MS. Laud Misc. 376
Summary Catalogue no.: 847
Sermons (Guilelmus Peraldus, etc.); A-F Germany, 14th century, middle and second half
Physical Description
Laudian binding, 1637 × 1639.
Provenance and Acquisition
Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?): probably identifiable as Z 17 in the library catalogue of 1502 (‘Sermones dominicales Initium Benedictus qui venit in nomine’).
William Laud, 1573–1645, 1638.
Part of his third donation to the Bodleian, 1639.
MS. Laud Misc. 376 – Part A (fols. 1–52)
Language(s): Latin
The rubric belongs either to part B or to the marginal addition on fols. 1r-2r. The authors identified in the present collection are Berthold of Regensburg (Schneyer I, pp. 472–504), Conrad (Holtnicker) of Saxony (Schneyer I, pp. 748–91), Thomas Lisle (-1361) (Schneyer V, pp. 639–70), Peter de Remis (?) (Schneyer IV, pp. 724–57), and Guibert of Tournai (Schneyer II, pp. 282–318).
Cf. Berthold of Regensburg, no. 3
Berthold of Regensburg, no. 2 (explicit differs)
Berthold of Regensburg, no. 10
Cf. Berthold of Regensburg, no. 14
Conrad of Saxony, no. 75
Conrad of Saxony, no. 80
Conrad of Saxony, no. 81
Conrad of Saxony, no. 85
Conrad of Saxony, no. 88, explicit differs.
Thomas Lisle, no. 80
Cf. Conrad of Saxony, no. 90
Conrad of Saxony, no. 96
Conrad of Saxony, no. 95
Conrad of Saxony, no. 97
Not in Schneyer, but attributed to Conrad of Saxony in other manuscripts, and printed with his sermons (as Ps.-Bonaventure, Paris, 1521, fols. cxxix verso - cxxxi)
Cf. Bertholodus de Ratisbona, no. 124, explicit differs.
Conrad of Saxony, no. 101
Cf. Bertholodus de Ratisbona, no. 126, explicit differs.
Conrad of Saxony, no. 113
Cf. Bertholodus de Ratisbona, no. 127 , explicit differs.
Cf. Petrus de Remis, no. 39, explicit differs.
Conrad of Saxony, no. 113
Conrad of Saxony, no. 115
Conrad of Saxony, no. 118
Conrad of Saxony, no. 124
Conrad of Saxony, no. 130
Conrad of Saxony, no. 120
Conrad of Saxony, no. 124
Attributed to Berthold of Regensburg in Klosterneuberg, 450, no. 261.
Thomas Lisle, no. 54
Thomas Lisle, no. 56
Cf. Conrad of Saxony, no. 137
Cf. Conrad of Saxony, no. 143
Cf. Conrad of Saxony, no. 153
Cf. Conrad of Saxony, no. 158, explicit differs.
Cf. Conrad of Saxony, no. 163 (?)
Berthold of Regensburg no. 148
Conrad of Saxony, no. 193
Alphabetical table to part A: Ascensio multorum - Xpi sanguis fusus
Cf. Berthold of Regensburg, no. 45
Cf. Berthold of Regensburg, no. 47
Cf. Berthold of Regensburg, no. 48?
Cf. Berthold of Regensburg, no. 52?
Berthold of Regensburg, no. 53
Berthold of Regensburg, nos. 54, 56, 57, 59, 60
Berthold of Regensburg no. 76
Berthold of Regensburg, no. 79
Berthold of Regensburg, no. 177
Guibert of Tournai, no. 63
Guibert of Tournai, no. 64 (explicit differs)
Conrad of Saxony no. 381
Physical Description
1 col., c. 39–44 lines, written space c. 170–5 × 115–20 mm. . Fols. 33–42 ruled in ink, written above top line.
Fol. 32 (index): 3–4 columns.
One hand; textualis with cursive features (textualis cursiva).
Coloured initials.
MS. Laud Misc. 376 – Part B (fols. 53–129)
Willelmus Peraldus, etc.
Language(s): Latin
As in other manuscripts, the arrangement of sermons often differs from that recorded in Schneyer, sometimes resembling the edition of 1674 (Guillelmi Alverni opera omnia, vol. 2)
Schneyer nos. 130 (ending at 'dormierunt somnum suum', ed. 1674 p. 2), 134 (ending 'dispensator auarus, cui largus est dominus', ed. p. 10, in Schneyer no. 137), 142
Also with sermons of Peraldus in Mainz SB I 95.
Peraldus, no. 151 (beginning at 'Tria solent perpendere', as ed. 1674, sermo 24, p. 31; 'dominica in septuagesima' in pencil in the lower margin), 159
ed. 1674, sermo 33 (pp. 41–3); cf. Schneyer 160.
