MS. Bodl. 204
Summary Catalogue no.: 1932
In three parts or 'volumina', preceded by a list of the sermons. In part 1 (beg. 'Sermo ... de Cantico nouo') are 58 sermons: in part 2 (fol. 95: beg. 'Sermo ... de Simbolo') are 41; in the 3rd (fol. 155v: beg. 'Sermo de secundo Aduentu Domini') are 163: in all 262. The 3rd part is homilies on special Sundays and festivals.
Physical Description
2 cols
Accompanying Material
The binding is from the 17th century and the fly-leaves are comprised of pages from a 16th century edition of Cicero's Letters. Other pages from this copy of Cicero that were used as fly-leaves are found in MS. Bol. 203, MS. Bodl. 215, MS. Bodl. 244, MS. Bodl. 370, MS. Bodl. 568 and MS. Bodl. 711
Provenance and Acquisition
Presented by William Ballow, of Ch. Ch., Oxford, in 1604.
Record Sources
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-04-01: Description revised to include all information in SC.