A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 267

Summary Catalogue no.: 2128

Physical Description

'The two parts of this MS. may be regarded as distinct, but the handwriting is identical in both.' (Summary Catalogue)
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: iii + 172 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 17.25 × 12.25 in.


2 cols.


Good initials. (Pächt and Alexander iii. 189)


Rough white leather on boards, clasps lost, perhaps 14th cent. English work.


Origin: 12th century, third quarter ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

Windsor, collegiate chapel: 'Pressmark "CO" in usual style near top of verso of flyleaf preceding the first leaf of text. Medieval binding (? s. xv), with usual chain mark' (MLGB3).

Given by the dean and canons of Windsor in c. 1603–4 (Summary Catalogue I, p. 90).

MS. Bodl. 267 - part A


Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. 1)
Gregory the Great, Homiliae in Ezechielem
Rubric: Incipit liber primus Omeliarum beati Gregorii pape urbis Rome in primam partem Ezechielis prophetę, que sunt numero duodecim

The title is erased, because the (twenty-two) sermons run through the whole of the prophecy without division into books. A prologue and a note from Origen precede.

MS. Bodl. 267 - part B


Language(s): Latin

2. (fols. 109r-171v)
1. (fols. 109r-110v)
1.1. (fols. 109r-110v)
Leo Magnus, Tractatus 72

Ed. A. Chavasse, CCSL 138A (Turnhout, 1973), Tractatus 72, ll. 15-152.

1.2. (fol. 110v)
Jerome, Ep. 120

Ed. I. Hilberg, Sancti Eusebii Hieronymi Epistulae, Pars II: Epistulae LXXI-CXX, CSEL 54 (Vienna / Leipzig, 1912), ep. 120, pp. 482, l. 1 – 483, l. 24.

2. (fols. 111r-113r)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CXXII. In vigilia paschae

PL 95, col 1326A-B

3. (fol. 113r)
Bede, Homiliae euangelii

Ed. D. Hurst / J. Fraipont, Beda Venerabilis, Opera homiletica. Opera rhythmica, CCSL 122 (Turnhout, 1955), lib. 2, hom. 7, ll. 1-243.

4. (fols. 113v-115v)
Bede, Homiliae euangelii

Ed. D. Hurst / J. Fraipont, Beda Venerabilis, Opera homiletica. Opera rhythmica, CCSL 122 (Turnhout, 1955), lib. 2, hom. 10, ll. 1-230.

5. (fols. 115v-116r)
Augustine, Sermo CLX. De pascha

(PL 39, cols 2059-2061). Not part of the modern edition.

6. (fols. 116r-118r)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CXXVII. In feria tertia paschae

(PL 95, col 1329C).

7. (fols. 118r-120r)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CXXXII. In fertia sexta paschae

(PL 95, col 1335B).

8. (fols. 120r-122v)
Augustine, Sermo CXXXVIII. De verbis Evangelii Joannis, Ego sum pastor bonus etc., contra Donatistas

PL 38, cols 763-766. Not part of the modern edition.

9. (fols. 122v-124r)
Bede, Homiliae euangelii

Ed. D. Hurst / J. Fraipont, Beda Venerabilis, Opera homiletica. Opera rhythmica, CCSL 122 (Turnhout, 1955), lib. 2, hom. 13, ll. 1-170.

10. (fols. 124r-126r)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CXXXVIII. In dominica tertia post pascha

(PL 95, col1339A).

11. (fols. 124r-126r)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CXXXIX. In dominica quarta post pascha

(PL 95, col 1339B).

12. (fols. 126r-128r)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CXL. In dominica quinta post pascha

(PL 95, col 1339B-C).

13. (fols. 128r-130v)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CXLI. In litania minori

PL 95, col 1339C.

14. (fols. 130v-131r)
Maximus of Turin, Serm. 81

Ed. A. Mutzenbecher, Maximus Taurinensis, Sermonum collectio antiqua, nonnullis sermonibus extravagantibus adiectis, CCSL 23 (Turnhout, 1962), serm. 81, ll. 2-78.

15. (fols. 131r-133v)
Augustine, Sermo CV. De verbis Evangelii Lucae, Quis vestrum habebit amicum, et ibit ad illum media nocte

(PL 38, cols 618-625). Not part of the modern edition.

16. (fols. 133v-134v)
Ps.-John Chrysostom, Sermo de Iona sive de poenitentia

(cf. e.g. Rome, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, MS. Vat. lat. 1270, fols, 49v-51r; Salisbury, Cathedral Library, MS. 97 (S)).

17. (fols. 134v-136v)
Augustine, In Iohannis evangelium tractatus CXXIV

Ed. R. Willems, , CCSL 36 (Turnhout, 1990), tract. 105, par. 1, l. 1 – tract. 107, par. 2, l. 28.

18. (fols. 136v-137r)
Augustine, Sermo de jejunio

(PL 39, cols 2079–2080). Not part of the modern edition.

19. (fols. 137r-137v)
Maximus of Turin, Serm. 76

Ed. A. Mutzenbecher, Maximus Taurinensis, Sermonum collectio antiqua, nonnullis sermonibus extravagantibus adiectis, CCSL 23 (Turnhout, 1962), serm. 76, ll. 42-62.

20. (fols. 137v-140v)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CXLV. In dominica post ascensionem

(PL 95, col 1340A-B).

21. (fols. 140v-143r)
Bede, Homiliae euangelii

Ed. D. Hurst / J. Fraipont, Beda Venerabilis, Opera homiletica. Opera rhythmica, CCSL 122 (Turnhout, 1955), lib. 2, hom. 15, ll. 1-338.

