MS. Barocci 183
Summary Catalogue no.: 183
Menologion (January), 13th cent.
Language(s): Greek
cf. BHG 3 247, not exactly as pr. F. Combefis, Amphilochii opera, Paris 1644, pp. 155 ff.
BHG 3 1628–9, partly pr. F. Combefis, S. Silvestri Romani antistitis acta antiqua et probatiora, Paris 1659, pp. 2–80.
BHG 3 1468, pr. K.T. Corey ap. W.A. Oldfather, Studies in the text tradition of St Jerome’s Vitae Patrum, Urbana 1943, pp. 217–233; see also pp. 200 f., 210 f. on this MS.
BHG 3 1776, pr. H. Usener, Der heilige Theodosios, Leipzig 1890, pp. 3–101.
BHG 3 745, pr. PG 114. 553–65.
BHG 3 1307b, pr. PG 79. 589–600.
BHG 3 1486, pr. E. Batareikh, Χρυϲοϲτομικά, Rome 1908, pp. 978–1005.
BHG 3 183, pr. PG 25. 185–211.
BHG 3 648b.
BHG 3 1848, pr. PG 114. 761–73.
BHG 3 723, pr. PG 35. 244–304.
BHG 3 1878, pr. PG 114. 1014–43.
BHG 3 877.
Physical Description
Ruling: 2 columns of 31–4 lines. Ruling type Leroy 32C2.
One scribe. Subscriptions: fol. 121v Χριϲτὸϲ παράϲχοι τοῖϲ ἐμοῖϲ πόνοιϲ χάριν· οἴμοι τῶ ἀθλίω μονοτρόπω Νικήτα; fol. 216r εὔχεϲθαί μοι τῶ ταλένι (sic) μοναχῶ Νικήτα καὶ τῶν ἐπταιϲμένων μοι αἰτῶ ϲυγνώμην (sic).
Rubrication: Decorated headpieces and initial letters; also many initials in carmine.
Ornamental headpieces and decorated initials at the beginnings of Lives. (Hutter iii. 96, Abb. 384–6) [Internet Archive]
Binding of blind-stamped brown leather (spine modern).
Accompanying Material
Flyleaves: fols. i + 274 are from an early printed book on law.
Provenance and Acquisition
Note on fol. 40v μνήϲθητι Κύριε τοῦ δούλου τοῦ Θεοῦ Κωνϲταντίνου τοῦ Ϲυροπούλου.
Record Sources
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View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2017-07-01: First online publication.