A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Christ Church MS. 91

Religious miscellany; England, s. xvmed and s. xv3/4 (I-III), and s. xiiimed or s. xiii2 (IV)


Language(s): Latin

Fol. i: blank

Fol. iv

Table of contents for the whole book, s. xv3/4, in the hand of John Lyndon (see provenance).

Physical Description

Comprising four originally separate MSS, all on parchment (the second HSOS, the remainder FSOS).
Form: codex
Extent: Fols: i + 230
Dimensions (leaf): 287 × 215 mm.


Brown leather over chamfered bevelled wooden boards, s. xv. Sewn on seven thongs, taken straight into the board, as depicted by Pollard, fig. 5. Seatings with stubs of leather straps in the upper board, two and three nails; metal clasps at the edge of the lower board. A single nailhole from a chain staple in Watson’s position 4; and two nailholes from another, in position 5 (this latter a ChCh chain: see Appendix I). Pastedowns heavy waste parchment, a ChCh bookplate on the front pastedown. At the front, one heavy parchment flyleaf, conjoint with the pastedown (fol. i).


Provenance and Acquisition

The initials in the colophon to item 2, ‘C P R Y S’ (fol. 83ra), are possibly scribal signature, though an abbreviation of a motto is equally plausible. MLGB3 assigns the book, along with MS 90, to Crediton (Devon), the collegiate church of the Holy Cross; in 1947, Neil Ker read under ultraviolet light the inscriptions ‘Decano Crediton’ and ‘liber J. Lyndon’ on fol. iv. Lyndon, fellow of Exeter College, Oxford in 1434, rector in 1441–42, was Dean of the church in Crediton from 24th February 1442, until his death in or before early 1487. On him and his books, see BRUO, 1191, and James M. W. Willoughby, The Libraries of Collegiate Churches, Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues 15, 2 vols (London, 2013), 1:100–101. It is Lyndon who writes the table of contents (fol. iv) and provides the running headers, chapter divisions (eg item 22) and annotations throughout the volume. It was presumably him who had the fascicules brought together and bound as one codex; he also provided pieces of string attached to the outer margin of certain pages to provide tabs to the openings of works (fol. 90, 113, 195).

Ker also read on fol. 1 (the upper margin) ‘Guilihelmi Muggi liber ex dono Magistri Georgii Mason’ and spotted another illegible inscription at the top of fol. 195. For the route of descent from Mason to Mugge to Ballow, see MS 90, provenance.

Like the preceding book, a gift of William Ballow: ‘Hunc codicem manuscriptum Ædi Christi in gratiam studiosorum ibidem Guilielmus Ballowe in artibus Magister testificandi amoris sui ergo dono dedit 5º. Octobris anno Domini 1601’ (fol. iv). There is a cancelled ChCh shelfmark at the front pastedown, ‘B.⟨.⟩’, which must relate to the 1676 Catalogue, though this manuscript receives no entry there (see Appendix I). Immediately below that note, and below the donation note at fol. iv, Edward Smallwell added the New Library shelfmark of ‘F.14’ (see Appendix IV); this also appears stamped on a tiny tab on the spine.

Manuscript I = fols 1–134


Language(s): Latin

2. Fols 1ra-90va
Rubric: sermo jº [in central margin ]
Incipit: Dicite filie syon ecce rex . . . Mathei 21 Verba ista sumpta sunt a zacharia propheta quia zacharie
Explicit: [fol. 83ra] Gaudia leticie vite dulcedis perhennis Gloria laus requies amor et concordia dulcis ad illa gaudia ducat nos cristus. amen.
Final rubric: Expliciunt sermones de temporali per totum annum secundum Nicholaum de Aquavilla aliter Lugdinensem quod C P R Y S ^et erat de ordine minorum^.
Incipit: (index) Abhominacio peccati
Explicit: (index) facto libro sit laus et gloria cristo
Nicholas de Aquavilla, Sermones dominicales

Sharpe no. 1076 [383], the sermons enumerated Schneyer, 4:189–95, ed. Jean Quentin (Paris, c. 1505) (BodL, Douce QQ 5), but lacks the epilogue, in the print, sig. z viirv. Followed, as in the print, by an alphabetical index.

