A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

St John's College MS 190

Preaching materials: tracts and sermons

Physical Description

Comprising five originally separate MSS
Form: codex
Support: Comprising five originally separate MSS, all on vellum (3–4 HSOS/HFFH, the remainder FSOS/FHHF)
Extent: Fols. iii + 311 + v (numbered fols. 312–13, iv–vi).
Dimensions (leaf): 178 × 123 mm.
Foliation: Fols. 129–311 have a medieval foliation 1–173, with fols. 191–200 unnumbered.


A modern replacement. Sewn on three thongs. At the front, a marbled paper leaf (the date 1879 on the verso) and two modern paper flyleaves; at the rear, two vellum flyleaves from MS, two modern paper flyleaves and another marbled leaf (12–13, iv–vi).


Origin: ss. xiii2/4–xiv in., with later additions ; England

Provenance and Acquisition

'Anno domini MoCCCo Nonagesimo sexto dominus Thomas de Arundell Archiepiscopus eboracensis et domini Regis cancellarius celebrauit dominica apud Westm’ die sancte pentecostis et feria secunda proxima sequenti’ (fol. 312; anglicana s. xv in.).

'Liber iste ecclesie beati petri Westmonasterii ex procuracione fratris Willieimi de hasele ⟨fu⟩it domni Willielmi de feltham uicarii quondam de b⟨au⟩he cuius anime propicietur altissimus’ (fol. 1, in red with a faded blue initial; textura, s. xv) (Ker, MLGB 197, 314). Hasele’s floruit is c.1266, and he also donated BL, MS Additional 8167; but his book can have included no more than the first three MSS here. The remainder must represent a Westminster preaching collection.

'Liber Richardi Butler rectoris de Aston in le walles ex dono Magistri Albani Butler senioris 24 Decembris 1607’ (fol. 1, upper margin).

MS 190 - binding leaf (a)


Language(s): Latin

a. Fol. 312

The remains of a bifolium, its conjoint stub immediately preceding it, is blank except for an added note (see Provenance); fol. 312v has very faded theological notes in brown crayon.

MS 190 - binding leaf (b)


Language(s): Latin

a. Fol. 313rab:
Incipit: ⟨S⟩amaritanus uulnerato apropians curacioni cius sacramentorum alligamenta adhibint quia contra peccati
Explicit: causa existat Non igitur significandi tantum gracia sacramenta instituta sunt

From another MS, a former pastedown. The verso is blank.

Physical Description


In double columns, each column 97 × 33–4 mm. with 8 mm between columns, in 23 lines to the column.


Written in gothic textura quadrata, s. xiv in.


Origin: s. xiv in

Manuscript 1 = Fols. 1–8


Language(s): Latin

c. Fols. 1v–3:
Incipit: Exultent in Rege suo psalmo 145o. O altitudo diuiciarum sapiencie et sciencie dei cuius vie investigabiles cuius sensus inperscrutabiles
Explicit: Gaudium cuique sibi beniuolo et in perpetuum fiat lex vt semper in pace viuat rex Amen
An unidentified sermon. Preceded (fol. 1) by a note on figural reading of scripture in the same hand; fols. 4, 5, and 8v have very faded theological notes.

Physical Description

A waste quire, used for an earlier binding, now with a single added text and notes.
Support: vellum (FSOS/FHHF)


18. No catchword or signature.



The sermon is in a mixed anglicana/secretary, s. xv med.

The theological notes are in textura, s. xiii ex. Punctuation by point.



Origin: s. xiii ex. and s. xv med. ;

Manuscript 2 = Fols. 9–14


Language(s): Latin

1. Fols. 9ra–13vb
Incipit: Decem sunt canones ewangelistarum canon est regularis collectio capitulorum in quibus conueniunt uel differunt euangelia
Explicit: quia comedit agnos \k 10.21e/ committit \k 10.21 G/ in se librum Iohannis finit

The canon tables for the gospels.

2. Fols. 14ra–vb:
Incipit: ⟨A⟩az aprehensus uel fortitudo seu fortis aut aprehendens abba pater uel paternitas sirum non hebreum
Explicit: anathor Responsio uel obedientia uel Respondens signa uel gratificatio designantis anachochite […]
STEPHEN LANGTON, Interpretationes nominum hebraicorum (Stegmüller, RB no. 7709 [5:234–5]; cf. Sharpe no. 1669 [at 628]), ed. in Bedae Opera (Cologne, 1688), 3:371–480. Two additional etymologies added in the upper margin.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: uult
Support: vellum (FSOS/FHHF)
Extent: Fols. 6.


