A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Laud Misc. 305

Summary Catalogue no.: 898

Homiliary; Southern Germany, s. xiiin


Language(s): Latin

This description is abbreviated from Daniela Mairhofer, Medieval Manuscripts from Würzburg in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: A Descriptive Catalogue (Oxford, 2014), pp. 623–39. For purposes of scholarly citation, reference to the printed catalogue is requested.

(fols. 1r-151v)

Temporale, pars hiemalis, from Advent to Good Friday; common of the saints; feast of the dedication. Leaves missing from the beginning, and between fols. 73/74.

(fol. 1ra)
Rubric: in ascensione
Incipit: Pie enim christus ad patrem ascendit. et pie impleuit quia oboediens patri. cum consummatis omnibus atque bene compositis filius
Explicit: ponere disposuit atque immotabilem statum. qui in trina manens unitate sui nullum prestolatur habere finem.
(fol. 3va)

In adventu dni

Caesarius of Arles, serm. 187
(fol. 4vb)

Dnca 3 adv

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 5
(fol. 8ra)

Fer. 4

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 11
(fol. 11ra)

Fer. 6

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 12
(fol. 15va)


Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 13
(fol. 20va)

Dnca 4 adv.

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 8
(fol. 25rb)

De natale dni

?Faustus of Riez, serm. 2
(fol. 32ra-va)
Lectiones in nativitate dni

Is. 8:23–9:6 (lect. 1), Is 40:1–17 (lect. 2), Is 51:9–52:3 (lect. 3).

Incipit: Lectiones in natale domini nostri ihesv christi Legendę. Primo tempore alleuiata est terra Zabulon. et terra neptalim. et nouissimo aggrauata est uia maris
(fol. 33va)
Augustine, serm. 194
(fol. 34va)
Augustine, serm. 192
(fol. 35va)
Ps.-Augustine, serm. 128
(fol. 44vb)

De s. Stephano

Ps.-Augustine, serm. 215
(fol. 47rb)
Isidore of Seville, De ortu et obitu patrum, 71. 1–3

From fol. 47vb l. 5 the text consists of the life of John the Evangelist: ‘Audite fratres karissimi rem gestam de iohanne apostolo; [erasure] Cum [erasure] de pathmos insula efesum rediret. rogabatur etiam uicinas illustrare prouincias ... Quis est homo qui uiuet et non uidebit mortem? Subauditur nullus.'

(fol. 52vb)

De s. Innocentibus

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 34
(fol. 56ra)

In circumcisione dni

Bede, Commentary on Luke, 1. 2:21

The text from fol. 56ra, l. 32 onwards (‘Ritus autem et religio circumcisionis. a beato abraham patriarcha …’) identical with [Bede, Commentary on Luke], 1. 2:21.

(fol. 58va)

In octava dni

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 40
(fol. 61va-62va)
Lectiones in epiph. dni

Is 55:1–13 (lect. 1), Is 60:1–19 (lect. 2), Is 61:10–62:12 (lect. 4).

Incipit: Omnes sicientes uenite ad aquas. et qui non habetis argentum. properate. emite
(fol. 62vb)

In epiphania dni

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 47
(fol. 71rb)
Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 41b

Immediately following.

(fol. 71va)

Dnca infra octav. epiph. dni

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 59
(fol. 72br–bv)

An inserted blank.

(fol. 75rb)

Dnca 4 post epiph. dni

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 64
(fol. 77rb)

Dnca in Septuagesima

Ps.-Augustine, serm. 1, exc.
(fol. 84rb)

Dnca in Quinquagesima

Caesarius of Arles, Sermo de vocatione Abrahae (serm. 81)
fol. 87rb)

Dnca 1 in Quadrages

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 76
(fol. 90va)

Dnca 1 in Quadrages

Bede, Homiliae evangelii, hom. 1. 22
(fol. 92vb)

Dnca 2 in Quadrages

John Chrysostom, De muliere Chananaea
(fol. 93ra)
John Chrysostom, De muliere Chananaea

Continuation of the preceding text.

(fol. 96va)

Dnca 3 in Quadrages

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 1. 90
(fol. 98va)
Bede, Commentary on Luke, 4. 11:27–28

Immediately following.

(fol. 115va)
Lam 1:1–22
(fol. 116rb)

De passione dni

Augustine, Enarrationes in Psalmos, 63. 2–3
(fol. 117ra)
Lam 2:1–22
(fol. 118vb)
Lam 3:1–4:22

Two third of col. b excised, with loss of text.

(fol. 142vb)

In dedicatione ecclesiae

Paul the Deacon, Homiliarius 2. 127
(fol. 150va)
Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel, Commentary on the Gospels and Epistles

In natali s. plurimorum martyrum, Evangelium Matthaei, V

(fol. 151vb)
Carmen de Asuero, Hester et Mardocheo

Different hand, s. xii; very small script.

(fol. 151*v)

Contemporary pen trials, and a sketch.

Fols. 152r–153v blank.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: i (17th-cent. paper) + i (17th-cent. parchment) + 151 + i (17th-cent. parchment) + 1 (17th-cent. paper) leaves
Dimensions (leaf): c. 388–96 × 291–98 mm.
Foliation: i–ii, 1–153


Ruling in hard point, two columns of 34 lines. Ruled space c. 292–300 × 211–18 mm.


German protogothic, early 12th century, by several hands.

Musical Notation:

Some added musical notation.


Good initials on fols. 32r, 41r, 58v, 61v. Marginal sketches, fols. 151v and 151*v. (Pächt and Alexander i. 52).

Red rubrics.


Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard for Abp. Laud, 1637–1639.


Origin: 12th century, beginning ; Germany, South

Provenance and Acquisition

Written in Southern Germany, s. xiiin.

A Cistercian house, 15th century (possibly Eberbach (?)): evidence of added flex punctuation, corrections and division of readings.

Würzburg, Domstift St Kilian?: evidence of added 15th-century foliation, cf. MSS. Laud Misc. 155b, 153, 157, and 163, but attribution remains speculative.

William Laud, 1573–1645: his ex libris, 1636, fol. 1r.

Given to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28 June 1639.

Record Sources

See above. Previously described in the Quarto Catalogue (H. O. Coxe, Laudian Manuscripts, Quarto Catalogues II, repr. with corrections, 1969, from the original ed. of 1858–1885).

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)


Last Substantive Revision

2019-07-18: Description revised for Polonsky digitization project to include additional information from Mairhofer catalogue.