Exeter College MS. 62
Hugo de S. Caro, In Matthaeum et Marcum; Oxford, England, 1454
Language(s): Latin
[fol. 4r]
Stegmüller, Bibl., 3717. Because of the loss of the first two leaves of quire 1, our text begins in the commentary on Matthew, 5. 2, Paris, 1545 edn., p. 4rb/34. There are marginal distinctiones.
A list of Christ’s appearances after crucifixion, drawn from the Gospels and Acts, the chapters and verses of which are specified. Despite the title the list stops at the tenth.
[fol. 132r]
Stegmüller, Bibl., 3719. There are marginal distinctiones.
Twenty-two sets of distinctiones on the Gospel of S. Mark, chapters 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14.
In the hand and with the ordinatio of the main text.
Physical Description
Two columns, 60 lines. Ruled in crayon.
Written by Scribe 1 (William Salomon): see MS 58, Script, also History, below. DMO, no. 791. Running titles in uncial. In this volume Salomon’s cadell-like ascenders, although infrequent, are quite elaborate.
Of the same type as in MS 51 but by Artist A, for a characterization of whose work see Watson, Exeter, pp. 85–87. A major illumination before Matthew has been excised but others survive on fol. 130v (with Keys’s arms in the lower border) and on fol. 132r.
There are illuminated initials for chapters, blue and red paraphs, lemmata underlined red, blue running titles and book numbers.
Stamped leather bindings over square-edged wooden boards, (presumably) rebound; stamp used was employed in Oxford between 1535 and 1621, here in the second phase state, probably c. 1605–10. Two straps held by nails. Refurbished in the 19th century (1839?): that volumes were resewn is indicated by the very tight binding, which makes collation difficult, and by the provision of new endbands; edges were stained red; book was reinforced by pasting long strips of canvas round the spine and attached to the boards, and the old spines were replaced. On eight bands, with the remains of two straps; spine renewed. For other details see Watson, Exeter, p. 87.
Provenance and Acquisition
On fol. 179v, ‘Iste liber constat Magistro Rogero Keys qui fuit scriptus Oxonie anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo quadragesmimo quarto per manus Willelmi Salomonis Leonensis diocesis. Cuius anime propicietur omipotens. Amen. Deo gracias.’ On fol. iiv, ‘Hunc librum Hugonem de Vienna super Matheum et Marcum 2º fo. intencione M. Robertas Keys ... primo die mensis Januarij Anno Domini Millesimo Quadringentesimo Sexagesimo Nono contulit et dedit M. Johanni Philipp Rectori et socijs Collegij Exon’ in Oxon’ Vocati Stapildon halle cathenandum in libraria eiusdem collegij ad vsum predictorum Rectoris et sociorum ac successorum suorum in eodem studere volencium qui diu durare poterit pro quo qua quidem donacione iidem[sic] M. Johannes Phillip Rector et socij collegij predict’ obligarunt se et successores suos Rectores et socios eiusdem collegij prefat’ M. Rogero virtute iuramenti prestiti quod solempniter cum nota postquam idem M. Rogerus ab hac luce migrauerit inperpetuum semel in anno tenebunt obitum suum et benefactorum suorum cum exiquijs et missa in crastino per Rectorem ibidem pro tempore existen’ vel vnum de socijs collegi predict’ in capella eiusdem celebrand’. Si quis autem prefatum librum a collegio predicto alienauerit vel de libraria predicta sine licencia Rectoris et omni sociorum collegij predict’ tam absencium quam presencium pro tempore existencium abstulerit alienauerit vel ad extram cauauerit nisi causa correccionis reparacionis vel ligacionis per predict’ Rectorem et omnes socios predictos prius approbanda auctoritate Dei patris omnipotentis et beatorum apostolorum suorum Petri et Pauli ac Reuerende in Christo patris et domini Johannis Dei gracia Exon’ Episcopi anatentizatus[sic] sit ipso facto’.
Exeter library identifications are, on the front pastedown, bookplate 3, and on it ‘173–11–1’, deleted and replaced by ‘212.G.9’ and on the pastedown ‘Coxe LXI’.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Exeter College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College.
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-04-29: First online publication