26. No catchword; a small red a in the gutter of fol. 14v might be a quire signature.


In double columns, each column 127 × 48 mm. , with 5 mm between columns, in 33–4 lines to the column. No prickings; bounded and ruled in lead.


Written in gothic textura quadrata, s. xiii2/4 (below top line). Punctuation by point and double point.


A 6-line red initial at the head of item 1; at the head of item 2, a 5-line blank for a capital is unfilled.


Origin: s. xiii2/4

Manuscript 3 = Fols. 15–69


Language(s): Latin

3. Fols. 15–63v:
Rubric: Incipiunt quedam excerpta ex opusculis beati GREGORII pape […]
Incipit: In scriptura sacra aliquando deus nuncupatiue aliquando uero essencialiter dicitur
Explicit: vinum nouum in utres [sic for uitres] nouos Lagenarum enim corpora nostra uitri Respice de dextera
Flores from Gregory the Great

The sixteen-book summary of GARNERIUS ‘GREGORIANUS’ OF ST VICTOR, ed. PL 193:25–462; a brief contents table between the heading and the text. In the blank page foot, a similar hand of s. xiii med. adds definitions and distinctiones , most concerning ‘amor’, followed by ‘accidia’, ‘avaritia’, and then shorter definitions.

4. Fols. 64ra–69rb:
Rubric: A in propria potentia
Incipit: Astucia est prudentia discernendi inicia uirtutum speciem preferentium Argumencio est ordinacio
Explicit: Vacuum est quod non confert fulcimen innitenti nec plenitudinem continenti

A dictionary in alphabetical order, a concluding definition of ‘Voluntas’ added in a hand of s. xiii ex.

5. Fols. 69rb–vb:
Incipit: Humilitatis attende exercicium que ducit ad dexteram | Cognitis ciuibus babilonie
Explicit: corpus diaboli superatur et per semitam iusticie fons et origo omnium uirtutum aditur

Verse (not in Walther) introducing a discussion of the cardinal and theological virtues (the definition of fortitude is Macrobian). Further notes on similar subjects added s. xiii ex to fill the final column.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: Celi
Support: vellum (HSOS/HFFH)
Extent: Fols. 55.
Dimensions (written): 140 × 88 mm.


3–48 510 68 710 88 94(–4, probably blank). One full and one partial catchword, the remainder cut away; similarly quire 3 is signed ‘Ius’ on the final verso and another signature partly cut away at fol. 30v.


Item 3 in long lines, 49 lines to the page. Prickings; bounded and ruled in black ink.

Items 4 and 5, perhaps added on blank leaves, are in double columns.


Written in gothic textura semiquadrata, s. xiii med. Items 4 and 5, perhaps added on blank leaves, are in a different hand. Punctuation by point.


Headings in red.

Two-line red initials to open chapters of item 3; the text broken by 1-line red initials.

The note about ‘amor’ has a 3-line green initial, and from that point, red-slashed capitals normally introduce entries, with 1-line red initials for the letters of the dictionary.


Origin: s. xiii med

Manuscript 4, Booklet 1 = Fols. 70–120


Language(s): Latin

6. Fols. 70ra–120va:
Rubric: Incipit proemium in librum fratris BONAUENTURE
Incipit: Flecto genua mea ad patrem domini nostri ihesu cristi ex quo omnis paternitas […] [fol. 70va, the text] Huius sacre scripture fine concupito et intento et principio credito
Explicit: donec intrem in gaudium domini \dei mei [later]/ qui est trinus et unus deus benedictus in secula seculorum amen
Final rubric:
BONAVENTURE, Breviloquium,

ed. Augustine Sepinski, Opera theologica selecta 5 (Quaracchi, 1964), 3–175. Faint writing in the upper margin, only partially recoverable under ultraviolet ‘Totum adhuc est ⟨ta⟩ngendum ⟨ ⟩ usque ..... obser.d..us ⟨ ⟩ sequenti’, and guides for rubrics appear at the page foot. After the explicit, fol. 120va, a brief note added at the page foot; and a further added text.

