A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Jesus College MS. 4

Anselm, Boethius, and mathematical extracts; England, 12th and 13th centuries

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Parchment, arranged hair to hair, flesh to flesh. The endleaves and pastedowns are 20th-cent. paper., also used to repair the edges of outer margins.
Extent: i (modern paper) + 57 + 22 + 16 + 11 + 1 + i (modern paper) leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 230 × 145 mm.
Foliation: Foliation in modern pencil at the upper right-hand corner.


110 (wants 7th), 2–78 || 8–98, 106 || 11–128 || 138 (wants 3rd, 4th, 8th), 147 (2nd cancelled and replaced with a singleton, 8th cancelled) || 15one.
Secundo Folio: uidetur quod


Whittawed leather, late 13th or 14th century. This indicates that the booklets were put together sometime during the late medieval period.

Boards recovered with leather, 1940s × 1970s, with the original covering pasted over it.


Provenance and Acquisition

Sir John Prise: known to have obtained books from the monasteries of Wales and the border shires of England immediately after the Dissolution. The manuscript was recorded in the list of the books donated by him to the College as ‘Liber Anselmi Archiepiscopi Cant.’ Since he owned at least two other manuscripts with a Pershore provenance (Oxford, Bodleian Library Laud. misc. 114, olim Jesus, and Jesus College 47), he probably obtained this one too from the monastery.

Gregory Price (1535–1600): willed to Jesus College.

Pressmarks and labels: spine, ‘J Arch 1–4’ (ink on paper); ‘MS. Jesus Coll. D. 4’ (printed on paper). Upper board, ‘Anselmi opus 17’ (John Prise, 16th cent.). Upper pastedown, ‘17’; ‘(70)’; ‘2036–17’. Lower board, ‘Quedam opuscula Anselmi arc’ (16th cent.). Fol. 1r, ‘17.’; ‘(70)’; ‘J Arch. 1–4’.

Jesus College MS. 4, fols. 1–57


Tracts by Anselm of Canterbury: a sequence of his works not known elsewhere.

Language(s): Latin

(fols. 1r–10r)
Anselm, De ueritate
Rubric: (fol. 1r) Tres tractatus. Incipit prefatio Anselmi archiepiscopi cantuariensis in subditum opus.
Incipit: Pertinentes ad studium sacre scripture
Rubric: Capitula.
Incipit: Quod ueritas non habeat
Explicit: (fol. 1v) ueritas in omnibus ueris.
Final rubric: Expliciunt capitula.
Incipit: Quoniam deum ueritatem esse
Explicit: (fol. 10r) tunc eius dicitur ueritas uel rectitudo.

This and the two following tracts were meant to be transmitted together, hence the rubric ‘Tres tractatus’.

Ed. F. S. Schmitt, SAO, i, 169–99.
(fols. 10v–18r)
Anselm, De libertate arbitrii
Rubric: (fol. 10v) Incipiunt capitula tractatus de libertate arbitrii.
Incipit: Quod potestas peccandi non
Explicit: diuisio eiusdem libertatis.
Rubric: Liber beati Anselmi de libertate arbitrii.
Incipit: Arbitrium uidetur repugnare
Explicit: (fol. 18r) necesse habeam de illis interrogare.
Ed. F. S. Schmitt, SAO, i, 201–26.
(fols. 18r–34r)
Anselm, De casu diaboli
Rubric: (fol. 18r) Incipiunt capitula Anselmi archiepiscopi cantuariensis de casu diaboli.
Incipit: Quod etiam ad angelos
Explicit: (fol. 18v) bonum quantum ad esse.
Rubric: Incipit liber Anselmi archiepiscopi de casu diaboli.
Incipit: Illud apostoli quid
Explicit: (fol. 34r) loqui et uti potestate loq⟨ue⟩ndi.
Final rubric: Explicit de casu diaboli.
Ed. F. S. Schmitt, SAO, i, 227–76.
(fols. 34r–46v)
Anselm, De conceptu uirginali et de peccato originali
Rubric: (fol. 34r) Incipit liber eiusdem Anselmi archiepiscopi de conceptu uirginali. Capitula.
Incipit: Que sit originalis et
Explicit: (fol. 34v) eos post baptisma.
Final rubric: Expliciunt. capitula.
Rubric: Incipit liber Anselmi archiepiscopi de conceptu uirginali.
Incipit: Cum in omnibus religiosae
Explicit: (fol. 46v) si uera probari poterit.
Final rubric: Explicit liber Anselmi archiepiscopi cantuariensis de conceptu uirginali.
Ed. F. S. Schmitt, SAO, ii, 135–73.
(fols. 46v–54v)
Anselm, Epistola de incarnatione Verbi
Rubric: (fol. 46v) Incipit liber eiusdem de incarnatione uerbi.
Incipit: Domino et patri uniuersae ecclesiae in terra
Explicit: (fol. 54v) in eodem libello aperte inueniet.
Ed. F. S. Schmitt, SAO, ii, 1–35.
(fols. 54v–57v)
Anselm, Monologion
Rubric: (fol. 54v) Incipit prefatio Anselmi archiepiscopi cantuariensis in libro qui dicitur monologion.
Incipit: Reuerendo et amando suo domino
Explicit: Quidam fratres sepe me
Rubric: (fol. 55r) Capitula.
Incipit: Quod sit quiddam optimum
Incipit: Quod ipsa dominetur omnibus et regat omnia et sit solus deus.
Explicit: (fol. 57v) cum causa tanti boni fuit. at nullum bonum||
(ends abruptly)
Ed. F. S. Schmitt, SAO, i, 1–20.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 57 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 230 × 145 mm.


