MS. Rawl. liturg. e. 14
Summary Catalogue no.: 30675
Book of Hours, Use of Tournai
Language(s): Latin, Middle French
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: parchment
By the Master of the Privileges of Ghent and Flanders (Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 2583, datable to shortly after 1453). Addition of Veronica, fol. 4v, 15th century, middle. (Pächt and Alexander i. 313, pl. xxv)
Fine miniatures.
Fine borders.
Fine initials.
Brown leather elaborately gilt, worn, late 16th cent. French work.
Provenance and Acquisition
Richard Rawlinson, 1690–1755 (?)
Referenced in the Rawlinson collection about 1888 but lacking direct evidence of belonging to the collection.
Record Sources
Summary description abbreviated from the Summary Catalogue (1895). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1966).
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (33 images from 35mm slides)
Printed descriptions:
S. J. P. van Dijk, Latin Liturgical Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, vol. 4: Books of Hours (typescript, 1957), p. 115
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2022-04-04: Add binding information from Summary Catalogue.