A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Lat. th. e. 39

Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)

A: Theological treatises; B: Aquinas; C: Johannes de Rupella; all England, second half 13th century

Physical Description

Composite: three parts
Secundo Folio: cipiendum temerarium
Form: codex
Support: Parchment.
Extent: vii + 207 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 185 × 120 mm.


Bound too tightly to allow collation.


Written with 49–52 lines per page in 2 columns

Accompanying Material

Fol. iii is a leaf of a 13th cent. penitential, the section beg. 'Nunc igitur capitula' being identical with the penitential of Ps.-Bede ch. XXVI (Wasserscheleben, Die Bussordnungen, p. 270)


Provenance and Acquisition

Franciscan convent, Salisbury : 'De comunitate fratrum minorum Sarum', and pressmark 'I.32', 15th century (fol. 1)

' Richardus Normecot ... 14 Junii 1570 12 Elizabethe' (fol. vi; see also fol. 175v; perhaps to be identified with the person of the same surname, admitted B.A. at Oxford c.1572 (A. Clark, Reg. Univ. Oxf. (O.H.S. 11) ii.2.242)

' Guilelmus Derbeus 18 Marcii 1638' (fol. 61)

Bought at Sotheby's 15 June 1959, lot 191.

MS. Lat. th. e. 39 – Part 1


Summary of Contents: Miscellaneous theological treatises.

Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. 1r)
Augustine, De doctrina christiana
Language(s): Latin
2. (fol. 33v)
Bernard of Clairvaux, De gracia et libero arbitrio (pr. PL, CLXXXII, cols. 1001–33).
Language(s): Latin
3. (fol. 40r)
Ps.-Augustine, De vera et falsa penitentia (pr. PL, XL, cols. 1113–30).
Language(s): Latin
4. (fol. 46v)
William of St.-Thierry, Epistola ad fratres de Monte-Dei (M. Davy, ed., Études de philosophie médiévale, 29, (1940)) omitting sections 3–6 of the preface.
Language(s): Latin
5. (fol. 59r)
Bernard of Clairvaux, Epistola ad cartusienses (pr. PL, CLXXXII, cols. 108–15).
Language(s): Latin
6. (fol. 61r)
Bernard of Clairvaux, Ep. 23
Final rubric: explicit liber a sanctum Paulinum episcopum Nolensem
(pr. PL, CLXXXII, col. 125).
Language(s): Latin
7. (fol. 61v)
Ps.-Augustine, De quattuor uirtutibus caritatis
Rubric: Incipit liber sancti Augustini episcopi de quatuor virtutibus caritatis
(pr. PL, XXXIX, cols. 1952–7; and XLVII, cols. 1127–34)
Language(s): Latin
8. (fol. 63v)
Quodvultdeus, Sermo de cantico nouo (serm. 5)
Rubric: Incipit liber beati Augustini episcopi de cantico novo
(pr. PL, XL, cols. 677–86).
Language(s): Latin
9. (fol. 66r)

Four sermons on the creed, formerly attributed to Augustine (pr. PL, XL, cols. 627–68).

Language(s): Latin
10. (fol. 82r)

A second text of item 7 (fol. 61v), with the same title

Language(s): Latin
11. (fol. 84v)
Augustine, Sermo de X chordis (serm. 9)
Rubric: Incipit de decem cordis sermo sancti Augustini
(pr. PL, XXXVIII, cols. 75–91)
Language(s): Latin
12. (fol. 90r)
Augustine, De disciplina christiana (pr. PL, XL, cols. 669–78), here without the rubric but attributed to Augustine by the annotator, finishing imperfect in XIV:16 'Conversi ad dominum'.
Language(s): Latin
13. (fol. 92v)
William of St.-Thierry, De amore dei (pr. PL, CLXXXIV, cols. 67–80), attributed to Bernard by the annotator.
Language(s): Latin
14. (fol. 96v)
William of St.-Thierry, Tractatus de natura et dignitate amoris (pr. PL, CLXXXIV, cols. 379–408), attributed to Bernard by the annotator.
Language(s): Latin
15. (fol. 104v)
Bernard of Clairvaux, De XII gradibus humilitatis,

the 'retractio', 'In hoc opusculo ...' being written in the lower margin (ed. B. R. V. Mills (Cambridge, 1926)).

Language(s): Latin
16. (fol. 114r)
Bernard of Clairvaux, De consideratione (pr. PL, CLXXXII, cols. 727–808).
Language(s): Latin
17. (fol. 134v)
Ambrose, Hexaemeron
Rubric: Exameron sancti Ambrosii
Language(s): Latin
18. (fol. 175)
(Ps.-)Paul the Deacon, Homilarius, serm. XLI
Rubric: Ambrosius de tribus silenciis

the first few lines only, finishing at '... et quasi magnis clmaoribus' (pr. PL, XCV, col. 1178A).

Language(s): Latin

Throughout this section, but especially in item 1, a slightly later hand has added indexing symbols similar to but not identical with those of Robert Grosseteste (cf. R. W. Hunt, BLR, 5 no. 5 (1953), pp. 241–55), and miscellaneous notes including (fol. 1v) Adam Marsh's table of chapters to the De doctrina christiana (cf. op. cit., p. 245). Titles, numbers of books, chapters (in item 1) and column numbers, and a list of contents (fol. vii verso) are added in the same hand.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (ruled): 125 × 80 mm.


Flourished red and blue initials.


Origin: 13th century, second half ; English

MS. Lat. th. e. 39 – Part 2


1. (fol. 176)
Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on the De causis

Starting imperfect in the preface, and ending imperfect in prop. 10: '|| inueniuntur quedam de primis principiis conscripta ... percipimus ||'; ed. H. D. Saffrey (Freibourg, 1954), p. 70 l. 20.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (ruled): 145–55 × 100 mm.


Origin: 13th century, second half ; English

MS. Lat. th. e. 39 – Part 3


1. (fol. 183)
Johannes de Rupella, Summa de anima
Incipit: ⟨S⟩i ignoras o pulcherima mulierum

After the section 'An sit liberum arbitrium' (fol. 203v) the text is fragmentary due to the loss of leaves

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (ruled): 135 × 90 mm.


Spaces left for rubricator.


Origin: 13th century, second half ; English

Additional Information

Record Sources

Typescript description by Bodleian Library staff


Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.