Peraldus nos. 162 (varied, ending 'compensat gravitas', ed. 1674 p. 46), 166, 167 ('dominica quarta'), 168 ('eodem'), 169 (as ed. 1674, sermo 41, with the beginning of sermo 42, to 'viliter vendentes'), 170 (ending as 171), 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180 (ends as 181), 182, 183, 185, 186, 190, 191, 192 (ends as 193), 194, 197, 199 (beginning at 'potest attendi hec similitudo'), 201 (divided into three sermons), 202, 203 (ends as 204), 205, 206 (beginning at 'tria vero sunt signa'), 208, 211, 216 (beginning at 'et notandum quod .v. sunt que impediunt'), 217, 218 (ends as 219), 220, 221, 223 (ends as 224), 225, 226–8.
ed. 1674, sermo 103, pp. 149–151 (here pp. 149–50).
Peraldus nos. 229, 230
Peraldus nos. 232, 233
Miscellaneous notes and extracts
The beginning of Petrus de Remis 470 (Schneyer IV.753).
The beginning of Lucas de Bitonto 115 (Schneyer IV.58); pr. [Cologne] 1483 (ISTC il00314000) serm. 70.
Perhaps cf. Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, HB I 187, fol. 157va.
Peraldus no. 91 (beginning at 'plenus est mundus', ed. 1674, p. 297)
Cf. Peraldus, ed. 1674, pp. 171–3
Peraldus no. 92 (beginning 'Et notandum quod triplex fuit uocatio', cf. ed. 1674, p. 300), 94 (beginning at 'solent magistri in scolis', as ed. 1674, sermo 101, p. 304), 95 (beginning at 'recolit ecclesia', ed. 1674, p. 305, and ending as no. 96), 97 (ending 'gloriaris quasi non acceperis', as ed. 1674, p. 313, = Schneyer no. 100), 101 (beginning 'in hac parabola', ed. 1674 p. 314, and ending 'sine me nihil potestis facere', ed. 1674, p. 317, = Schneyer no. 103), 104 (beginning 'ad tria monemur', ed. 1674, p. 317, and ending 'superveniet interitus', ed. 1674 p. 320 = Schneyer no. 105), 106 (beginning 'duo homines', ed. p. 321), 107 (beginning at 'adducunt ei surdum', ed. p. 322),
Peraldus, no. 116 (beginning 'designat mortuus iste', ed. p. 337, ending 'mutare pellem', p. 338), 117 (beginning 'hoc ewangelium duo', ed. 1674 p. 339, sermo 122, ending 'locum tenere', p. 340, in Schneyer no. 118), 119 (beginning 'secundum simile', ed. p. 343), 120 (beginning 'et sciendum quod triplex', ed. p. 344), 121 (beginning 'notandum quod .4. de causis', ed. p. 347, ending 'domo illius', p. 348), 123 (beginning 'hic mentio de .4. personis', ed. p. 350, sermo 130), 126 (beginning as ed. p. 354, sermo 133), 127 (beginning 'Circa modum sanandi sex attendenda', ed. p. 357).
Peraldus, nos. 1, 5, 6, 10 (ends 'mutant ab illo', ed. p. 171).
Peraldus, nos. 35, 40, 44 (beginning 'Notandum quod in tribus primis dominicis quadresgime', ed. p. 220), 47, 50 (beginning at 'miraculum de refectione turbe', ed. p. 232, and ending as 53), 54 (ending 'serva mandata', ed. p. 238), 55 (ending 'non erat pax', ed. p. 238), 59 (ending 'misereor turbe', ed. p. 243, in no. 60), 61 (beginning 'Iuncta Ioseph', as ed. p. 244, sermo 68, and divided into a second sermon beginning 'Series huius ewangelii tria', as ed. p. 244, sermo 69), 68 (ending 'crudelitas non novit parcere', ed. p. 253), 71 (beginning 'ewangelium idem ministrat nobis duo', as ed. p. 259 sermo 81), 73 ('dominica quarta', extract 'Solent homines peregrinaturi ... a domino consolationem', ed. p. 265), 77 ('dominica quinta', extract 'licet super orandum ... militibus suis dare', cf. ed. p. 270) 80 ('dominica prima ascencionis', ending 'sequentis dominice', ed. p. 274), 81 (extracts, cf. ed. pp. 277, 279–80), 83 (ending 'desinunt antequam incipiunt', ed. p. 283), 84 (beginning at 'Sicut Moyses...cum tribus', ending 'ascendit in celum', ed. p. 284), 85 (fol. 102r, beginning 'hoc ewangelium dictum est contra phariseos', ed. p. 286).