22. (fols. 143v-144r)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CXLVI. In vigilia pentecostes

(PL 95, col 1340B-C).

23. (fols. 144r-147r)
Augustinus, In Iohannis evangelium tractatus CXXIV

Ed. R. Willems, CCSL 36 (Turnhout, 1990), tract. 26, par. 1, l. 12–par. 20, l. 6.

24. (fols. 147r-147v)
Bede, In Lucam

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Lucae evangelium expositio, lib. 3, cap. 9, ll. 1104-1196.

25. (fols. 147v-148v)
Beda Venerabilis, Homilia CLIV. In feria sexta pentecostes

(PL 95, cols 1349D-1354A). Not part of the modern edition.

26. (fols. 148v-149r)
Bede, In Lucam

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Marci evangelium expositio, lib. 1, cap. 1, ll. 447-508; In Lucae evangelium expositio, lib. 2, cap. 4, ll. 447-511.

27. (fols. 149r-150r)
Bede, In Marcum

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Marci evangelium expositio, lib. 3, cap. 9, ll. 200-342.

28. (fols. 150r-152r)
(Ps.-) Eusebius Vercellensis, De s. trinitate confessio

(PL 12, cols 959A-968B).

29. (fols. 152r-153r)

Ed. A. Hamman, Ps.-John Chrysostom, PL Supplementum 4 (Paris, 1967), cols 687-690.

30. (fols. 153r-154r)
Ps.-Leo Magnus, Sermo VIII. De Absalom: quomodo patrem suum persequebatur

(PL 56, cols 1151C-1154C). Not part of the modern edition.

31. (fols. 154r-155r)
Bede, In Lucam

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Lucae evangelium expositio, lib. 2, cap. 6, ll. 1826-1908.

32. (fols. 155r-156r)
Bede, In Lucam

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Lucae evangelium expositio, lib. 2, cap. 5, ll. 519-648.

33. (fols. 156r-157r)
Augustine, De sermone domini in monte

Ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCSL 35 (Turnhout 1967), lib. 1, par. 21, l. 457–par. 28, l. 639.

34. (fols. 157r-158r)
Bede, In Marcum

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Marci evangelium expositio, lib. 2, cap. 8, ll. 1515-1679.

35. (fols. 158r-158v)
Bede, In Lucam

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Lucae evangelium expositio, lib. 5, cap. 18, ll. 1119-1179.

36. (fols. 159r-160v)
Bede, Homiliae euangelii

Ed. D. Hurst / J. Fraipont, Beda Venerabilis, Opera homiletica. Opera rhythmica, CCSL 122 (Turnhout, 1955), lib. 2, hom. 17, ll. 56-318.

37. (fols. 161r-163r)
37.1. (fols. 161r-161v)
Raban Maur, Commentariorum in Matthaeum libri octo,

lib. 2, cap. 7: De non judicando proximum temere (PL 107, cols 845D-847C).

37.2. (fol. 161v-163r)


38. (fols. 163r-164r)
Jerome, Ep. 121

Ed. I. Hilberg, Sancti Eusebii Hieronymi Epistulae, CSEL 54 (Vienna / Leipzig, 1918), Pars III: Epistulae CXXI-CLIV, pp. 21, l. 1–27, l. 8.

39. (fols. 164r-165v)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CLXXII. In dominica XIII post pentecosten

(PL 95, col 1380A).

40. (fols. 165v-166v)
Bede, In Lucam

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Lucae evangelium expositio, lib. 3, cap. 10, ll. 2153-2305.

41. (fols. 166v-167v)
Bede, In Lucam

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Lucae evangelium expositio, lib. 5, cap. 17, ll. 659-771.

42. (fols. 167v-168v)
Bede, In Lucam

Ed. D. Hurst, Beda Venerabilis, Opera exegetica, vol. 3: In Lucae evangelium expositio. In Marci evangelium expositio, CCSL 120(2) (Turnhout, 2001), In Lucae evangelium expositio, lib. 5, cap. 16, ll. 154-191.

43. (fols. 168v-170r)
(Ps.-) John Chrysostom, Opus imperfectum in Mattheum, Hom. XLII

(PG 56, cols 872, l. 35–875, l. 32).

44. (fols. 170r-170v)
Paul the Deacon, Homilia CLXXXVI. In dominica XX post pentecosten

(PL 95, cols1430A-1432A).

45. (fols. 170v-171r)
45.1. (fol. 170v)
Augustine, Speculum Quis ignorat

Ed. F. Weihrich, Augustinus, Speculum, CSEL 12 (Vienna, 1887), cap. 25, p. 168, ll. 7-11.

45.2. (fol. 170v)
Jerome, On Matthew

Ed. D. Hurst / M. Adriaen, Hieronymus, Commentariorum in Matheum libri IV, CCSL 77 (Turnhout, 1969), lib. 3, ll. 673-696.

45.3. (fol. 171r)
Gregory the Great, Dialogues

Ed. A. de Vogüé, Grégoire le Grand, Dialogues, Tome III (Livre IV), SC 265 (Paris, 1980), lib. 4, cap. 61, l. 6– cap. 62, l. 25.

46. (fols. 171r-171v)

Similar to Paul the Deacon, Homilia CLXXIX. In dominica XVII post pentecosten (PL 95, cols 1415D-1416C).

Additional Information

Record Sources

Contents of part B described by Christoph Galle, 2021. Other aspects of description adapted (June 2020) from the following sources, with additional reference to published literature as cited:
Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford , III (1973), no. 189 [decoration, origin, date]
Summary Catalogue (1922) [contents, physical description, provenance and acquisition]


Last Substantive Revision

2022-06: Revised description of part B, contents, by Christoph Galle.