d. Fol. 120vb
De trinubio Annae
Incipit: Anna et emeria sorores fuerunt De emeria orta est elizabet mater beati iohannis baptiste
Explicit: maria magalene cum aromatibus dominum quesierunt in monumento […]

In textura quadrata, s. xv. Stegmüller, RB 10476 (7:109); cf. the version ed. Max Foerster, ‘Die Legende vom Trinubium der hl. Anna’, in Wolfgang Keller (ed.), Probleme der englischen Sprache und Kultur (Heidelberg, 1925), 105–30 at 115. Other copies appear at BodL, MSS Bodley 177, fol. 1; and Laud misc. 343, fol. 106v.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: ad bonum
Support: vellum (HSOS/HFFH)
Extent: Fols. 59.


10–1210 1316 148 (–6, –7, –8, all probably blank and some visible stubs). No catchwords. All leaves in the first half of each quire signed with a letter (many cut away); where quire signatures survive, they are usually arbitrary signs (┴ in quire 11 and ± in 13), but quire 14 has the numeral v.


In double columns, each column 120 × 40 mm. 7 mm between columns, in 32 lines to the column. No prickings; bounded and ruled in black and brownish ink.


Written in anglicana formata, s. xiii/xiv or xiv1/4. Punctuation by point.


Headings in red.

Two-line red lombards at the heads of chapters.

The text broken by occasional red paraphs.

Red running titles with the book number (to fol. 86 only).

Similar decoration occurs in the following booklet, although the capitals there are unfilled.


Origin: s. xiii/xiv or xiv1/4 ;

Manuscript 4, Booklet 2 = Fols. 121–8


Language(s): Latin

7. Fols. 121ra–27vb:
Rubric: Incipit prologus in itinerarium mentis in deum
Incipit: ⟨I⟩n principio primum principium a quo cuncte illuminaciones descendunt tanquam a patre luminum
Explicit: pars mea deus in eternum Benedictus dominus in eternum et dicet omnis populus fiat fiat amen
Final rubric: Explicit contemplacio fratris BONAVENTURE
BONAVENTURE, Itinerarium mentis in deum

Ed. Sepinski, 179–214., Fol. 128rv was originally blank, but the verso now has an index to the following sermons, s. xv, in mixed anglicana/secretary

Physical Description


158. No catchword or signatures.


In double columns, each column 122 × 41 mm. , with 5 mm between columns, in 40 lines to the page. A few prickings; bounded in brown crayon and lead, no rules.


A hand similar to the preceding. Punctuation by point.

Manuscript 5, Booklet 1 = Fols. 129–50


Language(s): Latin

8. Fols. 129ra–30vb:
Rubric: Sermo de dominica proxima ante aduentum
Incipit: Hoc est bonum quod uocabunt eum etc. Ieremie 22. In hijs uerbis commendat homo cristus a tribus
Explicit: pulcritudo eius species celi in uisione glorie de qua gloriosa uisio etc
9. Fols. 131ra–46rb:
Incipit: Deus est quo nichil melius excogitari potest cu\i/ posse maximum scire uerissimum
Explicit: largitor qui cum patre uere est a quo est quo nichil melius excogitari potest Amen
ROBERT GROSSETESTE (Sharpe, no. 1467 [539–51, at 543]), sermon 32, ‘De confessione’, ed. Siegfried Wenzel, Franciscan Studies 30 (1970), 218–93. In a new hand: textura with forked ascenders and some anglicana letter forms, s. xiii ex. The remainder of the quire was originally blank; the subsequent texts are additions in contemporary hands:
e. Fols. 146rb–48rb:
Incipit: Omne regnum in se ipsum diuisum desolabitur etc. Istud omne in 3bus. consistit bene enim scitis quod tria sunt regna
Explicit: coronam glorie quam repromisit deus diligentibus se quod ipse concedat qui sine fine viuit et regnat amen

Includes a drawing of the ‘shield of faith’ from Eph. 6 (fol. 147rb).

f. Fols. 148va–50vb:
Incipit: Amice ascende superius Luce 14. Ista uidentur conuenire festibus que concurrunt hodie videlicet cristi ascensioni
Explicit: Non ergo totum illud gaudium intrabit in gaudentes sed toti gaudentes intrabunt in gaudium ad quod etc.

Fol. 150 is written in long lines, and the text is closely written on the (double-column) verso, so as to finish on the leaf.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: Deus
Support: vellum (FSOS/FHHF)
Extent: Fols. 183.


