad occiduum mundo
Language(s): Latin
Sermons and sermon notes
Rubric: Sermo communis de omni ordine humane vite (first sermon)
Incipit: Parate viam Domino. Ysaia in veteri testamento Johannes in novo (first sermon)
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: De miraculis
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (written): 155 × 100 mm.


1(10) (8 cut out), 2(8) (wants 8), 3(8)


2 cols., 29 lines


Plain red initials.


Origin: 13th century, late - 14th century, early ; Italian

MS. Lat. th. d. 26 – Part 2


Exposition on Gospels for the year (incomplete)

Ends imperf. at 18th Sunday after Pentecost. Other copies are MSS. Canon. pat. lat. 25, fol.3, and 53, fol.1; Canon. misc. 71, fol.59.

Incipit: Cum appropinquaret etc. Notandum quod evangelium istud deservit
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: Iniustitiam (fol.26)
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (written): 160 × 105 mm.


1(12)–4(12), 5(8), catchwords


2 cols., 32 lines


Plain red initials.


Origin: 13th century, late - 14th century, early ; Italian

Additional Information

Record Sources

Typescript description by Bodleian library staff

Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.