MS. Laud Misc. 383
Summary Catalogue no.: 1285
Language(s): Latin
Identified and discussed by Michael Gorman, ‘The Commentary on Genesis Attributed to Auxilius in MS. Monte Cassino 29’, Revue Bénédictine, 93.3–4 (1983), 302–313. The commentary (attributed to Auxilius in Monte Cassino 29) comprises quaestiones and responsiones derived almost entirely from Augustine's De Genesi ad litteram. There are 138 quaestiones and responsiones in the fullest version; the text here and in Einsiedeln Stiftsbibliothek 136 contains 116; Gorman suggests that the Einsiedeln manuscript (Einsiedeln, 10th century, second half, according to Hartmut Hoffmann, Schreibschulen des 10. und des 11. Jahrhunderts im Südwesten des Deutschen Reichs (2004), 79) was the exemplar of the present manuscript.
As identified by Gorman, the extracts are 8.19.38–8.21.41; 8.25.47–8.27.50; 11.16.21–11.25.32; 11.36.49–11.42.60; the same extracts are found in the Einsiedeln manuscript.
Preceded (fol. 73r-v) by Jerome's Vita Senecae ( = De viris illustribus, c. 12)
Followed, fols. 91v-92r, by an added passage of admonitions:
Most of fol. 92r blank; fols. 92v-93r blank.
Capitula (fols. 93v-95r)
Physical Description
Initial. (Pächt and Alexander i. 45)
Provenance and Acquisition
Hartmut Hoffmann, Schreibschulen des 10. und des 11. Jahrhunderts im Südwesten des Deutschen Reichs (2004), p. 362, identified the script of fol. 15r with that of BAV Chigi H. V. 165 fols. 147r and 170r, described as a St Gall hand of around the third quarter of the eleventh century, and compared St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek 244 and 245.
Identifiable as b 22 in the Eberbach library catalogue of 1502.
William Laud, 1573–1645, 1638.
Part of his third donation to the Bodleian, 1639.
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-03-19: Revised description of fols. 1–73 with reference to Gorman 1983, and renumbered contents; revised date and localization with reference to Hoffmann 2004.