1610 1712. A catchword; all leaves in the first half of each quire are signed with a letter (second signed s?).


In double columns, each column 133 × 40 mm. , with 7 mm between columns, in 39 lines to the column. Prickings on the opening leaves, thereafter cut away; bounded and ruled in pencil and brown ink.


Written in anglicana, s. xiv in. Punctuation by occasional medial point.


Headings and 2-line capitals at heads of the texts in red.

Occasional red paraphs to break texts.


Origin: s. xiv in.

Manuscript 5, Booklet 2 = Fols. 151–82


Language(s): Latin

10. Fols. 151ra–54va:
Rubric: Sermo de commemoracione animarum et generaliter ad penitentes
Incipit: Vniuscuiusque opus quale sit 18. primo corinthiorum Anima mea liquefacta est ut dilectus locutus est cantici u. in hijs uerbis uolens sponsa cristi ostendere qualis debeat esse anima quando audit uerbum
Explicit: et bene potest significare sathanam qui persecucionem excitabit aduersus electos dei etc.
11. Fols. 154va–55vb:
Rubric: Sermo in die cene
Incipit: Si non lauero te non habebis partem mecum Iohannis 13. quia hec uerba ex serie ewangelij secundum sensum suum literalem multa sunt
Explicit: quod si sint filij et heredes quidem dei ach’ autem cristi ad hanc hereditatem nos perducat etc.
12. Fols. 155vb–57rb:
Rubric: Sermo in assupcione [sic for assumpcione] beate Marie uirginis
Incipit: Quasi palma exaltata sum in cades ecclesiastici 24. Cum duplex fuerit gloriose uirginis admiranda subleuacio vna videlicet in gracia
Explicit: fieri mereamur in gloria prestante domino nostro ihesu cristo eiusdem uirginis filio qui cum patre [form ending]
13. Fols. 157rb–164va:
Rubric: Sermo de omnibus sanctis et generaliter de pace
Incipit: Beati pacifici Mathei 5. tripliciter legitur pax in sacra scriptura quedam enim pax est bona
Explicit: Hec est requies et pax sanctorum in gloria ad quam nos perducere dignetur dominus noster ihesus cristus per merita omnium sanctorum Amen

More a tract than a sermon; an indication of topics treated added in rubric in the lower margins, s. xv.

14. Fols. 164va–68rb:
Rubric: Tractatus de decem preceptis decalogi
Incipit: Adaperiat dominus cor uestrum […] 2. Machabeorum 1b. Quoniam sine obseruacione decalogi salus animarum non consistit sicut ipsa ueritas
Explicit: ex mendacio contra quod ecclesiastico 7. noli uelle mentire omne mendacium uel […]

? Cf. Bloomfield, no. 0450, also a decalogue tract, cited from CUL MS Ii.iii.8, fols. 31–6, ; not identical with Guido Faba, Summa de virtutibus (no. 0321), with the same biblical verse at the incipit. Following the conclusion, a signe de renvoi with instructions ‘redi ad aliam partem precedentis folii supra’, where a blank has been left.

15. Fols. 168va–176ra:
Rubric: Incipit speculum amicicie
Incipit: Primum quid sit amicicia arbitror disserendum ne uideamur inaniter pingere si nesciamus
Explicit: vt pro innumerabilibus peccatis meis apud iustum et misericordem Iudicem intercedat
Speculum spiritualis amicitae

THOMAS DE FRAKAHAM, canon of Lessness (Sharpe, no. 1749 [657]), ed. Anselm Hoste, ‘Le Speculum spiritualis amicitiae... par Thomas de Frakaham’, Studia Monastica 3 (1961), 297–323, where our copy is collated. Fols. 176rb and the verso blank but bounded and ruled.

16. Fols. 177ra–180vb:
Rubric: Sermo de beatis apostolis symone et Iuda
Incipit: Flauit spiritus eius et fluent aque Hec uerba secundum litteralem intelligenciam sic exponuntur flauit spiritus eius id est auster uentus
Explicit: ad contemplacionem humanitatis et e conuerso ut si ne ingredietur siue egredietur pascua inueniet etc
17. Fols. 180vb–2vb:
Rubric: Sermo de beato Martino \episcopo et/ confessore
Incipit: Quasi sol refulgens sic ille effulsit in templo dei ecclesiastici lb. Dilectissimi fratres legimus in libro sapiencie 16f. quedam domino loquentem sermo tuus hos
Explicit: dicit beatus augustinus libro de ciuitate dei ij. capitulo 24g. ad quod regnum nos perducat dominus noster ihesus [form ending]

The rubric appears in the upper margin (only a guide ‘sermo de beato martino’ in the text column), since inadequate space was left between the texts.