3. Fols 90vb-112va
Rubric: Incipit de vita beati Pauli primi heremite Iste floruit anno cristi 258 [these headings added later in upper margin, the first perhaps by the scribe of the text, in a less formal hand]
Incipit: Paulus primus heremita cum sexdecim esset annorum fugit in desertum propter metum decij
Explicit: [fol. 111rb] corpus eius requiescebat benedixerunt deum et vsque ad deus oracionibus sancte virginis multa facit mirabilia. Agnos deus scit
Rubric: Narraciones et exhortaciones notabiliter extracte de vitis patrum cum tabula secundum Ieronimum (so the table to the volume, fol. iv)
Vitas Patrum

Excerpts, with further bits added in the lower margins. Our manuscript presents excerpts from (in order):

(a) fols 90vb-92rb: the saints’ lives which comprise Vitas patrum 1: Paul the first hermit (Jerome, ed. PL 23:20–28 passim), Antony, Hillarion, and Thais (PL 73:127–67?, 29–54, 661–62 passim).

(b) fols 92rb-98va: Rufinus of Aquileia, Historia monachorum 1–2, 5–11, 14–17, 19, 29–32 (PL 21:391–407, 408–32, 441–42, 455–60 passim). One set of excerpts, concerning Amo (fol. 96ra-va), resembles Rufinus’s source, Palladius, Historia lausiaca 53 (Vitas patrum 8, PL 73:1163–64) more closely than it does Rufinus 8 (PL 21:420–22). At the foot of fol. 98vab, a later s. xv hand, probably that responsible for informal marginal rubrics and running titles, has added an account of ‘Emerenciana’: ‘Venit ad abbatem arsenium vna materna virgo de Roma diues valde et timens dominum . . .’, from Vitas patrum 3.65 or 5, libellus 2.7 (PL 73:771 and 858–59, respectively).

(c) fols 98va-109ra: ‘adortaciones translate de greco per Pelagium diaconem’ (the index to the text), i.e. the ‘Verba seniorum’, Vitæ patrum 5, selections from libelli 1–10, 13, 15–18 (PL 73:855–933, 943–47, 953–88 passim).

(d) fols 109ra-10va: ‘Ab hinc transtulit Iohannis subdiaconus’ (the index), Vitas patrum 6, selections from 1. l8–4.11 (PL 73:994–1017 passim).

(e) fols 110va-11rb: ‘vita sancte marine virginis’, from Vitas patrum 1 (PL 73:691–94).

Two indexes follow the text, an alphabetical one of topics treated ‘Agnos deus scit-Zenio’ (keyed to numbering of the selections, with letters for the parts, all provided marginally) and a list of the selections (fols 111rb-12va).

For a useful survey of such collections, see Columba M. Batlle, Die “Adhortationes sanctorum patrum” (“Verba seniorum”) im lateinischen Mittelalter, Beiträge zur Geschichte des altes Mönchtums und des Benediktinerordens 31 (Münster i. W., 1971), which overlooks our manuscript. Running titles and headings added, s. xvex.

4. Fols 112va-16va
Incipit: Visitacionis gracia Nepoti meo carissimo morienti extremum vale dicturus hesterna die pro[fol. 112vb]cessi
Explicit: [fol. 114rb] et requiescam qui in trinitate perfecta viuis et regnas deus per omnia secula seculorum.
Rubric: [in margin] Alius tractatus de eodem.
Incipit: Superioris tractatus cursum me clausisse putaueram tamen quidam de fratribus illum accipientes
Explicit: peccatori vt ascendas iustus ad deum iustificatus ab ipso qui viuit [form ending] amen
Final rubric: [in margin:] Explicit liber sancti Augustini episcopi de visitacione infirmorum
Ps.-Augustine (Baudri de Bourgeuil, bishop of Dol (d. 1130)), De visitacione Infirmorum

Here attributed to ‘Augustinus’ (also the table, fol. iv); PL 40:1147–58.

