MS. Laud Lat. 105
Summary Catalogue no.: 863
Composite, various scholastic works; France (?) and Germany (?), 12th century and 13th century, early
Physical Description
Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard for Abp. Laud, 1637–1639.
Provenance and Acquisition
Eberbach, Cistercian abbey: the whole volume identifiable as g 8 in the library catalogue of 1502.
Eberbach ex libris with a monogram of J.W., 1583 (fol. 229r)
William Laud, 1573–1645, 1637.
Part of his third donation to the Bodleian, 1639.
MS. Laud Lat. 105 – Part 1 (fols. 1–47)
Language(s): Latin
Listed in Schneyer (IV.644) as no. 122 (this ms. listed); apparently identical with no. 17 (Schneyer IV.637), beginning part way at PL 198.1830.
Not in Schneyer.
Schneyer IV, pp. 646 (from this ms.)
Schneyer IV, pp. 643 (from this ms.)
Schneyer IV.170–178, nos. 1, capitula (fol. 9v), 2–17, 19–24, 26–71. Sermo 3, de oratione dominica, is by Richard of St-Victor (R. Goy, Die Handschriftliche Uberlieferung der Werke Richards von St. Viktor im Mittelalter (2005),
Texts on the creed, circulating with Sully's sermons: see J. Longère, Les sermons latins de Maurice de Sully, évêque de Paris (+1196): Contribution à l’histoire de la tradition manuscrite, Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia (1988), appendix 1.
On the distribution of the articles of the creed among the apostles: pr. Longère, Les sermons latins, 395.
Cf Paris, BnF Latin 14417 fols. 138ra-vb = Stegmüller, Bibl. 7706 (here without prologue); attributed with query by Stegmüller, Bibl. to Stephen Langton
Thirteenth-century addition in a different hand. Rest of fols. 46va-b blank. Fol. 47r-v blank except for later title for the following article.
Physical Description
Written in two columns of 45–46 lines. Written above top line. Written space 200–224 × 120–144 mm. . Quire 1 (fols. 1–8) pricked in outer and inner margins, otherwise pricked only in the outer margin.
2-line coloured red initials (several not filled in)
MS. Laud Lat. 105 – Part 2 (fols. 48–138)
Language(s): Latin
Contemporary additions:
For a variant version (beg. 'Omnibus equat discipulum') presented as a text for the years 1191 to 1257 see Monika E. Müller, Der Bernward-Psalter im Wandel der Zeiten (2013), 44.
Followed by distich: ‘Quis quid ubi quando cur quomodo cum quibus et quot […] ’
Rest of fol. 138vb blank.
Physical Description
Written in two columns of 51 lines. Written space 217–220 × 146–150 mm. . Written above top line. Fols. 48–90 pricked in outer and inner margins.
Spaces for initials not filled in.
Magister Hugo, monk at the Abbey of Eberbach, inscription, c. 1200: 'Hugo magister' (fol. 48r).
MS. Laud Lat. 105 – Part 3 (fols. 139–141)
Language(s): Latin
Physical Description
Written in two columns of 61 lines. Written space 230 × 162 mm. . Written above top line.
No decoration.
Note of the visit of Berthold Von Henneberg, Archbishop of Mainz to Abbey of Eberbach on 18 June 1488 (f. 140v)
MS. Laud Lat. 105 – Part 4 (fols. 142–81)
Breaks off incomplete at PL 191.392.
Rest of fol. 181ra and fol. 181rb blank (except for later addition 'Dum pater abbas filiam suam proponit visere | Cartam', the opening of the Goliardic poem 'De visitatione abbatis', The Latin Poems: Commonly Attributed to Walter Mapes (1841), 184); fol. 181v blank.
Physical Description
Written in two columns of 52–53 lines. Written space 200 × 145 mm.
No decoration.
Script of fols. 177v-181r has several Italian characteristics.
Magister Hugo, monk at the Abbey of Eberbach, inscription, c. 1200: 'Hugo magister' (fol. 142r).
MS. Laud Lat. 105 – Part 5 (fols. 182–204)
Physical Description
Written in two columns of 59 lines. Written space 225 × 145 mm. Written above top line.
No decoration.
MS. Laud Lat. 105 – Part 6 (fol. 205–256)
Quaestiones theologicae
Language(s): Latin
For manuscripts see G. R. Evans, ‘The Place of Odo of Soissons’ 'Quaestiones': Problem-Solving in Mid-Twelfth Century Bible Study and Some Matters of Logic and Language’, Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale 49 (1982), 121–140, who comments (126) 'there can be little doubt that the teaching of Odo of Soissons lies behind the collection as a whole, but it may never be possible to establish how much is owed to the work of his pupils and how much imported material has contaminated the collection as he left it'. Printed from BnF MS. Latin 3230 by J. Pitra, Analecta novissima spicilegii Solesmensis altera continuatio tom. II (Paris, 1888), here pp. 108–68, nos. 296–305 (ending at 'ergo iniuste ago' with a version of the final paragraph added in the upper margin), 306–26 (ending fol. 218vb 'Jacobo autem minori et Petro non defecit', bottom of p. 168). Followed (fol. 218vb) by four short sections, not in Pitra, beginning:
Followed (fol. 219rb) by contemporary or slightly later addition in a different hand beginning:
Another hand adds 'sequens textus conceditur panis' and 'Quod hic deest quere in quarto folio'
Fol. 229r originally blank; ex libris added 15th century and 1583; text on fol. 229v continues from fol. 228v
Fol. 234ra-vb, text continues from fol. 252v.
PL 196.666–673D. Rest of fol. 236va blank., fol. 236vb blank.
fol. 252v, a marginal addition: 'quod hic deest quere in principio tercii \⟨quar⟩ti(?)/ quaterni'.
Physical Description
fols. 205–220: 2 cols., 46–48 lines, written space 200 × 125 mm.
fols. 221–228: 2 cols., 43–44 lines, written space 190 × 110–115 mm.
fols. 229–236: 2 cols., 57–58 lines, written space 197 × 120 mm.
fols. 237–252: 2 cols., 47–48 lines, written space 200 × 125 mm.
fols. 253–256: 2 cols., 47 lines, writen space 200 × 125 mm.
Sometimes 2-line red initials with simple arabesque decoration at the beginning of texts.
MS. Laud Lat. 105 – Part 7 (fols. 257–312)
bks. i-vi (breaks off imperfect).
Physical Description
Written in single column of 28–31 lines. Written space 220–225 × 140 mm.
Decorated initial, fol. 257v (Pächt and Alexander i. 468, pl. XXXVIII)
Coloured initials (alternating red and green), with some occasional decoration.
Additional Information
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Digital Bodleian (2 images from 35mm slides)
Online resources:
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-10-27: Description finalized for Polonsky German digitization project.