Physical Description

Support: vellum (FSOS/FHHF)


18–1910 2012. One catchword towards the gutter; no signatures.


In double columns, each column 122 × 38–42 mm. , with 7 mm between columns, in 34 lines to the column. Intermittent prickings survive; bounded and ruled in brown ink.


Written in anglicana, s. xiv in. Punctuation by occasional medial point.


Headings in red. Biblical lemmata often underlined in red.


Origin: s. xiv in

Manuscript 5, Booklet 3 = Fols. 183–214


Language(s): Latin and Anglo-Norman

18. Fols. 183ra–84vb:
Rubric: Secundum fratrem THOMAM DE HALES
Incipit: Si con dist seint Bernard nul hom ne put notre duz sire ihesu crist amer
Explicit: que nus facez ke il seit ame des autres comme de nos meymes
Final rubric:

Ed. from our copy M. Dominica Legge, ‘The Anglo-Norman Sermon of Thomas of Hales’, Modern Language Review 30 (1935), 212–18; on the author, see Sarah M. Horrall, ‘Thomas of Hales, O.F.M.: His Life and Works’, Traditio 42 (1986), 287–98. About one-third of the final column is blank.

19. Fols. 185ra–8vb:
Rubric: Sermo ad contemplatiuos
Incipit: Filie ierusalem nunciate dilecto quia amore langueo Amor non ratione regitur non iudicio agitur non freno ducitur
Explicit: et alta suspiria trahens solito prorumpat alloquio Filie ierusalem nunciate dilecto quia amore langueo

Followed (fols. 188vb–9ra) by a ‘summa sermonis’, a diagrammatic breakdown of the argument and its divisions.

20. Fols. 189ra–vb:
Rubric: alius
Incipit: Memoria mercedis promisse perseuerantem facit in opere ama quod pollicetur omnipotens
Explicit: qui michi mortuus es ut mundo moriens tibi uiuam o bone ihesu

A series of three theological notes.

21. Fols. 190rb–99rb:
Rubric: Sermon a dames religioses
Incipit: Videte uocacionem uesteram Ceo moz del apostle partinent a nus gent de religion veez fet il
Explicit: pur notre humilite enhaucez a la ioie du ciel ke a nus est aparaille amen par sa duze pite
EDMUND RICH, Mirour de seinte eglyse,

ed. A. D. Wilshere, Anglo-Norman Text Society 40 (1982), where our copy represents the A version (the MS treated briefly at p. vii); the frontispiece of the edition reproduces fol. 190. Preceded (fol. 190rab) by a table of matters treated. An erased Latin theological inscription follows the explicit. Fols. 199v–200 are blank, 200 bounded.

22. Fols. 200va–2ra
Rubric: de assupcione [sic for assumpcione] beate uirginis
Incipit: Paulus cum pertransissem inueni quem diligit anima mea hec verba pronunciantur in persona beate virginis cuius festum hodie celebrator
Explicit: promisit ita fecit quia uacillaret animus in duobus primis nisi addidisset tercium
23. Fols. 202ra–7rb:
Rubric: I. dominica post octab’ pasche
Incipit: Iohannis xvi. M..ulier cum parit tristiciam habet etc. mulier hec anima fidelis est significata per mulierem amiccam sole
Explicit: pressure propter gaudium ad gaudium enim ilud eterne beatitudinis nos perducat etc.

A very rubbed theological note in crayon, fol. 205v, in the lower margin.

