A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Lyell 44

A: Kyriale, Sequences, etc.; B: Franciscan votive missal; German, A: 13th cent., B: 14th cent.

Physical Description

Composite: fols. 1–9 || fols. 10–54v. Two MSS. written in Germany, bound together.
Extent: 54 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 180 × 135 mm.
Margins badly cropped by binder.


Medieval binding in wooden boards covered with red leather tooled with plain fillets, rebacked; single strap and pin fastening, of which only metal attachment of strap to lower cover remains.


Provenance and Acquisition

Bought by James Lyell in June 1942.

Chosen as one of the hundred manuscripts bequeathed to the library by Lyell in 1948.

MS. Lyell 44 – Part 1 (fols. 1–9)


Kyriale, sequences, etc.
1. (fols. 1–2v, 5v)

Part of kyriale with neums on 13 staves of 4 red lines, ruled in ink: (fol. 1) ‘In dupl. m⟨aior⟩ verte duo f⟨olia⟩’, beg.: Cunctipotens genitor deus, pr. Anal. Hymn. XLVII, p. 50. Ends (fol. 2v) with ‘diebus cantatur in ferialibus’. On fol. 5v there is another Gloria and Kyrie with square notation ‘in semidupl. m⟨ai⟩oribus’, following the preceding item (3c) without a break.

2. (fols. 3–8)

Gospels of the genealogy of Christ, with neums on 11 staves of 4–6 red lines, ruled in ink: a (fol. 3) ‘Secundum Luc⟨am⟩’: Luc. iii. 21-iv. Ends fol. 3v; b (fol. 7) ‘...Initium sancti evangelii secundum Matheum’: Matt. i. 1–16.


Sequences, items a-d with square notation on 13 staves of 5 lines, the rest with neums on 11 staves of 4 or 5 red lines, ruled in ink. AIl printed in Anal. Hymn. LlV.

a. (fol. 4r-v)
Incipit: Ave virgo gratiosa virgo mater gloriosa
Explicit: letemur feliciter. Amen

Pp. 419–21. Has the extra str. a-o, 11–12.

b. (fol. 4v-5)
Incipit: Salve mater saivatoris
Explicit: configura glorie

p. 383.

c. (fol. 5r-v)
Incipit: Veni sancte spiritus et emitte
Explicit: da perhenne gaudium

p. 234.

d. (fol. 6)
Rubric: De piissiissima[sic] matre
Incipit: ⟨M⟩ittit ad virginem
Explicit: in pace stabilem

p. 296. Str. 11 is lacking.

e. (fol. 6–7)
Rubric: De dulcissima rosa
Incipit: Ave mundi spes Maria
Explicit: per te redemit homo

p. 340.

f. (fol. 7)
Incipit: Ave plena dignitatis gratia
Explicit: in Iherusalem superna. Amen

p. 353 (Ave plena singularis): Chevalier 2029.

4. (fol. 8v)

Trope with neums on 10 staves of 4 or 5 lines.

Incipit: ⟨S⟩anctus. ⟨D⟩ivinum misterium semper declaratur et mens
Explicit: verum est non fictum. ⟨B⟩enedictus Marie filius qui venit in nomine domini osanna in excelsis

Pr. Anal. Hymn. XLVII, p. 333. Str. 5 is omitted.

5. (fol. 9)

Common preface of the Mass, with neums, for three voices, on staves of 4 or 5 lines, ruled in red ink. Ends fol. 9v.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment


Present collation 1¹⁰ (3 missing) but traces of an early numbering suggest that the order of the leaves has been confused: fol. 3 and 6, 4 and 5, pairs of conjugate leaves, are viii and ix, iv and v; fol. 7 (a singleton) is x. It is clear from the text that the present fol. 1–2, 6–8 are in the right order, but fresh items begin on the other leaves.
Secundo Folio: Ihesu Christe


Several hands.

Musical Notation:

Neums and square notation (see above).


Initials in red flourished in brown ink, or brown in red, or plain red.


Origin: 13th century ; German

MS. Lyell 44 – Part 2 (fols. 10–54)


Franciscan Festive and Votive missal
1. (fol. 10)

Prefaces of the Mass, with square notation on a three-line stave, ruled in red ink, beg. imperf. in the common preface, ends fol. 17, followed (fol. 17v) by the Canon of the Mass, ends fol. 22v. In a space left blank on fol. 17 has been inserted a mass for St. Bartholomew; cf. Van Dijk, Sources of the Modern Roman Liturgy, 1963, II, pp. 295–6 .


