MS. Laud Misc. 173
Summary Catalogue no.: 778
Saints’ lives. A) Mainz Charterhouse s. xv1 || B) Germany, s. xiv2 || C) Germany, s. xivin || D) Mainz Charterhouse (?); s. xiv2 || E) France (Paris?), s. xiv3/4
Physical Description
Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard for Abp. Laud, 1637–1639.
Provenance and Acquisition
Mainz, Charterhouse St Michael: Five, originally separate, parts. The late medieval tab markers to parts A, B, D & E and the 15th-cent. list of contents, which itemizes the contents of these four fascicles, are evidence that at least parts A, B, D & E were already bound together in the 15th century at the Mainz Charterhouse. The volume was originally larger, containing three more items.
William Laud, 1573–1645: his ex libris, 1638, fol. 2r.
Given to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28 June 1639.
MS. Laud Misc. 173 – Part A (fols. 1-64)
Fol. 64v blank
BHL 2496Physical Description
Ruling in ink, one column of 21–26 unruled lines. Ruled space c.108–13 × 67–73 mm.
Textualis, with features of bastarda, Mainz Charterhouse, by a single scribe,
Rubrication by the scribe
Mainz, Charterhouse St Michael: 15th-cent. list of contents at the upper half of fol. 1r, inserted at the Mainz Charterhouse, listing all items of the present volume, except for item 3 (= part C). Identifiable as B XIX Qr in cat. ii.
MS. Laud Misc. 173 – Part B (fols. 65–70 & 73–90)
Language(s): Latin
The text differs in part from the edition.
For item 3 (part C), see below.
Incipit cf. Ps.-Theotimus, Passio S. Margaretae
BHL & BHL nov. suppl. 5303explicit cf. BHL 7801
Physical Description
Ruling in faint lead point or ink, one column of 12–23, mostly 20 lines. Ruled space c.120–29 × 82–88 mm.
Large German textualis by a single hand.
Minor corrections, in a Carthusian hand from Mainz, s. xv.
Rubrication by the scribe.
Mainz, Charterhouse St Michael: see the 15th-cent. list of contents inserted at the Mainz Charterhouse, discussed above.
MS. Laud Misc. 173 – Part C (fols. 71–72)
Fascicle C is a bifolium within part B, and originally formed part of a breviary.
cf. BHL 913Physical Description
Ruling in ink, now faded, one column of 34 & 36 lines. Ruled space c.131–35 × 84/87 mm.
German textualis by a single hand
Red rubrics by the scribe
Mainz, Charterhouse St Michael: This double leaf has no known medieval provenance; it is likely however that it belonged to Mainz, Charterhouse St Michael.
MS. Laud Misc. 173 – Part D (fols. 91–108)
= Ps.-Augustine, ep. 19, excerpts, from cap. 2–5
Physical Description
Ruling in ink, one column of 23 lines. Ruled space c.110–14 × 75–77 mm.
German textualisby a single Carthusian hand (from Mainz?).
Occasional corrections in two hands of s. xv, one of which clearly is Carthusian, from Mainz.
Simple initials in red.
Red rubrics by the scribe.
Mainz, Charterhouse St Michael: see the 15th-cent. list of contents inserted at the Mainz Charterhouse, discussed above.
MS. Laud Misc. 173 – Part E (fols. 109–134)
Fol. 134v blank, except for ownership notes.
Physical Description
Ruling in lead point, one column of 25–28 unruled lines. Ruled space c.108–15 × 71–77 mm.
French textualis, , by a single hand
Pächt and Alexander iii. 1306:
Miniatures (marginal drawings), fols. 109–134v.
Red headers by the scribe.
Hoppener, Ortwin from Frankfurt, prior of the Mainz Charterhouse (c.1418–1422, 1426–1428): purchased the book in Paris: inscription at the upper margin of fol. 134v (in the hand of Hoppener?). Hoppener was also prior of the Charterhouses at Strasbourg, Basel and Freiburg i. Br., from 1422 to 1426 (Schreiber 74 & 90; Simmert 32, nos 28 & 30; Stöhlker 46; S. Krämer, ‘Bibliographische Notizen oder ein Bücherverzeichnis? Ein kleines Verzeichnis von Büchern aus der Straßburger Kartause in einer Mainzer Handschrift’, in Befund und Deutung. Zum Verhältnis von Empirie und Interpretation in Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, eds K. Grubmüller et al. (Tübingen, 1979) 392–404, at pp. 401–04, citing the present MS. at p. 403). For the other fourteen manuscripts verifiably owned by Ortwin Hoppener, see Schreiber 74, HSS Mainz 1. 43 (Hs I 14), and S. Krämer (1979) 402f., each citing the present MS. Corrections, paraphs and chapter numbers possibly added by Hoppener himself.
Mainz, Charterhouse St Michael: after Hoppener’s death in 1428, the book passed into the possession of the Charterhouse, where it was consolidated with the other fascicles, see the 15th-cent. ex-libris inscription following Hoppener’s ownership note at the upper margin of fol. 134v. Further ex-libris inscriptions of the Charterhouse supplied by the same hand at the upper margin of fols 109r & 121r. See also the 15th-cent. list of contents, discussed above.
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Digital Bodleian (22 images from 35mm slides)
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2023-01-31: Description revised for Mainz digitization project to include additional information from Mairhofer catalogue.