24. Fols. 207rb–9ra:
Rubric: sermo de sancta cruce
Incipit: Michi autem absit gloriari […] Galatarum ultimo Non est in qualibet re glor\i/andum set in hec gloriatur dicit dominus
Explicit: In tercio resurreccio gloriosa ad eternam beatitudinem quam nobis prestare dingnetur et cetera
25. Fols. 209ra–10vb:
Rubric: dominica infra octab’ pasche
Incipit: ilud Iohannis canonica capitulo ultimo omne quod natum est ex deo uincit mundum Quedam est natiuitas spiritualis quod nascitur homo que fit quando homo generator
Explicit: filius hominis in sede uia sue sedebitis etc. ad quam nos perducere dignetur qui uiuit etc
26. Fol. 211:
Incipit: Exultabit cor meum in domino cantabo domino qui bona tribuit michi etc. exultacio est quando tantum est gaudium quod non potest contineri
Explicit: gratus est sed ex amore vnde ait Cantabo dommo qui bona tribuit michi non quia tribuet
27. Fols. 211v–13v
Incipit: Quis dabit ex sion salutare israel sion maria propter nominis interpretacionem interpretatur enim tvrris et de hac ysaie 5. plantauit
Explicit: de uirtute anime eius habitus loqueretur et iste habitus fuit de pilis camelorum

Appears to be a series of notes, mainly symbolic referents for the Virgin, rather than strictly a sermon, and becomes increasingly more random on fol. 213. Fol. 214rv is blank, the recto bounded.

Physical Description

Support: vellum (FSOS/FHHF). Fols. 207–14 smaller than the remainder, only 160 mm high.


21–248. Catchwords toward the gutter; no signatures.


In double columns, each column 135 × 45 mm. , with 6 mm between columns, in 40 lines to the column. No prickings; bounded and ruled in brown ink.

From fol. 211, written in long lines within a similar writing area ( 130 × 83 mm. ), in 39 lines to the page.


Written in anglicana, s. xiv in. (another, rather squarish hand); succeeded by a different scribe in anglicana fols. 200va–9ra (through the rubric), and concluded by a third, more cursive hand to the end of the booklet. Punctuation by medial point and occasional punctus elevatus (scribes 1 and 3); by occasional point and infrequent punctus elevatus (scribe 2).


Headings in red, red-slashed capitals at the heads of texts, and some underlining (occasionally red, mostly in text ink) of biblical lemmata.


Origin: s. xiv in. ;

Manuscript 5, Booklets 4–9 = Fols. 215–311


Language(s): Latin and Middle English

At this point, the MS becomes simply a sermon collection. The sermons appear to form a set, including cross-references from the discussion of ‘ignis’ in one sermon to that in another. Those of booklet 6 uniquely include English.

Only one of the fifty-nine main text items in this portion (ignoring a variety of added theological notes in blank spaces), seems to appear elsewhere (item 40).

Only some of the main text items have been described below, including the first five texts.

28. Fols. 215ra–16vb:
Rubric: Sermo de Natiuitate beate uirginis Marie
Incipit: Dabit pro terra silicem Hec uerba scripta sunt in Iob 22f. et ex haberi precedente materiam […]
29. Fols. 216vb–17v:
Rubric: dominica 24. post trinitatem
Incipit: Ambuletis digne deo etc. colossensium i. In hiis uerbis promouet apostolus ad uite honestatem ambuletis […]
30. Fols. 218ra–221rb
Rubric: dominica 3. aduentus
Incipit: Sic vos existimet homo vt ministros cristi hec uerba scripta sunt ad corinthios 4. in quibus principaliter mouet nos […]
31. Fols. 221rb–23va:
Rubric: Dominica 4. aduentus
Incipit: Gaudete in domino semper hec uerba scripta sunt ad philippenses 4. in quibus tanguntur tria […]
32. Fols. 223va–5ra
Rubric: dominica infra natale
Incipit: Quanto tempore erit heres […] hec uerba scripta sunt ad galatas 4. in quibus principaliter tangit apostolus […]
39. Fols. 236ra-238rb:
Rubric: Sermo tempore penitencie

There are two short Middle English poems in the lower margin of folio 237:

'Þe munde of Cristes passion […] '

DIMEV 5404 (cf. also DIMEV 5122). Siegfried Wenzel, ‘Unrecorded Middle English verses’, Anglia 92 (1974), 55-78, p. 71 (item no. 62). Both DIMEV and Wenzel incorrectly list fol. 232 as the location.

'Wanne fend schal fram fende go […] '

DIMEV 6311, Wenzel p. 75 (item no. 84). Both DIMEV 6311 and Wenzel incorrectly list fol. 232 as the location, though DIMEV 6301 has the correct folio citation.