5. Fol. 116vab
Incipit: Vt homo possit amplius proficere et deo magis placere ista 10. que secuntur in se studeat habere Primum est vt studeat quantum possit se vilissimum reputare
Explicit: in altari exhibitum sibi in cibum et potum omnis saporis suauitatem habentem
Final rubric: Explicit Extractum de libro qui vocatur Florarium Bartholomei capitulo de vita perfecta
John Mirfield OSA, Florarium Bartholomei (selection)

Sharpe no. 808 [284], selections ed. Percival H. Hartley and Harold R. Aldredge, Johannes de Mirfield of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Smithfield: His Life and Works (Cambridge, 1936), 114–64. The selection here paraphrases part of ch. 172, ‘de vita perfecta’, in the full copy, BL, MS Royal 7 F.xi, fols 254va/6–55ra/20.

6. Fols 117ra-18va
Rubric: [the scribes informal heading in upper margin] Tractatus de militia spirituali
Incipit: Sicut miles temporalis armis munitus est temporalibus sic miles spiritualis debet armis munitus
Explicit: Valde itaque vt prediximus sunt necessaria spirituali militi sua arma
Alexander of Canterbury (Ps.-Anselm), Liber Anselmi de humanis moribus per similitudines (extract)

Section 193 ed. R. W. Southern and F. S. Schmitt, Memorials of St. Anselm, Auctores Britannici Medii Ævi 1 (Oxford, 1969), 97–102. Followed without break by an extra paragraph:

Incipit: Si hinc inquit Anselmus peccati fetorem et illic inferni demonum horrorem et necessario vni eorum haberem immergi prius me
Explicit: liberare vel perdere quemadmodum de rege terreno si quis suos incarceratos conteret

At the end, the note ‘uel hic finis’ and eight lines left blank.

7. Fols 118va-21va
Incipit: Angelis suis mandauit de te . . . psalmi 90. secundum cursum et disposicionem quam deus vnicuique rei in sui creacione
Explicit: portaretur ab angelis in sinum Abrahe id est ad requiem glorie ad quam nos perducat etc.
Rubric: Sermo notabiliter de custodia angelica super illo Angelis suis deus Mandauit de te [Ps. 90:11] (the table, fol. iv)

See Siegfried Wenzel, Latin Sermon Collections from Later Medieval England (Cambridge, 2005), 130. Fol. 121va has only fifteen lines, and the remainder of the leaf is blank.

8. Fols 122ra-32ra
Incipit: Cristus passus est vobis . . . prima petri 2º. anglice sic Cryst yn hys passion exempel hath yeue how ye schold don
Explicit: eius hereditatem scilicet regnum ce⟨lo⟩rum quod nobis concedat ihesus cristus qui nos suo sanguine redemit Amen
Rubric: Sermo notabiliter de passione cristi sic incipiens cristus passus est pro nobis (the table, fol. iv)

Unpublished, but, according to Siegfried Wenzel, Macaronic Sermons: Bilingualism and Preaching in Late-Medieval England (Ann Arbor MI, 1994), 43–44 and passim, other copies appear at Oxford: Balliol College, MS 149, fols 1–15v; BL: MS Harley 331, fols 80–99; Arras: Bibliothèque municipale, MS 184 (254), fols 51vb-61va; Worcester Cathedral, MS F.10, fols 18–26v. Following the explicit is an added note referring to Chrysostom and Holcot. Originally fol. 132rb-vb was left blank.

