A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Holkham Gr. 2

Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)

Diktyon no.: 48070

Liturgical Psalter (fols 1r-138r); the 9 Canticles (fols 138v-150v). 15th century.


Language(s): Greek

Liturgical Psalter

With book epigram beneath the headpiece: Δα(υὶ)δ προφή(του) καὶ β⟨ασιλέως⟩ μέλος. Ψαλμ(ὸς) τῷ Δα(υὶ)δ (see DBBE). Red large upper dots indicate pause(s) during the reading. Indications of endings of Kathismata are mixed with the beginnings; e.g. fol .18v κάθ. Δ.

(fols 1r-5v)

1st Kathisma

(fols 5v-11v)

2nd Kathisma

(fols 11v-18v)

3rd Kathisma

(fols 18v-24v)

4th Kathisma (after fol 23v there is a lacuna from Ps. 30: 13- Ps. 31: 2)

(fols 24v-31r)

5th Kathisma

(fols 31r-40r)

6th Kathisma (fols 32r-v later additions; fols 38v-39v < 39r-v pasted later additions)

(fols 40r-48r)

7th Kathisma

(fols 48r-54v)

8th Kathisma

(fols 54v-62r)

9th Kathisma

(fols 62r-69v)

10th Kathisma (fols 63v-64v al man.: Ps. 71)

(fols 70r-79r)

11th Kathisma

(fols 79r-85r)

12th Kathisma

(fols 85v-91v)

13th Kathisma (fols. 85v-86r, pasted fols in different hand)

(fols 91v-97v)

14th Kathisma

(fols 97v-104v)

15th Kathisma

(fols 105r-110r)

16th Kathisma

(fols 110r-119r)

17th Kathisma

(fols 119r-124v)

18th Kathisma

(fols 124v-132r)

19th Kathisma

(fols 132r-138r)

20th Kathisma

The Nine Canticles (imperfect at the end)
(fols 138v-139v)


(fols 139v-143r)


( fols 143r-144r)


(fols 144r-145v)


(fols 145v-146v)


(fols 146v-147r)


(fols 147r-149v)


(fols 149v-150v)

8; fol. 150v imperfect at the end, up to πεινῶντας ἐνέπλησεν ⟨ἀγαθῶν⟩...

(fols. 151–155v)

See Additions, below.

Language(s): Italian and Greek

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper
Extent: ii (paper) + 155 (+ 2 newer) paper leaves (fols 151–155v pasted paper leaves) (ii numbered as 156 and 157); fol. 32r-v added later; fol. 62v crossed out
Dimensions (leaf): 183 × 133 mm.


Quires of eight: fols 1–8r; fols 9r (β was added later on top of the right margin with black ink, and likewise in the beginning of each quire)-16v; fols 17r- (γ) 23v (of 7); fols 24r (δ ii)-31v; fols 32r- (fol. 33 ε) 39v; fols 40r (ζ)-47v; fols 48r (ζ crossed out η)-55v; fols 56r-(θ) 62v; fols 63r- (θ)65v; fols 66r- (ι)70v; fols 71r- (κ) 76v; fols 77r (κ)-v; fols 78r- (λ) 85v; fols 86r- (μ)93v; fols 94r- (ν)101v; fols 102r- (ξ)109v; fols 110r- (ο)117v; fols 118r (ρ)-v?; fols 119r-(!) (π)133v; fols 134r (σ)-141v; fols 142r- (τ)150v.


22 lines per page.


(cf.) Ioannes Rhossos (for the main body of the codex); fol. 32r-v later hand (16th c.?); fol. 86r pasted text over the initial one.


Illuminated head-pieces: fol. 1r; fol. 70r.

Additions: 151v: 10 Maio 1608 Cand; fols 152v-155v, Several texts (mainly accounts) in Italian and Greek (some of them in Latin alphabet, but in Greek language) for 1604–1608 in Crete. Name Marcos Piris appearing on fol. 152v: ‘?]lava ego Marcos Piris apo to m(ese)r Marco to Benedetto legomeno Marango’ … ‘Ego Marcos Piris grafo 1607 die 26 zugnio…'


Typical Holkham binding of black gilt calf, with Coke family ostrich crest in gilt in the centre of the upper cover. Date: early nineteenth century. Rebound by John Jones of Liverpool (worked for Holkham 1816–1823). Spine: PSALTERIUM / GRAECUM-/ M.S.


Origin: 15th century

Provenance and Acquisition

In Crete (Heraklion/Candia) in the early 17th century, fols. 151v-155v.

Olim Holkham Hall, Libr. of the Earl of Leicester, 20

Ownership Notes: fol. ir C/A2, fol. iir Holk Cat. No. 20 (another 20 was crossed out)

Record Sources

Description by Dimitrios Skrekas (February 2017), with the support of the Leventis Foundation, the Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research, the Yerolemou Trust and the Michael Marks Charitable Trust.


Last Substantive Revision

2020-03-12: Revisions to provenance and additions sections.