Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century
- Notes:
- This record contains information from VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) which is made available under the ODC Attribution License.
- External links:
- GND: Gemeinsame Normdatei (authority record)
- Library of Congress (authority record)
- SUDOC: Système Universitaire de Documentation (authority record)
- ISNI: International Standard Name Identifier (authority record)
- ISNI: International Standard Name Identifier (authority record)
- Wikidata
- VIAF: Virtual International Authority File (authority record)
- VIAF: Virtual International Authority File (authority record)
- Author of:
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Hypomnema on St John the Evangelist [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Menologion for October [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Menologion for September [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Menologion for december [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Passio S. Anastasii [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Passio S. Clementis Ancyrani [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Passio S. Polyeucti [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Passio SS. Hermyli et Stratonici [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Passio SS. Indae et Domnae [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Passio Timothei apostoli [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Versus alphabetici [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Vita S. Athanasii ep. Alexandrini [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Vita S. Eusebiae (alias xenae) [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Vita S. Ioannis Calybitae [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Vita S. Marciani [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Vita S. Pauli thebani [Greek]
- Symeon, Metaphrastes, active 10th century: Vita S. Xenophontis [Greek]
- Manuscripts:
- MS. Auct. B. subtus 4 — 13th century, first half; Byzantine, Constantinople (?) or Athos (?)
- MS. Barocci 133 (Digital facsimile online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Barocci 183 — 12th century, end; 13th cent.
- MS. Barocci 230 (Digital facsimile online) — 11th century, third quarter; Byzantine, Constantinople
- MS. Canon. Gr. 91 — 12th century, second third; Byzantine
- MS. Cromwell 26 (Selected pages online) — 11th century; added decoration, 14th century (?); Byzantine, Cappadochia (?)
- MS. Gr. th. b. 8 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Holkham Gr. 15 — 11th century, second half; (except for fols 1r-7r, 181r-end, added 14th-15th century); Crete (?)
- MS. Holkham Gr. 22 — 15th and 16th centuries
- MS. Holkham Gr. 43 — 14th century
- MS. Laud Gr. 68 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Laud Gr. 70 — 11th century, end; Byzantine
- MS. Lyell 92 — 12th century, second quarter; Byzantine, Constantinople (?)
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.