Ruled in dry point. 31–38 long lines, ruled space 185 × 95 mm.


Anselm’s works are in an uneven English protogothic hand. A different hand corrected the text, another hand added the rubrics, and an expert scribe was responsible for a few short portions of text (e.g. 3v and 11r). The same hand that copied the first booklet of Anselmiana was probably also responsible for the following two booklets (fols. 58–95), although since the hand has a variable appearance, this is hard to determine.


Decorated initial in green and red (fol. 34v); red initials with faces (fols. 23v–24r).

Flourished three-line initial in yellow-gold (fol. 10v).

Coloured initials alternating between red, green, and yellow-gold, one to three lines.

Since a rubric on fol. 10v refers to Anselm as beatus , these postdate his death and almost certainly the publication of the Miracula to his Vita, both by Eadmer, which has been dated to the mid-1120s. The rubrics can be dated to the second quarter of the 12th century. They do not meticulously follow the original instructions (visible e.g. on fols. 18r and 46v) and may have been added later. (The incipit labelling Anselm as ‘beatus’ might have been the rubricator’s own wording.)


Origin: England; 1110s × 1140s


Benedictine abbey of St Edburga, Pershore. Inscribed, ‘Liber Anselmi Archiepiscopi G. Pⁱ’, 13th cent. (fol. 1r). References to Gil⟨bert⟩ the prior (fols. 1r and 58r) and comparable entries in other books that are known to derive from the monastery. Such inscriptions occur also in Cambridge, Emmanuel College 38, and Oxford, St John’s College 96, both connected to Pershore (Ker, ‘Sir John Prise’, p. 489).

Jesus College MS. 4, fols. 58–79


Language(s): Latin

(fol. 58r–v)


(fols. 59r–77r)
Boethius, De institutione musica
Incipit: (fol. 59r) ⟨O⟩mnium quidem perceptio sensuum ita sponte
Explicit: (fol. 77r) lateribus adiungantur. Sit autem descriptio.||

The text was never finished; fol. 77v is blank.

Ed. G. Friedlein (Leipzig, 1867, repr. 1966); CPL 880; manuscripts listed in A. Masi, ‘Manuscripts containing the De Musica of Boethius’, Manuscripta, 15 (1971), pp. 89–95.
(fols. 77v–79v)


Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 22 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 230 × 145 mm.


Ruled in dry point. 35–38 long lines, ruled space 190 × 120 mm.




Lacks most initials and all diagrams.


Origin: England; 1110s × 1140s

The texts in fols. 58–79 and fols. 80–95 attest to a considerable interest in the subjects of the quadrivium. The diagrams, clarifying argumentation in several other witnesses to these texts, remain unexecuted, suggesting that the booklets were never much used. The short notes Ca–j immediately follow B1 in about ten continental and English manuscripts in varied combinations.