At the top of fol. 122 is an added contemporary note: ‘Chambernowne quondam socius in Collegio Exon’ et postea frater de ordine Minorum composuit et dixit hunc sermonem Oxon’ et iacet apud Wtton’ vnder hegge [i.e. Wotton-under-Edge, Glocs.] et fuit ibi Oxon’ in tempore Wodeford olim prioris sancti Iohannis Exon’’, information not included in the accounts of Henry Chambernown (or Chambron) at BRUO, 2:xiii and Sharpe no. 442 (165). ‘Wodeford’ is not the great adversary of Wycliffe, but Richard Wodeford, a Devon man who was a Fellow of Exeter College 1378 × 1383; from 1384 (probably until his death in 1428), he was prior of St John the Baptist, a hospital in Exeter (BRUO, 2071).

Chamber(n)own is known through a Middle English ‘nine points’ text, ascribed to him in Hereford Cathedral, MS P.i.9, fols 150v-51v, a book from the Oxford Franciscan convent; for copies, see P. S. Jolliffe, A Check-List of Middle English Prose Writings of Spiritual Guidance (Toronto, 1974), 111 (I.26). In addition, he is ascribed two sermons, at Oxford: Balliol, MS 149, fols 84–86v (for Easter on the passion) and 90–92v (for the third Sunday in Lent). The first sermon also appears in Arras: Bibliothèque municipale, MS 184 (254), fols 1ra-4rb (its delivery there dated 1382, which accords with Wodeford’s dates in Oxford). But as Wenzel notes (Macaronic Sermons, 44), the sermon here cannot be Chambernown’s, since it actually quotes him: ‘Hic secundum ymaginacionem illius deuoti doctoris Chamberoun potest respondere pater’ (fol. 126rb; cf. Balliol 149, fol. 6v); the ascription appears a confusion between two similar sermons.

Fol. 132rb-vb: originally blank, now with added texts (a) and (b).

9. Fols 133ra-34va
Rubric: [title in upper margin] In Die ascensionis.
Incipit: Euntes in mundum vniuersum etc. Marci vltimo Narrat beatus marcus in euangelio hodierno quando dominus noster deus debuit ascendere
Explicit: Vnde in signum huius euangelista dicit quod postquam dominus locutus est assumptus est in celum Rogemus igitur etc.
Rubric: Sermo bonus pro die ascensionis (the table, fol. iv

See Wenzel, Latin Sermon Collections, 130.

10. Fol. 134vb
Rubric: [title in upper margin] De Beata Maria
Incipit: Quomodo preces beate Marie exaudiuntur semper penes deum pro quocunque orauerit nota in distinccionibus holcote

a series of theological notes on the Virgin, used to fill partially the blank final column.

Added texts, written on blank leaves in anglicana, s. xv2:

a. Fol. 132rb
Rubric: Carta Redempcionis humane
Incipit: Hec quicumque sciant presentes atque futuri | Et memores fiant
Explicit: Hanc cartam scripsi proprio cum sanguine puro | Et pro secura proprium cor penditur ipsi

WIC 7576, who cites copies in Cambridge: St John’s College, MSS 83, fol. 174v and 127, fol. 22 (though, by lapsus calami, he states Oxford). Next to the title, a note in the hand which supplies headings, and typical of a variety of supplied marginalia: ‘Sentencia huius carte secundum quod prerecitatur habetur in fasciculus morum partis 2ᵉ. capitulo 7b.’, i.e. Fasciculus Morum: A Fourteenth-Century Preacher’s Handbook, ed. and tr. Siegfried Wenzel (University Park PA, 1989), 147/80–98.

b. Fol. 132v
Rubric: [title in upper margin:] litera vel epistola domino ihesu directa et dirigenda post eius ascensionem per modum oracionis anime suspirantis
Incipit: [word in outer margin:] Salutacio O summi patris sine principio generate | Virginis et matris fili
Explicit: quam sepe proternum | Nunc vtinam dignum gratum placitumque benignum

Not in Walther; another copy appears at Dublin: Trinity College, MS 44, fols viiiv-ix.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: principale
Form: codex
Support: Parchment (FSOS)
Extent: Fols 134


