MS. e Mus. 52
Summary Catalogue no.: 3510
Only a summary description is given here of the Middle English items, which are more fully described in the Index of Middle English Prose (IMEP).
Unpr.; IMEP art. 1; eVK2 1383.00. For the Latin text see eTK 0982I, 1001A, 1369A.
IMEP art. 2; 'a' version, eVK2 6696.00, 8196.00, . Largely as pr. The Book of Quinte Essence, EETS OS 16 (1866).
Text on correspondences of stars, stones, plants, and characters, in five columns.
J. Evans, Magical Jewels of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (1922), pp. 108–9, 246–9 (edition); titled by her ‘the Book of Enoch’. Followed by a further paragraph on the treatment of the stones (not printed by Evans) apparently referring to the year 1357 and ascribed to 'Arnold’ famulus H(er)met(is)'.
A single folio, foliated 44–47 to account for missing leaves according to an early foliation.
Three folios (fols. 45–47 of the original foliation) are missing at this point. The original fols. 8 and 1 are bound after fol. '44–7'.
Imperfect at beginning. IMEP arts. 3, 4, 5, all printed in full.
For verdigris (as pr. Archaelogia 32, p. 188, 'Mappa clavicula').
For dyeing leather green; IMEP art. 6, in full.
For colours, lime and oils, four recipes, IMEP art. 7, in full.
A single folio, foliated 48–49 to account for missing leaves according to an early foliation. eVK2 5785.00
3 Hen. VIII, c. 11, ; largely as pr. Statutes of the Realm III. 31–32.
50 recipes, IMEP art. 8, eVK2 5453.00, 5540.00
Table of weights and measures
IMEP art. 9
Notes on weights and measures
IMEP art. 13
Table of weights and measures, with note on writs and their return
IMEP arts. 9, 11, A8
Fol. 55b is a part leaf.
Recipes (?), added late 16th century (?).
Mnemonic texts relating to the calendar
IMEP art. A9
IMEP art. 16; the fourth is eVK2 7650.00 and the fifth eVK2 3307.00.
Cisiojanus verses, IMEP art. A10
Text on fast days and Easter Sunday, IMEP art. 17, in full; eVK2 3171.00
IMEP art. 18; pr. W. L. Brakeman, The Treatise on Angling in the Boke of St Albans (1980), 33–8; eVK 7491.00
IMEP art. 20; eVK2 6612.
IMEP art. 24; eVK2 5322.00, ; for an inventory of all the recipes, and an edition of those not known from other sources, see C. B. Hieatt, A Gathering of Medieval English Recipes (2008), pp. 45–61
Originally blank; prophetical text attributed to John Ball added, later 16th century.
IMEP art. 26; eVK2 5626.00; with two Latin recipes.
IMEP arts. 21, 22, 23; eVK2 7521.00.
Continues from fol. 67v
IMEP art. 27; eVK2 1327.00, 8099.00.
Physical Description
Mostly in one column, c. 32–40 lines. Written space c. 220 × 150 mm. , but varies.
Two main hands (?), both combining secretary and anglicana forms: (1) fols. 1–42v, 15th century, middle or second half (?); (2) fols. '44–7'r-v, '48–9'r-v, 50r, 55ar-v, 55br-v, 56r, 56v-75v, 76v-82v (probably all one hand), late fifteenth or early sixteenth century (partly after 1511, fol. 50r). Additions in several other contemporary or later hands, fols. 43r-v, 50v-54r, 55ar, 56r, 76r.
Fols. 1–42v: initials in red, running heads in red, underlining in red.
Volvelles, unfinished, fols. 75v, 76r.
Elaborate manicules, fols. 65v, 80v, etc.
Rubrics sometimes in red.
Provenance and Acquisition
‘in alleyr man’ berry at the good man’ bate ys good aquafortis’ (fol. 55ar, 16th century)
‘by me henry Roffe is my nam and wethe my pen I wreete the same […] ’, 16th century, fol. 79r.
In the Bodleian by 1655, when referenced by Barlow.
Record Sources
Printed descriptions:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2019-07-29: Description revised.