Benedictine abbey of St Edburga, Pershore. Inscribed, ‘liber Gill. pri’, 13th cent. (fol. 58r). ( s . xiii).

Jesus College MS. 4, fols. 80–95


Language(s): Latin

(fols. 80r–91r)
? Gerbert of Aurillac, De geometria
Incipit: (fol. 80r) ⟨G⟩eometricales tractanti diuersitates. premonstrandum est
Explicit: (fol. 91r) circulum scribimus finit.
Ed. Gerberti postea Silvestri II papae Opera Mathematica, ed. N. Bubnov, Berlin, 1899, pp. 310–64. eTK 0584J.
(fols. 91r–95v)
Mathematical extracts
Incipit: (fol. 91r) ⟨R⟩atione circuli probatur
Explicit: (fol. 91r) in leuga rotatur.
Bubnov, p. 364. eTK 1315J.
Incipit: (fol. 91r) ⟨S⟩cimus triangulum iii interiores
Explicit: (fol. 91v) iii lineas habet in triangulo.
Bubnov, p. 364. eTK 1405E.
Incipit: (fol. 91v) ⟨E⟩st quedam altitudinis metiende regula
Explicit: (fol. 91v) ut ex positione non indigeat.
Bubnov, p. 364.
Incipit: (fol. 91v) ⟨C⟩ubitum geometricum dicit origines tantum
Explicit: (fol. 91v) ut omnia contineret.
Bubnov, p. 364.
Incipit: (fol. 91v) ⟨S⟩ecundum Egesippum uel eugepium humani corporis longitudo
Explicit: (fol. 91v) uel a sinistra in dexteram.
Bubnov, p. 364.
Incipit: (fol. 91v) ⟨C⟩onstrue quadratum de ligno aut
Explicit: (fol. 91v) incunctanter assignat.
Bubnov, p. 365.
Incipit: (fol. 92r) ⟨P⟩rimum obseruandum est in spera
Explicit: (fol. 92v) ab equalitate procedat et recedat.
Bubnov, p. 365. eTK 1120B.
Incipit: (fol. 92v) ⟨S⟩i in die horas scire desideras
Explicit: (fol. 92v) pro presenti hora habeto.
Bubnov, p. 365. eTK 1446F.
Incipit: (fol. 92v) ⟨S⟩ic autem a philosophis tocius habitabilis terrae spacium
Explicit: (fol. 92v) reliquum fuisse liquet.
Bubnov, p. 365, where the extract begins ‘Diuisum autem ab huiusmodi diuisionis sapientibus totiens habitabilis terrae spatium. eTK 0444F.
Incipit: (fol. 92v) ⟨S⟩peram caeli facturus. ducat circulum
Explicit: (fol. 92v) libram equinoctialis erit. Caetera necessaria spere docet Yginus.
Bubnov, p. 365.
Incipit: (fol. 92v) ⟨D⟩omino Abaldaldo. Gerbertus. Vitae felicitatem et felicitatis … Macrobius super sompnum Scipionis
Explicit: (fol. 93v) in puteorum profunditatibus.
Incipit: (fol. 93v) aldbaldo nunc usque dilecto
Explicit: (fol. 94r) et in ea semper memento.
Ed. Gerberti postea Silvestri II papae Opera Mathematica, ed. N. Bubnov, Berlin, 1899, pp. 43–45; Œuvres de Gerbert, ed. A. Olleris, Paris, 1867, p. 477; PL 139, 151–4.
In the editions Gerbert is the addressee. Ed. Gerberti postea Silvestri II papae Opera Mathematica, ed. N. Bubnov, Berlin, 1899, pp. 300–309; Œuvres de Gerbert, ed. A. Olleris, Paris, 1867, p. 471–475; PL 140, 1103–8.
Incipit: (fol. 94r) ⟨C⟩um uis scire profunditatem alicuius pelagi
Explicit: (fol. 94v) quingentos status hominis.
Ed. J. Millás Vallicrosa, Assaig d’història de les idees fisiques i matematiques a la Catalunya medieval, Barcelona, 1931, pp. 303–4. eTK 1172A.
Incipit: (fol. 94v) ⟨D⟩igitus habet v. ↄ. ff.(?) ^x.^ viii ¶ Vntia digitum unum.
Explicit: (fol. 94v) Stadium. Status. Miliarium. Leuga.


