A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Lyell 57

Hucbald, Palladius, etc.


Language(s): Latin

(fol. 1r)

A later erased note: ‘Precepta rei rustice’.

1. (fol. 1r)
Two ‘Macrobian’ zone-maps of the earth

The first showing the five habitable and uninhabitable zones, the 4th of which contains the Antipodes ‘qui sub terra sunt et pedes habent contra nos versos’

The second is lettered like the diagram which illustrates Macrobius, De somno Scipionis, 11. v. 13, but its descriptive text is derived as well from II. vii. 4; ed. Eyssenhardt, Leipzig, 1893, pp. 601, 608 and diags. iv-v.


Lists of names, some glossed, of the Fates, Furies, Harpies, Graces, and Gorgons.

De minutiis
Rubric: De minutiis
Incipit: (fol. 1v) Cum passione contraria
Explicit: (fol. 5r) Bis dragma sicilicus

Ed. N. Bubnov, Gerberti Opera Mathematica, Berlin, 1899, in App. 1B, iv, pp. 228–44.

It is preceded by

a. (fol. 1r)

A table, pr. Bubnov, pp. 227–8. The table differs considerably from the printed edition. In the MSS. cited by Bubnov this table is only found at the beginning in Munich clm. 14272.

b. (fol. 1v)
Incipit: Duo calci faciunt unum ceratem,
Explicit: erit sicilicus assis.

Bubnov, p. 228 n. 4, only found this piece in Munich clm. 14272 and 14689 and Oxford, St. John’s College MS. 17. It is also found in MS. D’Orville 158, 11th cent., fol. 122v.

Following the text is a short passage, added in a different hand:

Incipit: Et secundum superiorem regulam sicut precepimus caute dividatur. Quotlibet asses precesserint
Explicit: assium in se qui minucias precedunt.

The section beg.: ‘Quotlibet’ is part of an alien fragment following the treatise found in several MSS., including Munich clm. 14689 and pr. A. Olleris, Œuvres de Gerbert, Paris, 1867, p. 345; see Bubnov, p. 244 n. There is an addition in the same hand on fol. 2, marked for insertion by ‘d’ in text and ‘h’ in margin: ‘De Sescuntia’ beg.: ‘Sescuntia in sextantem fit sicilicus’, which is not in Bubnov (p. 230 l.26).

3. (fol. 5v)
Geometria incerti auctoris (extracts)
Rubric: Ad existimandam cuiusque rei altitudinem
Incipit: Sole lucente quęcumque res illa fuerit sub divo
Explicit: altitudinis teneto
Incipit: Est et alia ratio altitudinem videndi quę est huiusmodi. Hortogonium cuius katetus.

Bk. iii. 9 and iv. 48 of Geometria incerti auctoris ed. Bubnov, op. cit., pp. 323, 358. The same fragments are found in Munich clm. 14689.

4. (fol. 5v)
Regino of Prüm, Epistola de harmonica institutione
Incipit: Nosse oportet peritum cantorem quod non omnis tonorum

§ 2. PL 132 col. 485B3–486A7. The version in our MS. is slightly shortened.

5. (fol. 6r)
A short treatise on the monochord
Incipit: Monochordum divisurus. Tres primum magodas providendum censeo, quę fiant hoc modo
Explicit: (fol. 7r) diaposon[sic] probatur reddere.

Also found in MS. D’Orville 158 cit., fol. 120, and in Munich clm. 19489, 11th cent., Tegernsee, p. 62, and 23577, 11th cent., fol. 75.

6. (fol. 7r)
A diagram of contingent propositions
Incipit: Primus ordo consequentię. Possibile est esse

Derived from the table in Boethius, Comm. on Aristotle De Interpretatione, Ed. Prima, Bk. II, c. 13, ed. Meiser, Leipzig, 1877, p. 180.

Fol. 1–7 listed by Pächt-Alexander 1, no. 43.

7. (fol. 7v)
Hucbald of St-Amand, Ecloga de caluis
Rubric: Egloga de Calvis in qua habetur Paronomeon versuum cxxxiii
Incipit: Carmina convitii cerritus carpere calvos
Explicit: (fol. 8v) Completur claris carmen cantabile calvis.

Ed. P. von Winterfeld in M.G.H. Poetarum Lat. Med. Aev. iv, i, 1899, pp. 267–71. He used our MS., which was then at Maihingen; it belongs to the non-interpolated group. On fol. 7v a slightly later hand has added the heading: ‘Egloga de calvis in qua habetur Parameon versuum cxxxvi. Egloga Hugbaldi de calvis cuius hęc est causa carminis’.

A blank space of half a column remains on fol. 8v.

8. (fol. 9r)
Palladius, De re rustica Bk. i-iii. 24

Ed. Schmitt, Leipzig, 1898. Each book is preceded by a list of chapters. Bk. II beg. fol. 20v; Bk. III, fol. 24v. Ends (fol. 31rb 1. 7) in the middle of a sentence in hi. 24 (Schmitt p. 97 1. 26): adlevandus est sarculo. The rest of fol. 31rb is left blank. Only fol. 9–10v are rubricated.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: iii+35 leaves (fol. i–iii, 33–5 are flyleaves);
Dimensions (leaf): 290 × 210 mm.


1⁸ (4 and 5 are singletons), 2⁸–3⁸, 4⁸ (3 and 6 are singletons)
Secundo Folio: minutionem


Ruled space 210 × 145–55 mm. : 33 lines, fol. 1–7 in long lines; ruled with a hard point

fol. 7v–31 in 2 cols.


Written in several hands in Germany in the 11th cent.


Rubrication only on fol. 7–10v.

‘Macrobian’ maps.

Diagrams. (Pächt and Alexander i. 43)


Modern binding of dark-brown morocco by Maltby of Oxford.


Origin: 11th century ; German

Provenance and Acquisition

Identifiable as L.47 in the catalogue of Tegernsee made by Konrad Sortorius, librarian 1500–1531 (Krämer, op. cit., 85). Krämer, B.L.R. IX, 4 (1976), 199–207 and plate XII (fol. 7v). A 15th-cent. hand has added marginal descriptions of pieces throughout the MS (identifiable as Ambrosius Schwarzenbeck, librarian of Tegernsee 1481–1500; see S. Krämer in Codices manuscripti I, 3 (1975), 84–5).

Formerly MS.1.2.fol.5 in the Fürstliche Oettingen-Wallerstein’sehe Bibliothek, Maihingen; library stamp on pastedown. See Neues Archiv vii, 180; vol. cit., p. 261.

No. 10 in Catalogue xix (1936) of L’Art Ancien S.A., Zurich.

Bought by Lyell in February 1942 from A. Rosenthal; see his Cat. i (1939), no. 19 and pl. iv (fol. 7v).

James P. R. Lyell, 1871–1948

Chosen as one of the hundred manuscripts bequeathed to the Bodleian by Lyell in 1948.

Record Sources

Description adapted from A. de la Mare, Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts Bequeathed to the Bodleian Library Oxford by James P. R. Lyell (1971); with additions by Andrew Dunning.

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Digital Bodleian (1 image from 35mm slides)


Last Substantive Revision

2020-12-16: Andrew Dunning Revised from description by Albinia de la Mare.