A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Exeter College MS. 61

Johannes de Rupella, Super Danielem;Hugo de S. Caro, Super Danielem,Job et Acta apostolorum; Oxford, England, 1464


Summary of Contents: Exeter College MSS 51–68, most of the texts in which are by or attributed to Hugo de Sancto Caro, were produced in Oxford for Roger Keys, d. 1477, whose many positions included the visitorship of Exeter College (1442), the wardenship of All Souls College (1443–5), the archdeaconry of Barnstaple (1450), and the precentorship of Exeter Cathedral (1459) (see BRUO, ‘Keyes’). His arms are found in the borders of several of the manuscripts (although others have been excised) and several manuscripts include a long ex dono inscription (see MS 53) recording his gift of the books to the rector and fellows of Exeter College on 1 January 1469/70. On Hugo de Sancto Caro see E. Mangenot, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, vii (Paris, 1921), 221–308. For two other great series of illuminated volumes produced in Oxford contemporaneously with these, then and now at Balliol College and Merton College, see K. L. Scott, ‘Two series of dated illuminated manuscripts made in Oxford 1450–64’, Watson Essays, 43–69. So far as is known from the incomplete series of dated colophons and the ex dono inscription, the manuscripts were written between 1452 and the late 1460s, but it is probable that they were delivered to the College singly or in twos or threes; a 1458 entry in the Rector’s Accounts records payments to John Godysson, stationer, for providing chains for three volumes of the set (Boase1, 21, Boase2, 40). Another series of entries in the Rector’s Accounts reveals, however, that MS 68 and another, probably MS 60, were not completed until after Keys’s death, between 1480 and 1484, perhaps for lack of money until that was supplied by M. John Combe (see Watson, Exeter, p. 85, and MS 68, History). In the whole series three principal scribes took part, assisted by several others in the last volume, MS 68. Four artists shared the illumination of the borders (and some of them also the spray decoration and small initials). For detailed analysis, see Watson, Exeter, pp. 85–87.

Language(s): Latin

1. (fols. 1r-43v)
Johannes de Rupella (Ps.-Matthaeus de Aquasparte; Ps.-Stephen Langton), Comm. Daniel
Incipit: (prol.) || estimat. scit versucias sermonum dissoluciones argumentorum. signa et monstra antequam fiant

[fol. 1v]

Explicit: (prol.) venerunt michi omnia bona pariter cum illa. virtutis. noticie. et honoris.
Rubric: Prologus Ieronimi.
Incipit: (prol.) Danielem propheta &c. Huic libro premittit Ieronimus proemium et dirigitur sancte Paule et Eustochio
Rubric: Incipit Daniel.
Incipit: Anno tercio regni Ioachim &c. Sicut supradictum est in presenti capitulo quod est prima pars huius libri
Explicit: Et hoc est. Daniel comedit.
Final rubric: Explicit Daniel. Laus honor et gloria omnipotenti Deo in secula seculorum. Amen.

Stegmüller, Bibl., 4896. Preceded by his prologue (the beginning of which is missing through the loss of the first leaf) and that of Jerome, Stegmüller, Bibl., 494. Unprinted apart from Jerome’s prologue.

2. (fols. 44r-67r)
Hugo de S. Caro, Comm. Daniel
Incipit: Homini bono in conspectu suo dedit Deus sapienciam et scienciam et intelligenciam. Ecc. 2. In hoc quod dicitur
Rubric: Prologus Sancti Ieronimi
Incipit: Hunc librum transtulit Ieronimus de Chaldeo ad peticionem Cromacij episcopi

[fol. 45r]

Incipit: Anno tercio liber vite totus in duas partes diuiditur
Explicit: addat de tempore futuro post eam. ablatum fuerit id est auferri inceperit.

Stegmüller, Bibl., 3698.

3. (fols. 68r-180v)
Hugo de S. Caro, Comm. Job
Incipit: Legitur Osee xjº. In funiculis Adam vocat propheta penas temporales

[fol. 69r]

Rubric: Prologus in Job.
Incipit: Cogor. Stimulo racionis

[fol. 70r]

Rubric: Alius prologus.
Incipit: Si autem fiscellam secundum perennium

[fol. 70v]

Rubric: Capitulum primum.
Incipit: Vir erat in terra nomine Iob. Sicut dictum est
Explicit: quibus omnes electi adiuuantur.

