A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 568

Summary Catalogue no.: 2008

Augustine, etc.; England, early 14th century


Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. 1)
Augustine, De Trinitate

In 15 books, with lists of chapters, preface, and Retractation.

2. (fol. 55)
Augustine, Commentarius super Genesim ad litteram

In 12 books, with lists of chapters and Retractation.

4. (fol. 107)
Augustine, De vera religione

With notes.

5. (fol. 117)
Augustine, De libero arbitrio

In three books, the first of which is often called, as here, Unde malum, cf. fol. 311v

6. (fol. 135)
Augustine, De natura boni
8. (fol. 148)
Augustine, Retractationes

In two books, with lists of chapters.

9. (fol. 162)
Augustine, De praesentia Dei

With the Retractation.

14. (fol. 184v)
Augustine, De fide vel symbolo

With the Retractation.

15. (fol. 187v)
Augustine, Sermo ad iuuenes (serm. 391)

Migne's Patrol. Lat. 39. 1706.

17. (fol. 192)
Augustine, De moribus ecclesiae et Manichaeorum

In two books.

18. (fol. 206)
Ps.-Augustine, Hypognosticon

With notes.

20. (fol. 222)
Augustine, De mendacio
21. (fol. 228)
Augustine, Contra mendacium
22. (fol. 234)
Augustine, De duabus animabus
23. (fol. 237v)
Augustine, De videndo Deum
24. (fol. 246)
Augustine, Soliloquia

In two books.

25. (fol. 242v)
Augustine, Ep. 252

Migne's Patrol. Lat. 33. 652.

27. (fol. 254v)
Augustine, Ep. 137

Migne's Patrol. Lat. 33. 515.

29. (fol. 258)
Augustine, De Sermone Domini in Monte

In two books, with the Retractation.

30. (fol. 275v)
Augustine, De adulterinis coniugiis

In two books.

32. (fol. 290v)
Commentary on Ecclesiasticus xxiv. 17–22
Incipit: Quasi cedrus ... Multiplices sunt proprietates
33. (fol. 296)
Augustine, De natura et origine animae

In four books.

34. (fol. 312)
Augustine, De opere monachorum

A list of contents is on fol. iii, and a short '⟨P⟩roemium de triplici causa erroris' precedes the first piece, cf. fol. 106.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: iii + 318
Dimensions (binding): 10.625 × 5.75 in.


2 cols.


The scribe of fol. 116v next went on writing at fol. 237v.


Illuminated capitals.

Accompanying Material

The binding is from the 17th century and the fly-leaves are comprised of pages from a 16th century edition of Cicero's Letters. Other pages from this copy of Cicero that were used as fly-leaves are found in MS. Bodl. 203, MS. Bol. 204, MS. Bodl. 215, MS. Bodl. 244, MS. Bodl. 370 and MS. Bodl. 711


Origin: 14th century, early ; England

Provenance and Acquisition

Unidentified (mendicant?) religious hosue: 'Pertinet conuentui ...' 15th cent.

Presented by William Ballow of Ch. Ch., Oxford, in 1604.

Record Sources

Description adapted (April 2020) from the Summary Catalogue (1922).

Last Substantive Revision

2020-04-14: Description revised to incorporate all information in SC.