The Annals of Ulster [Latin and Irish]
- Bibliography:
- Seán Mac Airt & Gearóid Mac Niocaill, (ed. & trans.) The Annals of Ulster (to A.D. 1131) (Dublin 1983)
- W. M. Hennessy & B. Mac Carthy, Annala Uladh: Annals of Ulster otherwise Annala Senait, Annals of Senat: a chronicle of Irish affairs from A.D. 431 to A.D. 1540. 4 vols. (Dublin, 1887–1901, repr. [with fresh introduction and bibliography, ed. Nollaig Ó Muraíle] Dublin, 1998)
- External links:
- Manuscripts:
- MS. Rawl. B. 489 (Digital facsimile online) — 16th century, early; Irish
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.