A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Laud Misc. 514

Summary Catalogue no.: 1085

Liber septem partium, etc. Germany, xii2.


Language(s): Latin

This description is abbreviated from Daniela Mairhofer, Medieval Manuscripts from the Mainz Charterhouse in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: A Descriptive Catalogue (Oxford, 2018), pp. 1359–1367. For purposes of scholarly citation, reference to the printed catalogue is requested.

1. (fol. 1, front flyleaf)

See below.

2. (fols 2r–77r)
Liber Septem Partium

With prologue and list of chapters to each part (unpr.; R.-M. Martin, ‘La nécessité de croire au mystère de l’incarnation’, Revue Thomiste, nouv. sér. 3/11 (1920) 273–80, citing the present MS. at pp. 274f.; F. Stegmüller, ‘Sententiae Berolinenses. Eine neugefundene Sentenzensammlung aus der Schule des Anselm von Laon’, RThAM 11 (1939) 33–61, at p. 35 (no. xiv), this copy; Stegmüller, RS, 793, citing the present MS.; Landgraf, Einführung, 36f., with a list of MSS at p. 36, this copy). The present manuscript is the oldest surviving copy to contain this anonymously transmitted collection of quotations from the Church Fathers. It is also preserved in MS. Paris, BnF, Lat. 16528, for example.

3. (fols 77r–78r)
Ps.-Bede, Homiliae evangelii 3. 55, In natali divae Mariae virginis (ed.: PL 94. 413D–16A; D. Hurst (ed.), CCSL 122 (1955) 382; CPL 1368) = Alcuin, Interpretationes nominum Hebraicorum (ed.: PL 100. 725A–28C; – Stegmüller, RB, 1094); end shortened.
4. (fols 78r–79r)
Ps.-Augustine, De paenitentia (serm. 393) (ed.: PL 67. 1082B–83B, hom. 19; PL 39. 1713–15, serm. 393; = Caesarius of Arles?, serm. 63)
5. (fol. 79r)
Theological extracts (De arca morali)

Source(s) not identifiable.

6. (fol. 79r–v)
Ps.-Bede, Interpretatio Sibyllinorum verborum

Variant text with De quindecim signis diei iudicii (ed.: PL 94. 555B–D; Gerhardt & Palmer, Fünfzehn Zeichen, 61; BHM 652). See MS. Laud Misc. 493, fols 10v–11r.

7. (fols 79v–81v, 84r–85v, 82r–v)
Walahfrid Strabo, Homilia in initium evangelii s. Matthaei (ed.: PL 114. 849D–62A (= Pez, Thes., 2. 41–56; Stegmüller, RB, 8326). Binding error (see Collation): the text ends at fol. 81v, continues on fols 84r–85v, and again on fol. 82r–v.
8. (fols 82v, 83r–v, 86r–87r)
Patristic extracts

Excerpts, from Augustine, Jerome, Anselm of Laon, etc., followed by several texts, mainly quaestiones ; some of these are unidentified, others form part of the Sententiae Anselmi.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: Quid enim dicunt (fol. 12r)
Form: codex
Support: parchment; (fol. 1) the endleaf of different quality (fragment); occasional natural flaws and holes, (fol. 57) remnants of medieval repair (stitching holes). (fols 2r, 84r–87v) Several rust stains from previous binding furniture, the leaves at the end of the volume show marks from one or two fore-edge clasps/straps.
Extent: ii (17th-cent.) + 87 + ii (17th-cent.) leaves
Dimensions (leaf): c.213–16 × 115–27 mm.
Foliation: i, ii, 1–89, in modern (19th-cent.) pencil.


i 1+8 | ii–x 8 | xi 2 | xii 4. The sequence of text (see Contents) suggests a binding error: what is now quire xi should have been the innermost bifolium of the last quire: quires xi & xii should originally have formed a trinion, consisting of (inwardly) fols 84/87, 85/86 & 82/83; this would also explain that there is no quire signature at the end of quire xi. Quire signatures at the bottom centre of the last verso of quires ii–x, in roman numerals, starting with ‘.ii.’ on fol. 17v, the end of quire ii.


Ruling (fols 2r ff.) in hard point, one column of 38–41, mostly 40 lines. Ruled space c.171–176 × 84–93 mm.


protogothic script, Germany (or somewhere very close to the German border), s. xii2, several hands, above top line.


Pächt and Alexander i. 62:

(fol. 1r) Coloured initial in red.


Marginal sketches: (fol. 2r) remnants, at the top right corner; (fol. 11r) a small lion; (fol. 24r) a similar sitting beast.


Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard for Archbp. Laud, 1637–1639


Origin: 12th century, second half ; Germany

Provenance and Acquisition

Mainz, Carthusian abbey of St Michael: the late 14th-cent. ex-libris inscriptions at the upper margin of fol. 2r, following the title: ‘Incipit liber septem parcium. Fratrum Cartusiensium | prope mogunciam’ and, in the same hand, at the upper margin of fol. 87v: ‘Fratrum Cartusiensium prope mogunciam’ (boxed in). Identifiable as G XVI T in cat. ii.

William Laud, 1573–1645: Ex-libris inscription of Archbp. Laud, dated 1638, at the lower margin of fol. 2r.

Given to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28 June 1639.

MS. Laud Misc. 514 - endleaf, fol. 1


Language(s): Latin

(fol. 1, front flyleaf)
Legal fragment

Fragment of interrogatories in a law suit. For full description, see printed catalogue.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment




Origin: s. xiv1 ; Germany,

Additional Information

Record Sources

See above. Previously described in the Quarto Catalogue (H. O. Coxe, Laudian Manuscripts, Quarto Catalogues II, repr. with corrections, 1969, from the original ed. of 1858–1885). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1966).

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)


    Published descriptions:

    Daniela Mairhofer, Medieval Manuscripts from the Mainz Charterhouse in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: A Descriptive Catalogue, 2 vols. (Oxford, 2018), pp. 1359–1367

Last Substantive Revision

2023-10-29: Description revised for Mainz digitization project to include additional information from Mairhofer catalogue.