1–1012 1114. Catchwords, usually boxed, frequently in the decorative textura used for headings, sometimes red-slashed. All leaves in the first halves of each quire originally signed with an arabic numeral, although most cut away; unusually, in quires 7 and 8, fragments of a second set, in brown crayon, a letter (g, ?h) and roman numeral.


fols 1ra-116vb (items 1–5), scribe A: in double columns, each column 227 × 70 mm. (some variation), with 15mm between columns, in about 62 lines to the column. Very faintly bounded but not ruled, with some signs of prick-holes in top and outer margin in line with borders.

fols 117ra-34vb (items 6–10), scribe B: in double columns, each column 215 × 63–65 mm. , with 14mm between columns, in between 44 and 52 lines to the column. Bounded in black ink, no rules, with only signs of prick-holes being in the outer margin in line with top and bottom borders.


Two scribes in differing formats:

A = fols 1ra-116vb (items 1–5). Written in anglicana with secretary a, s. xv med. Punctuation by point and virgula.

B = fols 117ra-34vb (items 6–10). Written in anglicana with double-bowled a, s. xv3/4. Punctuation by occasional point.


Origin: England; s. xvmed and 3/4

Manuscript II = fols 135–65


Language(s): Latin

11. Fols 135ra-42rb
Rubric: [in upper margin] Sermo De Beata Maria
Incipit: Erat nauis in medio mari etc. Sicut dies dominica dedicata est dominice resurreccioni et feria vjª. dominice passioni
Explicit: quia euaserunt tam horrendum consorcium demonum et assecuti sunt consorcium ang(e)lorum
Rubric: 7. sermones de beata Maria secundum Ianuensem in opere quadragesimali’ (the table, fol. iv)
Jacobus da Voragine, Sermones quadragesimales (extract: seven 'sermones de beata Maria')

Kaeppeli no. 2157 [2:348, 364–67], in order Schneyer nos 203, 217, 230, 244, 258, 272, 286 (3:239–44 passim), ed. Sermones quadragesimales (Brescia, 14[9]3) (Proctor 6975, ISTC ij00186000), sigs. b iiirb-iiiirb, d vira-vb, g [ii]rb-iiivb (the first leaf misnumbered ‘g iii’), i viirb-k ira, m iiiiva-vira, p iiiiva-viva, s iiiiva-vira, respectively.

Fol. 142v is blank but bounded.

12. Fols 143ra-46ra
Rubric: [in upper margin] Oracio Dominica
Incipit: De oracione videndum est sub qua forma specialiter est orandum Pro quo notandum est
Explicit: et liberet nos a malo culpe in presenti et in futuro perducat nos ad gloriam sempiternam Amen
Rubric: Declaracio bona Oracionis dominice secundum Magistrum Alexandrum Cortys (the table, fol. iv)
Alexander Carpenter, Destructorium vitiorum (extract)

Sharpe no. 97 [49]; pr. Cologne, 1485 (Hain 650*, BMC 1:266, ISTC ia00392000), 4.37, sigs. o vivb-p iivb (corresponding to Oxford: Balliol College, MS. 81, fols 130va/10–33ra/23). Bloomfield cites the text as no. 8171 and as if a unique work. There are only ten written lines on fol. 146ra.

13. Fols 146rb-51va
Rubric: [in upper margin] Salutacio Angelica
Incipit: | Pro eo quod commendabilis consuetudo matris nostre ecclesie in omnibus horis canonicis premittendo oracionem dominicam
Explicit: quem fructum si quis digne degustauerit viuet in eternum etc.

‘Declaracio bona Salutacionis angelice’ (the table, fol. iv), in fact Carpenter, Destructorium 4.38, ed. sigs. p iivb-vivb (in Balliol, MS. 81, fols 133ra/24–38ra/12). Half of fol. 151va blank.