40. Fols. 238va–40vb:
Rubric: Sermo de angelis
Incipit: Omnes sunt administatorii spiritus Hebreorum 1. duo nota hic diuinam clemenciam dando angelum ad custodiam hominum
Explicit: per quem inualescimus ad angelos set quod dicitur osee xiii. conualuit ad angelum etc.

The incipit resembles the 24th sermon in a ‘festiale’, Angers, BM, MS 255 (Schneyer, 8:24).

Physical Description

Support: vellum (FSOS/FHHF)


Booklet 4 = fols. 215–34: 2520. The leaves in this portion are smaller than in the remainder, only 170 mm high.

Booklet 5 = fols. 235–44: 268+2 (+1, +10). Fols. 235 + 244 are a wrapper, a leaf which has been pricked for writing on upper and lower edges, put around the quire. Folio 235v is a palimpsest. Very faint text (scraped?) on folios 244r–244v.

Booklet 6 = fols. 245–56: 2712.

Booklet 7 = fols. 257–84: 288 2912 308.

Leaves in this portion often differ from those in the remainder: fols. 257–64 are only 169 mm high; fols. 265–76 are at least 3 mm narrower (in some cases more) than neighbouring leaves.

Booklet 8 = fols. 285–306: 3110 3212.

Booklet 9 = fols. 307–11: 338 (–6, –7, –8, stubs, probably blank). No catchwords (one added example, running into the gutter, at the end of quire 28); no signatures.


The booklets are linked by fairly rough similarity of format. Although booklet 6 is in long lines, a writing area of 147 × 87 mm. , in 51 lines to the page, the remainder are in double columns, all columns roughly 115 mm (after fol. 267, 138 mm) × 40–5 mm. , in about 35–40 lines to the page.


Written in a variety of textura and anglicana hands, s. xiv in. Punctuation by point and punctus elevatus.


The booklets are linked by common rubrication (virtually the only presentational feature: in some portions divisions with red paraphs and underlining of biblical lemmata, sometimes in red).


Origin: s. xiv in.

Additional Information

Record Sources

Ralph Hanna, A descriptive catalogue of the western medieval manuscripts of St. John's College, Oxford (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002). The description of item 39 (and the Middle English poems in the margins of fol. 237) has been added. We are grateful to Natalie Jones for bringing both these poems and foliation errors in existing scholarship to our attention. The references to the palimpsest on fol. 235v and the faint text on fols. 244r-244v have also been added.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact St John's College Library.


    Foerster, Max, ‘Die Legende vom Trinubium der hl. Anna’, in Wolfgang Keller (ed.), Probleme der englischen Sprache und Kultur (Heidelberg, 1925), 105–30.
    Horrall, Sarah M., ‘Thomas of Hales, O.F.M.: His Life and Works’, Traditio 42 (1986), 287–98.
    Hoste, Anselm, ‘Le Speculum spiritualis amicitiae... par Thomas de Frakaham’, Studia Monastica 3 (1961), 297–323.
    Ker, N. R., Medieval Libraries of Great Britain: A List of Surviving Books. Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks. 2nd edn. (London, 1964), extended by Andrew G. Watson, MLGB: Supplement to the Second Edition. RHS Guides and Handbooks 15 (1987).
    Legge, M. Dominica, ‘The Anglo-Norman Sermon of Thomas of Hales’, Modern Language Review 30 (1935), 212–18.
    Migne, Jacques-Paul (ed.), Patrologia Latina 193 (Paris, 1854).
    Sepinski,Augustine (ed.), Opera theologica selecta 5 (Quaracchi, 1964).
    Sharpe, Richard, A Handlist of the Latin Writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540. Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin 1 (Turnhout, 1997).
    Stegmüller, Friederich, Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vols. (Madrid, 1950–80).
    Walther, Hans, Initia carminum ac versuum Medii Aevi posterioris Latinorum, 2nd edn (Göttingen, 1969).
    Wenzel, Siegfried, 'Robert Grosseteste’s Treatise on Confession, 'Deus est',' Franciscan Studies, 30 (1970), 218-293.
    Wenzel, Siegfried, ‘Unrecorded Middle English verses’, Anglia 92 (1974), 55-78.
    Willshire, A.D. ed., Mirour de seinte eglyse, Anglo-Norman Text Society, 40 (1982).

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Thompson Family Charitable Trust

Last Substantive Revision

2023-10: First online publication

See the Availability section of this record for information on viewing the item in a reading room.