Incipit: (fol. 94v) ⟨C⟩ensura est quicquid pondere
Explicit: (fol. 94v) uncias in digitos diuiserunt.

Unidentified; cf. London, British Library, Royal MS. 15 B. ix, fol. 72v, ‘Maiores itaque orbem in partes, partes in pronuincias, prouincias in regiones … uncias in digitos diuiserunt.’

Incipit: (fol. 94v) ⟨D⟩igitus est pars minima agrestium
Explicit: (fol. 95r) rastum uel rastam efficiunt.
eTK 0431C.
Incipit: (fol. 95v) ⟨C⟩alcus est pars minima omnium ponderum
Explicit: (fol. 95v) siliquas .cclxxxviii. calcos .ccclxxxiiii.
eTK 0183H.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 12 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 230 × 145 mm.


Ruled in dry point. 36–37 long lines, ruled space 190 × 115 mm.




Space for unexecuted initials and diagrams.

Marginal annotations in green or red borders (fol. 93r–v).


Origin: England; 1110s × 1140s

Jesus College MS. 4, fols. 96–106


Language(s): Latin

(fol. 96r)
A Latin Judas story
Incipit: ⟨M⟩irabiliter cepit oriri arbor sancta de tribus uirgulis composita
Explicit: et saluatorem omnium credentium.
Ed. A. S. Napier, History of the Holy Rood-Tree, A Twelfth Century Version Of The Cross Legend, Early English Text Society, orig. series, 103, London, 1894, pp. 68–70, where the text is titled ‘The Latin Judas Story’.
(fols. 96v–106v)
Euangelium Nicodemi latine
Incipit: (fol. 96v) Factum est in anno nonodecimo imperii Tyberii
Explicit: (fol. 106v) gladio se ibi interfecit.


Incipit: Hec autem omnia scripta sunt qualiter primum damnatus
Explicit: credimus dei filium qui cum patre et spritu sancto uiuit et regnat in secula seculorum. Amen.

In Izydorczyk’s categorization, the prologue represents the second version while the text is the B version.

Ed. C. von Tischendorf, Evangelia apocrypha, 2nd ed., Leipzig, 1876, pp. 333–432; H. C. Kim, The Gospel of Nicodemus. Gesta Salvatoris, Toronto, 1973; D. J. Lewis, ‘A Short Latin Gospel of Nicodemus Written in Ireland’, Peritia, 5, pp. 262–75. Manuscripts listed (and earlier editions mentioned at p. 1) in Zbigniew Izydorczyk, Manuscripts of the ‘Evangelium Nicodemi’: A Census, Subsidia Mediaevalia, 21, Toronto, 1993.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 11 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 215–230 × 145 mm.


Ruled in dry point. 30–38 long lines, ruled space 185–190 × 100–120 mm.


Two hands from the turn of the thirteenth century, both writing textualis of average quality.

The last lines on fol. 106v are in a thirteenth-century hand.


Coloured initials, fol. 96v.


Origin: England; 1190s × 1200s

Jesus College MS. 4, fol. 107


Language(s): Latin


Fragment, mounted in reverse.

(fol. 107v)
Kyrie Cunctipotens genitor
Incipit: ||⟨O⟩ffensas dele sancto nos munere reple e⟨leyson⟩
Cantus ah47004
(fol. 107v–r)
Kyrie Rex uirginum
Incipit: (fol. 107v) Rex uirginum amator deus
Explicit: (fol. 107r) Spiritus alme Eleyson
Cantus ah47008
(fol. 107r)
Kyrie Lux et origo
Incipit: (fol. 107r) ⟨L⟩ux et origo lucis summe
Explicit: semper eleison ⟨K⟩yrie ⟨e⟩leyson
Cantus ah47012b

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: 1 leaf
Dimensions (leaf): 225 × 140 mm.


Ruled in crayon, 12 long lines, ruled space 180 × 105 mm.



Musical Notation: Notated on a four-line staff.


Incomplete initials.


Origin: England; 1170s × 1190s

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description by Samu Niskanen (April 2011), revised by Andrew Dunning (December 2022). Previously described:

Last Substantive Revision

2022-12-09: Andrew Dunning revised description by Samu Niskanen.