Collection of masses taken from the temporale, sanctorale and common, and votive masses, without any apparent order. References are given to corresponding parts of Haymo of Faversham‘s Ordo Missalis, ed. Van Dijk:, op. cit., vol. II. a (fo1. 45) ‘Dominica resurrectionis’, Van Dijk, p. 251; b (fol. 45v) ‘In die pent.’, cf. Van Dijk, p. 258; c (fol. 46v) ‘De sancta trinitate’, cf. Van Dijk, p. 318, no. 2; d (fol. 47) ‘De sancta cruce’, Van Dijk, p. 319; e (fol. 47v) ‘De S. Maria’, cf. Van Dijk, p. 318, no. 5; f (fol. 48v) ‘In adventu domini de Sancta Maria’, Van Dijk, pp. 319–20; g (fol. 49v) ‘In dedicatione sancti Michahelis’, Van Dijk, p. 300; h (fol. 50v) ‘In festo sancti Iohannis ewangeliste’, Van Dijk, p. 213; j (fol. 51) ‘De sancto Francisco’, Van Dijk, pp. 300–1; k (fol. 51v) ‘In sancte Katherine v. et m.’, cf. Van Dijk, p. 305; l (fol. 52v) ‘Officium de sancto Nicolao’, cf. Van Dijk, p. 271; m (fol. 53) ‘Missa pro peccatis’, version not in Van Dijk, beg.: Si iniquitates observaveris; n (fol. 54) ‘Missa ad poscenda suffragia sanctorum’, Van Dijk, p. 321, no. 9; o (fol. 54v) ‘Missa generalis pro vivis et pro defunctis’, Van Dijk, p. 324, no. 37; p ‘Missa pro ⟨per⟩secutoribus ecclesie’, Van Dijk:, p. 321, no. 10; q (fol. 23) ‘Missa pro seipso sacerdote’, Van Dijk, p. 322, no. 16; r ‘Missa ⟨pro⟩ devotis amicis’, Van Dijk, p. 324, no. 33; s (fol. 23v) ‘Missa pro temptatione carnis’, Van Dijk, p. 323, no. 24; t ‘In sancti Anthonii confess.’ three prayers only: see Van Dijk, p. 284 n. and cf. item nn below, fol. 39; u ‘In sancte Clare virginis’, Van Dijk, p. 293 n.; v (fol. 24) ‘In sancte Elisabeth’, Van Dijk, p. 304; w ‘De sancto spiritu’, cf. Van Dijk, p. 319; x (fol. 24v) ‘In die nat. domini ad missam maiorem’, Van Dijk, p. 212; y (fol. 26) ‘Dominica resurrectionis’, see item a above; z (fol. 26v) ‘In die ascensionis’, Van Dijk, pp. 255–6; aa (fol. 27v) ‘Officium pro defunctis’, cf. Van Dijk, pp. 327–8, no. 63(i) (‘In agenda defunctorum’); bb (fol. 28v) ‘Pro defunctis fratribus’, Van Dijk, p. 329, no. 63(i); cc (fol. 29) ‘Pro defuncta femina’, Van Dijk, p. 329, no. 63(h) ; dd ‘In anniversario’, Van Dijk, p. 329, no. 63(l); ee ‘Pro benefactoribus’, not in Van Dijk, beg.: ‘Oratio’ Deus cuius Misericordie non est numerus; ff (fol. 29v) ‘Pro omnibus fidelibus defunctis’, Van Dijk, p. 330, no. 63(o); gg common of saints, omitting ‘In vig. unius apost.’ for which see item ss below. Cf. Van Dijk, pp. 305–17. Our versions are always less full; hh (fol. 36v) ‘In ipsa die dedicationis ecclesie ...’, Van Dijk, p. 317; jj ‘In ipsa die dedicationis altaris ...’, Van Dijk:, p. 318; kk (fol. 37) masses in honour of the B.V.M. to be said from Christmas to Advent. The first is headed, without explanation: ‘A nativitate domini usque ad purificationem dicatur istud officium’. Van Dijk, p. 320. For the mass which should be the first in this series see above item f, fol. 48v; ll (fol. 38) ‘In anniversario dedicationis’, Van Dijk, pp. 317–18; mm (fol. 38v) ‘Missa pro patre et matre’, Van Dijk, p. 329, no. 63(m); nn (fol. 39) ‘In sancti Anthonii conf.’, Van Dijk, p. 284; oo (fol. 39v) ‘In vigilia sancti Iohannis Baptiste’, Van Dijk, pp. 285–6; pp (fol. 40v) ‘In nativitate sancti Iohannis baptiste’, Van Dijk, p. 286; qq (fol. 41v) ‘In vigilia assumpcionis beate virginis’, Van Dijk, p. 294; rr (fol. 42) ‘In assumptione beate virginis’, Van Dijk, p. 294; ss (fo1. 43) ‘In nat. gloriose virginis’, Van Dijk, p. 297; tt (fol. 44) ‘In vigilia unius appostoli[sic]’, Van Dijk:, p. 305, See item gg above. Ends fol. 44v.

(fol. 44v)
Incipit: Cymbola bellantis affigit Gamalielis
Explicit: baratrum adamare

Computistical verse of 5 lines added in a space originally left blank by a rather later hand. It appears to be the beginning only of the verse cit. WIC 4003. It is followed by an explanatory verse (?)

Incipit: B. quod diem tibi. C. quod duos
Explicit: g. sex superaddit
Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Secundo folio missing.
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Foliation: A contemporary foliation on the verso shows that fol. 45–54 (I-X) should precede fol. 23–44 (XI-XXXII).


2¹² (1, 2, 11 missing), 3¹⁰ (1, 10 missing, 6–9 canc.), 4¹², 5¹⁰-6¹⁰


Hand A: sixteen lines, apparently ruled in pencil which was later erased

Elsewhere, 28 lines (except fol. 54, 27 lines), hand B ruled in pencil with bounding lines in ink, hands C-G ruled in ink.


Several hands: A fol. 10–22v; B fol. 23–34v; c fol. 35–35v; D fol. 35v-39; E fol. 39–43v; F fol. 43v-44v; G fol. 45–54v.

Musical Notation:

Square notation (see above).


Initials on fols. 17v, 26r, 45r in red and blue, flourished in blue and red. Other initials red flourished in blue or blue in red.


Origin: 14th century (?) ; German


Nycolaus Degenhart. 1434. In festo omnium sanctorum’ (fol. 44v).

Additional Information

Record Sources

A. de la Mare, Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts Bequeathed to the Bodleian Library Oxford by James P. R. Lyell (1971), pp. 121–24.

Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.