MS. Laud Misc. 410
Summary Catalogue no.: 1071
Visions; Miracles; Bertrandus de Turre, Sermones de mortuis. A) (fols 1–76) Trier, St Maximin, s. x4/4; B) (fols 77–93) South-West Germany, s. xiiex; C) (fols 94–113) Mainz Charterhouse (?), s. xiv2.
Physical Description
Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard for Abp. Laud, 1637–1639.
Provenance and Acquisition
William Laud, 1573–1645: The present book consists of three different parts, which were presumably consolidated only in the course of the Laudian binding. Ex-libris inscription of Archbishop Laud, dated 1638, at the lower margin of fol. 1v. A 17th-cent. list of contents at the upper half of fol. 1r.
Given to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28 June 1639.
MS. Laud Misc. 410 – Part A) (fols 1–76)
With prologue (the present MS. edited by H. Varnhagen, ‘Zwei lateinische metrische Versionen der Legende von Placidus-Eustachius’, ZfdA 25 (1881) 1–25, at pp. 4–25; – BHL 2767; Walther, IC, 16700, citing this copy (s. xi); Hauréau, Initia, 5. 35*vb, this copy only; ICL 14237; M. Lapidge, ‘Æthelwold and the Vita s. Eustachii’, in Scire litteras. Forschungen zum mittelalterlichen Geistesleben, eds S. Krämer & M. Bernhard, ABAW, NF, H. 99 (Munich, 1988) 255–65, at pp. 257–59 & 265; repr. in his Anglo-Latin literature: 900–1066 (London & Rio Grande, 1993) 213–23, for this copy see pp. 215ff. & 222f.).
With praefatio ad Grimaldum capellanum, interlinear Latin and (six) Old High German glosses (ed.: PL 114. 1063A–82C; H. Knittel, Reichenauer Texte und Bilder 12 (Heidelberg, 2004), this copy (siglum ‘O’) at pp. 132 & 134f.; and F. Stella, La visione di Vetti. Il primo viaggio poetico nell’aldilà (Pisa, 2009)).
With prologue (ed. C. Selmer, Navigatio sancti Brendani abbatis from early Latin manuscripts, Publications in Mediaeval Studies 16 (Notre Dame, 1959) 3–82, this copy MS. ‘O’, group (Lotharingian-Rhenish background), see especially pp. xxxix–xl, xlviii–xlix & p. 111, no. 33 (a); G. Orlandi & R. E. Guglielmetti, Per verba 30 (Florence, 2014) 00; – Hardy, Materials, 1. 458, this copy (incorrect date); BHL & BHL nov. suppl. 1437; Kenney, Sources, 414f. (no. 203, incorrect date); C. Selmer, ‘A study of the Latin manuscripts of the Navigatio sancti Brendani’, Scriptorium 3 (1949) 177–82; G. S. Burgess & C. Strijbosch, The legend of St Brendan: a critical bibliography (Dublin, 2000), citing the present MS. at p. 17 (incorrect, date, etc.)).
After Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica, 5. 12 (ed.: PL 95. 247B–52B; ed. B. Colgrave & R. A. B. Mynors, OMT (1969, repr. with corrections 1991) 488–98; A. Crépin et al., SChr 491 (2005) 68–84; CPL 1375; ‘Visio Drycthelmi’, 2VL 10 (1999) 400–02, esp. at cols 400f. [N. F. Palmer]).
After Gregory of Tours, Historiae Francorum, (part of) lib. 7 (ed.: PL 71. 415A–18C; ed. B. Krusch & W. Levison, MGH SS. rer. Merov. 1/1 (21951) 323, l. 17–327, l. 6; BHL 7468 & 7469; Hauréau, Initia, 4, fol. 31vb; CPL 1023).
Physical Description
Ruling in hard point, one column of 24 lines. Ruled space c.188–92 × 133–36 mm.
late Carolingian minuscule, verging on protogothic script, Trier, St Maximin, s. x4/4, by presumably three different hands, above top line: A1) (fols 1v–26v & 40v–76v (?)); A2) (fols 27r–29r); A3) (fols 29v–40r).
(fols 1v & 18v) Decorated initials in red with interlace designs on blue ground. (Pächt and Alexander i. 26, pl. III)
Coloured initials in red and blue.
MS. Laud Misc. 410 – Part B) (fols 77–93)
Language(s): Latin
See below
Cap. 1–18 & 39, with prologue (pr.: B. Pez, Venerabilis Agnetis Blannbekin ... Vita et revelationes ... (Vienna, 1731) 305–40 & 414–18; ed. T. F. Crane, Liber de miraculis sanctae dei genitricis Mariae (Ithaca, NY, etc., 1925; repr. of B. Pez, Vienna 1731, with introduction and notes) 3–21; 62–64; BHL 5357). Text wrongly attributed by Pez to Boto of Prüfening.
(fol. 85v, lower margin) Antifeminist verses.Various miracles, including Vita Theophili and extracts from Gregory of Tours, Libri miraculorum. See printed catalogue for full listing.
Physical Description
Ruling (fols 78r–93v) in lead or hard point; one column of c.29–42 lines. Ruled space c.187–92 × 114–24 mm.
(fols 78r–93v, item 7) German protogothic script, s. xiiex, one main hand, occasionally interrupted, mostly above top line.A hand of s. xv from the Mainz Charterhouse occasionally added marginalia.
(fols 78r & 90r) Decorated initials in red, parted, decorated with acanthus leaves.
Coloured initials in red.
Mainz, Carthusian abbey of St Michael: the 15th-cent. ex-libris inscription at the upper margin of fol. 93v: ‘Iste liber est carthusiensium prope mogunciam.’
MS. Laud Misc. 410 – Part C) (fols 94–113)
Imperfect (Smalley, English friars, 242–44, citing the present MS. at p. 242, n. 3; Schneyer 1. 577f.; Hauréau, Initia, 3. 123ra, this copy only; Mohan 188*). There is text loss between fols 105/106 (part of Schneyer nos 1057 & 1063, and the whole of nos 1058–1062 missing); see also the catchword ‘luce clarius’ in the lower margin of fol. 105v, which does not match the first words of the following page. It appears likely that a whole quire is lost.
Physical Description
Ruling in lead point, one column of 39 or 40 lines. Ruled space c.185–87 × 108–11 mm.
German bastarda, s. xiv2, by a single, possibly Carthusian, hand.
Coloured initials in red.
Mainz, Carthusian abbey of St Michael: the 15th-cent. ex-libris inscriptions at the upper margin of fol. 94v: ‘Iste liber pertinet ad fratres Carthusiensium prope mogunciam.’ and fol. 95r: ‘Isti duo sexterni [sic]. pertinent ad fratres Carthusiensium iuxta mogunciam.’
MS. Laud Misc. 410, fol. 77
Language(s): Latin
Fragment of a Missal. Quire x is protected by a larger waste leaf, inserted as front flyleaf:
Physical Description
One column of 26 lines. Ruled space c. 183 × 146 mm.
Protogothic script, with a distinctive rt-ligature
Scribal red rubrics (mostly capitals); simple one- to two-line initials in red.
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Published descriptions:
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Last Substantive Revision
2023-09-16: Description revised for Mainz digitization project to include additional information from Mairhofer catalogue.