Peraldus, sermo 84 in ed. 1674 (not in Schneyer), Schneyer 212, 213 (ending 'ieiunaturus apposuit' as ed. 1674, p. 119), 215
Peraldus, nos. 154 ('dominica in quadragesima'), 207, 14 ('dominica quarta'), 44 ('dominica prima', beginning at 'in hoc evangelio quinque', ed. 1674 p. 220, sermo 53), 50 ('dominica tercia', beginning at 'miraculum de refectione', ed. p. 232), 62 (ending 'os spelunce', ed. p. 248, cf. Schneyer no. 64), 73 (beginning 'solent homines peregrinaturi', ed. p. 265, ending 'sol inquam iusticie', ed. p. 269, cf. Schneyer 76), 77 ('dominica iiij post octauas pasche', later hand; apparently divided into two sermons, as ed. pp. 269–73, but only the beginning of the first is given; ending 'periurem nomen dei nostri', as ed. p. 273, cf. Schneyer 79), 80 ('dominica quinta post octauas pasche', later hand), 85 ('dominica prima post trinitatem', later hand; beginning 'hoc ewangelium dictum est contra phariseos', ed. p. 286), 86 (beginning 'hic hac parabola tria', as ed. p. 290, sermo 94), 91 (ending 'fractione panis', ed. p. 300), 121 ('dominica xxa', ending 'agni sunt vocati', ed. p. 347), 122 (beginning 'notandum quod hec interrogatio', ending 'accedat ad altare meum', ed. p. 349), 124 (beginning 'regnum celorum, id est ecclesia militans', ed. p. 351), 132 (ending 'ut legitur Mt. xij', ed. p. 6), 135, 137, 139, 140 (?, text as ed. 1674 sermo 40), 141.
Guibert of Tournai, no. 161 (beginning)
Physical Description
1 col., written lines and written space varying considerably between different sections ( 185–215 × 135–145 mm. ). Mostly not ruled, with no prickings surviving, but fols. 53–8 pricked and fols. 105–129 pricked and (partly) ruled in ink.
Several hands, textualis libraria/formata, textualis cursiva.
Coloured red initials.
MS. Laud Misc. 376 – Part C (fols. 130–146, 153)
Language(s): Latin
Mostly for the common of the saints; several sermons also found in the Franciscan collection in Barcelona, Arch. de la Corona de Aragon, Ripoll 226 (Schneyer VII, pp. 162ff)
Schneyer VII, p. 162 (no. 148)
Schneyer VII, p. 162 (no. 149)
Schneyer VII, p. 163 (no. 154)
Schneyer VII, p. 163 (no. 156)
Schneyer VII, p. 163 (no. 158)
Schneyer VII, p. 163 (no. 162)
Schneyer VII, p. 163 (no. 164)
Schneyer VII, p. 164 (no. 172)
Schneyer VII, p. 165 (no. 187)
Schneyer VII, p. 165 (no. 189 = no. 177 on p. 164)
Cf. Walter of Bruges, no. 53 (?)
Cf. MGH Const. V no. 792 (p. 616–9), here abbreviated; followed by abbreviations of the second process (ibid. no. 839) and the third process (ibid. no. 881)
List of sermons and other items in the volume (not only in part C)
Walter of Bruges, no. 14 ('In epiphania Domini'). Misbound; seems to have originally come before fol. 147.
Physical Description
1 col., c. 50–54 lines. Written space c. 190 × 125 mm.
Textualis cursiva.
MS. Laud Misc. 376 – Part D (fols. 147–152)
Language(s): Latin
Martin of Troppau, no. 84 (Schneyer IV, p. 130)
Cf. Martin of Troppau, no. 85 (Schneyer IV, p. 130)
Cf. Martin of Troppau, no. 87 (Schneyer IV, p. 130)
Cf. Martin of Troppau no. 99 (Schneyer IV, p. 131; pr. Strassburg 1488, ISTC im00330000, serm. 99), here shorter at beginning and end than the text as printed and as listed in Schneyer.
Martin of Troppau, no. 100 (Schneyer IV, p. 131)
Martin of Troppau, no. 134 (Schneyer IV, p. 133)
Martin of Troppau, no. 135 (Schneyer IV, p. 133)
Martin of Troppau, no. 127 (Schneyer IV, p. 133)
Theological note
For fol. 153 see part C.
Physical Description
Fols. 147r-149r: 1 col., c. 53 lines. Written space 195 × 115–125 mm.
Fols. 149v-152v: 2 cols., c. 51–3 lines. Frame-ruled, written above top line. Written space 190 × 110 mm.
Textualis cursiva.
MS. Laud Misc. 376 – Part E (fols. 154–155(a))
Language(s): Latin
Adventus - Venales; perhaps originally only to part B, with references to part C added later.
Physical Description
4 cols., c. 40–50 lines, ruled in ink.
Textualis cursiva.
Coloured initials.
MS. Laud Misc. 376 – Part F (fols. 155(b)-158)
Language(s): Latin
Concordance of sermons in part B (?) according to liturgical occasion; referring also to another volume ('in rufo'). Followed, fol. 157v-158r, by a list of the sermons in parts C-D (on fols. 'lxxvi' to 'xvciij').
Fol. 155(b) recto-verso blank; fol. 158v blank.
Physical Description
1 col., c. 30 lines
Textualis cursiva
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Online resources:
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-08-03: Description fully revised for Polonsky German.