A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Rawl. poet. 241

Summary Catalogue no.: 14732


1. (pp. 1, 20, 195)

Short theological and other notes, in Latin.

Language(s): Latin
2. (p. 8)
Nicole Bozon, Proverbes de bon enseignement
Incipit: Chers amis recevez de moi | Vn bon present que vous en voi | Noun pas dor ne dargent | Mas de bon enseignement | Que en escripture ai troue | Et de latin translate
Language(s): Anglo-Norman

On p. 20 are the dimensions of the monastery and church of St. Paul's at London, in Latin.

Language(s): Latin
(p. 21)
Nicole Bozon, La plainte d'amour
Incipit: Amour, amour, ou estes vous
Dean & Boulton 690
ed. J. Vising (1905, 1907)
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
(p. 37)
Le petit sermon (traité de l'amour de Dieu et de la haine du péché)
Incipit: Chekun doyt estre amee | Par la mesure de sa bonnte
Dean & Boulton 636
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
(p. 50)
Le dialogue de Saint Julien
Incipit: Si come ieo ai en liuere apris
Dean & Boulton 628 (a paraphrase of Julian of Toledo, Prognosticon)
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
4. (p. 77)
Everard de Gateley, monk of Bury St Edmunds, Miracles de la Vierge
Incipit: Quanque est en liuere escrit | Que seinte eglise recoit & list

Meyer, 27-47, with partial edition

Dean & Boulton 560
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
4a. (p. 96)
William of Waddington, Le Manuel des pechiez

Extracts, mostly of exampla, not in the order of the original: for details see Meyer, pp. 47-53.

Language(s): Anglo-Norman
5. (p. 163)
Edmund Rich, Miroir de sainte Eglise
Incipit: Videte vocacionem vestram. Ceux moz del apostle partinent a nous genz de religion.
Final rubric: Ci finist le sermon que seint Eadmund de Pounteneye fist & est apele Speculum amicicie

Preceded by a table of contents

Language(s): Anglo-Norman
6. (p. 189)
Ps-Methodius, De principio saeculi
Rubric: In nomine Christi incipit liber Metodij episcopi ... quem de hebreo & greco sermone in latinum transferre curauit, id est De principio seculi
Language(s): Latin
7. (p. 196)
Robert Grosseteste (?), Mariage des neuf filles du diable
Rubric: Ici comence vn tretitz coment le deable maria ces ix files ... solom Robert Groceteste
Incipit: ⟨D⟩e gestes ne voil chaunter
Final rubric: ... le mariage des ix files au deable ...

Meyer, 54-72, with edition at 61-72.

Dean & Boulton 686
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
(p. 207)
Epistola ad Alexandrum de dieta servanda (tr.)

French notes on the characters of each month, and the proper diet for each.

Dean & Boulton 420
T. Hunt, 'Old French translations of medical texts', Forum for Modern Language Studies, XXXV, 4 (October 1999), 350–357
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
8. (p. 211)
Petite philosophie
Incipit: Moultz volenters escriueroie | Et moultz des choses enditeroie.

Meyer, 72-77.

A geographical and astronomical poem. Artt. 8 and 9 are in a different hand from the rest.

Dean & Boulton 325 (an adaptation of Honorius of Autun, Imago mundi, bk. 1)
Language(s): Anglo-Norman
9. (p. 246)
Lunaire de Salomon
Incipit: Le jour qe prime est apele | Et des gentz ici nome

A French poem on the 30 days of the month (?, 'lunes') and their astrological character, here ascribed to King Solomon: see art. 8.

Meyer, 77-78.

Language(s): Anglo-Norman
10. (p. 259)
Sermon en vers (The beginning and end of the world)
Incipit: Seignors vous qe en dieux creez.

A French poem on the end of the world.

Meyer, 78-82.

Dean & Boulton 606
Language(s): Anglo-Norman

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: vi + 290 pages
Dimensions (binding): 8.125 × 5.875 in.


Chiefly in double columns


Medieval binding, extensively repaired, of whittawed skin over wooden boards, with traces of strap-and-pin fastening.


Origin: 14th century, first quarter (see Dean and Boulton) ; England

Provenance and Acquisition

'Corsaur' (?), 15th century (?), upper pastedown

Price '1-1-0', p. i.

'Sir Thomas Tempest baronet' (p. iii) (d. 1692: A. I. Doyle, 'The library of Sir Thomas Tempest: its origins and dispersal', in G. Janssens and F. Aarts (eds), Studies in seventeenth-century English literature … for Professor T. A. Birrell, 1984, 83-93.). MS. 110 in his or another collection (upper pastedown). 18th-century (?) table of contents, p. v.

Richard Rawlinson, 1690–1755

Bequeathed to the Bodleian in 1755

Record Sources

Description adapted (Sept. 2024) from the Summary Catalogue (1895) with additional reference to published literature as cited and with limited additional physical description (binding, provenance)


Last Substantive Revision

2024-09: Adapt Summary Catalogue description.