Stegmüller, Bibl., 3673.

4. (fols. 181r-216v)
Hugo de S. Caro, Act.
Rubric: [at top of page] Prologus in actus apostolorum
Incipit: Scribe uisum et explana eum super tabulam

[fol. 181v]

Rubric: Incipiunt actus apostolorum.
Incipit: Primum nominaliter id est euangelium
Explicit: in quo tentus est et martirio coronatus.
Final rubric: Expliciunt actus apostolorum. Anno domini Millesimo ccccº lxiiijº.

Stegmüller, Bibl., 3725.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: estimat.
Form: codex
Support: parchment HFFH
Extent: 216 leaves preceded by one 18th-century flyleaf and the upper half of a medieval flyleaf (fol. i), the other half being modern.
Dimensions (leaf): 415 × 280 mm.
Dimensions (column): 280 × 80 mm.


18 (wants 1) 28–228 238 (wants 8, blank) 248–278 284. Catchwords by the scribe; no quire signatures or numbers.


Two columns, 60 lines. Ruled in crayon.


Written by Scribe 2; see MS 53, Script. In this volume the cadell-like ascenders in top lines are elaborate, some containing faces.


Of the same type as in MS 51 but by Artist C, for a characterization of whose work see Watson, Exeter, pp. 85–87.

Border fol. 1r has been lost; others survive on fols. 44r (with Keys’s arms), 68r (partly lost), 70v, 181r (arms and part of border cut away).

Also spray initials and illuminated 3-line initials for chapters; lemmata underlined red; rubrics.


Stamped leather bindings over square-edged wooden boards, (presumably) rebound; stamp used was employed in Oxford between 1535 and 1621, here in the second phase state, probably c. 1605–10. Two straps held by nails. Refurbished in the 19th century (1839?): that volumes were resewn is indicated by the very tight binding, which makes collation difficult, and by the provision of new endbands; edges were stained red; book was reinforced by pasting long strips of canvas round the spine and attached to the boards, and the old spines were replaced. Sewn on seven bands. For other details see Watson, Exeter, p. 87.


Origin: 1464 ; Oxford, England

Provenance and Acquisition

On fol. iv, ‘Hunc librum Hugonem de Vienna super Danielem Job et actus apostolorum 2º fo estimat M. Rogerus Keys precentor Ecclesie Cathedralis beati Petri Oxon primi die Mensis Januarij Anno domini millesimo Quadringentesimo Sexagesimo Nono contulit et dedit M. Johanni Philipp Rectori et socijs Collegij Exon’ in Oxon’ Vocati Stapildon halle cathenandum in libraria eiusdem collegij ad vsum predictorum Rectoris et sociorum ac successorum suorum in eodem studere volencium qui diu durare poterit pro quo qua quidem donacione iidem[sic] M. Johannes Phillip Rector et socij collegij predict’ obligarunt se et successores suos Rectores et socios eiusdem collegij prefat’ M. Rogero virtute iuramenti prestiti quod solempniter cum nota postquam idem M. Rogerus ab hac luce migrauerit inperpetuum semel in anno tenebunt obitum suum et benefactorum suorum cum exiquijs et missa in crastino per Rectorem ibidem pro tempore existen’ vel vnum de socijs collegi predict’ in capella eiusdem celebrand’. Si quis autem prefatum librum a collegio predicto alienauerit vel de libraria predicta sine licencia Rectoris et omni sociorum collegij predict’ tam absencium quam presencium pro tempore existencium abstulerit alienauerit vel ad extram cauauerit nisi causa correccionis reparacionis vel ligacionis per predict’ Rectorem et omnes socios predictos prius approbanda auctoritate Dei patris omnipotentis et beatorum apostolorum suorum Petri et Pauli ac Reuerende in Christo patris et domini Johannis Dei gracia Exon’ Episcopi anatentizatus[sic] sit ipso facto’..’

Exeter library identifications are, on the front pastedown, bookplate 3, on which is ‘173–H–1’ deleted and replaced by ‘212.G.9’, and, on the pastedown, ‘Coxe LXI’ (pencil).

Record Sources

Andrew G. Watson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Exeter College, Oxford (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2000.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Exeter College Library.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College.

Last Substantive Revision

2020-04-29: First online publication

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