MS. Laud Misc. 530
Summary Catalogue no.: 1104
Willelmus Peraldus, Summa de virtutibus, etc. A) (fols 1–223) Northern France/Paris, s. xiii2; B) (fols 224–245) Germany, s. xiv1/4.
Physical Description
Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard for Abp. Laud, 1637–1639.
Provenance and Acquisition
William Laud, 1573–1645: The book, in its present form, composed of two fascicles of different origins and dates, with a waste leaf added to the end of the first part, is a Laudian production. Ex-libris inscription of Archbp. Laud, dated 1638, at the lower margin of fol. 1r.
Given to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28 June 1639.
MS. Laud Misc. 530 – Part A) (fols 1–223)
With (fol. 1ra) list of parts, tractates and chapters and (fol. 3ra) prologue (pr.: GW 12049 & 12050, 12054–12057, etc.; Little 236; Stegmüller, RS, 298,1; cf. 1309; A. Dondaine, ‘Guillaume Peyraut: vie et oeuvres’, AFP 18 (1948) 162–236, at pp. 184–97, this copy at p. 195; Kaeppeli 1622B, citing the present MS.; Mohan 74*; Bloomfield 1628, 5601 & 1066, and suppl.).
See below.
Physical Description
Ruling in lead point, two columns of 44 & 45 lines. Ruled space c.170–79 × 110–23 mm.
Northern French textualis, s. xiii2, by a single hand. Interlinear and marginal corrections in a contemporary hand; numbering of text parts and chapters by a hand of s. xv, with occasional corrections and note on fol. 222v: ‘xviij Sexterni pretii v. folia.’
MS. Laud Misc. 530 – fol. 223
Language(s): Latin
Fragment of a Cistercian calendar, Eberbach, a waste leaf, re-used as end flyleaf. On the recto March, on the verso February.
Physical Description
Ruled in lead point, now faded; presumably four columns, the three smaller ones to the left; c.32 & 30 long lines ruled in lead point; the ruled space not exactly determinable.
(fol. 223r) A three-line initial in blue with red fleuronnée decoration (acanthus leaves), (fol. 223v) in red, with decoration in both colours.
Red rubrics, feasts, calendar dates, etc.
MS. Laud Misc. 530 – Part B) (fols 224–245)
Short version (ed. Little 172, citing the present MS.; A. Wilmart, ‘Gérard de Liège: un traité inédit de l’amour de Dieu’, RAM 12 (1931) 349–430, a list of MSS at pp. 355ff., n. 13, this copy at p. 356 (no. 35), erroneously referred to as ‘Laud Misc. 520’; Schneyer, Wegweiser, 417, this copy; G. Hendrix, Hugo de Sancto Caro’s traktaat De doctrina cordis, vol. 1: Handschriften, receptie, tekstgeschiedenis en authenticiteitskritiek, Documentaria libraria 16 (Leuven, 1995), siglum ‘O2’, see pp. 10 & 72). Text also attributed to Hugh of St.-Cher. See also MS. Laud Misc. 208, fols 30ra–31vb.
(Bloomfield 5105, citing the present MS.; see also 5323, and suppl.).
(cf. Bloomfield 9111; Stegmüller, RB, 11425).
Physical Description
Ruling in ink, two columns of 37–40 lines. Ruled space c.180–83 × 122–26 mm.
German textualis, s. xiv1/4, a single scribe. Marginal annotations and additional texts (fols 245rb & 245v (items 10 & 11) in Carthusian hands from Mainz, s. xv.
Pächt and Alexander i. list, p. 72:
(fol. 224ra) Fleuronnée initial in blue with red decoration.
Coloured initials in red and blue.
Mainz, Carthusian abbey of St Michael: the late 14th-cent. ex-libris inscription at the head of 245v: ‘Iste liber est Cartusiensium prope mogunciam’. MS. Laud Misc. 530 (B) is identifiable as A XIII Qr in cat. ii.
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Published descriptions:
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Last Substantive Revision
2023-11-12: Description revised for Mainz digitization project to include additional information from Mairhofer catalogue.