A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 569

Summary Catalogue no.: 2311


Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. 1)
Lanfranc, De corpore et sanguine domini
Rubric: Liber Lanfranci uenerabilis archiepiscopi Cantuariensis aecclesiae de Corpore et Sanguine Domini contra Beringarium
2. (fol. 28)
Guitmund of Aversa, De corpore et sanguine Christi
Rubric: Liber Guimundi Aversani episcopi de Corpore et Sanguine Domini
3. (fol. 78)
Anselm of Canterbury, De incarnatione uerbi
Rubric: Liber Anseimi Cantuariensis aeclesiae archiepiscopi de Incarnatione Verbi
4. (fol. 92v)
Ernulf of Rochester, Solutiones ad quasdam quaestiones de corpore et sanguine domini
Rubric: Tractatus Arnulfi monachi de Corpore et Sanguine Domini ad Lambertum abbatem

Some Latin theological notes are in the margins and on fols. iv, 104v. The illumination on fol. 92v was clearly done between the writing of the text and the writing of the rubrics.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: vii + 107 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 10.75 × 7.75 in.


Pächt and Alexander i. 457, pl. XXXVII

Fine historiated initials (including Lanfranc, fol. 1).

Fine other initials.


Origin: c. 1100 ; French, Normandy

Provenance and Acquisition

St Albans, Hertfordshire, Benedictine abbey of St Alban: 'Hic est liber sancti Albani quem qui ...' (fol. 1r), in red. (MLGB3: evidence from an ex-libris inscription or note of gift to an institution).

'Hic est liber Sancti Albani, quem qui ei abstulerit uel aliquam fraudem inde fecerit anathema sit. Amen', early 13th cent., as is the list of contents on fol. vii v: a late 13th cent. list is on fol. 1.

Presented by sir George More in 1604.

Record Sources

Description adapted (2024) from the Summary Catalogue (1922). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1966).

Digital Images

Digital Bodleian (7 images from 35mm slides)


Last Substantive Revision

2024-09: Description revised to incorporate all information from Summary Catalogue.