Virgil: Eclogues [Latin]
- Manuscripts:
- Christ Church MS. 114 (Digital facsimile online) — 1456?; Italy (Ferrara)
- MS. Ashmole 54 — 15th century; English
- MS. Auct. F. 2. 5 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, middle; Italy, Milan
- MS. Auct. F. 2. 8 (Digital facsimile online) — 9th century, first half; French; Bernard Bischoff attributes the script to the Benedictine abbey of St Germain-des-Prés
- MS. Auct. F. 4. 21 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 50 (Selected pages online) — 11th century, second half; Italian, South
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 51 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, third quarter; Italian, Venice (?)
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 53 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 56 — 15th century, middle (?); Italian, Florence
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 57 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 60 (Selected pages online) — 1467; Italian, Treviso (?)
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 61 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, second quarter; Italian, Ferrara (?)
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 65 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, end; Italian, Veneto
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 126 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Misc. 41 — 15th century
- MS. D'Orville 159 — 15th century, second half, and 1511; Italy
- MS. D'Orville 160 — 15th century, second half; Italy
- MS. D'Orville 161 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, third quarter; Italy, Florence
- MS. Rawl. G. 129 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. G. 131 — 15th century, third quarter; Italy, Siena
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.