14. Fols 151vb-64ra
Incipit: Nunc de fide est disserendum quia nulla oracio neque obsecracio nec postulacio [est] sine fide est acceptabilis
Explicit: pro presenti de fide formata et de fide informi et de infidelitate pr^i^mo modo dicta etc.
Rubric: Declaracio bona super Simbolo apostolico Ibi nota bene de Fide (the table, fol. iv

More clearly identified in an added note at the foot of fol. 164ra: ‘Hec extracta sunt de Destructorio viciorum partis 6 capitulis 32 33 34 35 36 37 et 38’

Alexander Carpenter, Destructorium vitiorum (extract)

6.32–37, ed. sigs. D iiira-E iiirb (in Balliol, MS. 81, fols 268ra/46–79vb/50, preceded by a few sentences based upon 4.39). The remainder of the quire was originally blank.

Added text, written in anglicana, s. xvex; in 41 lines to the column:

Fols 164rb-65ra
Rubric: [in outer margin:] Nota de 6. speciebus sacrificij spiritualis
Incipit: Notandum quod sicut dicit Parysensis sub auctoritate beati augustini 16. de ciuitate sex sunt species sacrificij spiritualis
Explicit: dubitaret quin virtute verbi d.. possint panis et vini conuerti in carnem et sanguinem cristi etc

Two theological notes from William Peraldus, ed. as Summa aurea de virtutibus et vitijs (Venice, 1497) (Hain 12391*, BMC 5:459, ISTC ip00087000), the first from ‘de virtutibus’ 8.5, sig. p virb, the second ‘De Corpore cristi’ unidentified. Fol. 165 has been cut down to the single written column; the verso is blank but bounded.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: alieno (fol. 136)
Form: codex
Support: Parchment (HSOS)
Extent: Fols 31


1214 1312 148 (-6 to -8, all stubs and presumably blank). No catchwords or signatures.


In double columns, each column 222 × 63–65 mm. , with 14 mm between columns, in 46 lines to the column.

No signs of pricking; bounded in brownish black ink, no rules; the bounding lines extend to the edge of each page.


Written in anglicana with secretary r, s. xvmed.

Punctuation by point and occasional double point; double virgulae, probably instructions for a parapher, have only been red-slashed.


Origin: England; s. xvmed

Manuscript III = fols 166–94


Language(s): Latin

15. Fols 166–194v
Incipit: Domum tuam domine decet sanctitudo in psalmo Nulla quies exterior potest delectare quamdiu consciencia habet vnde poterit
Explicit: [fol. 192v] omnes gentes et sapiencie 12. propter hoc tanquam pueris insensatis iudicium derisum dedisti | Beda Omnia fera
Rubric: Quoddam extractum de Holcote in lectura cum tabula (the table, fol. iv)
Robert Holcot, Super Sapientiam Salamonis (selections)

Sharpe no. 1475 [553–58]. A series of selections, not in text order, but the ‘lectio’ from which each is excerpted is usually noted in the margin. The incipit corresponds to the printed text (Speier, 1483) (Hain 8757*, BMC 2:493, ISTC ih00289000) of lectio 115, sig. Z viivb; and the explicit at fol. 192v to that of lectio 60, sig. N iiijva. Following the explicit are two further notes, one from Bede, one from a ‘narratio’ identified as taken from Holcot’s ‘sermo 11’. The index follows after an originally blank leaf at fols 194ra-vb, in double columns; at the end, a note in red explains its use.

The scribe left both fol. 190v and all of fol. 193rv blank but he subsequently added a text at the second verso:

16. Fol. 193v
Rubric: [in upper margin] ihc est amor meus | [in outer margin] In Die Palmarum
Incipit: Ecce rex tuus venit Mathei 21. Commemorat ecclesia in presenti dominica duplicem cristi aduentum vnum quo venit in ierusalem cum honore
Explicit: ipse enim accedit a fine usque ad finem fortiter et disponit omnia suauiter Omnia enim quecumque voluit fecit . . .

Wenzel, Latin Sermon Collections, 130.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: et verberat (fol. 167)
Form: codex
Support: Parchment (FSOS)
Extent: Fols 29.
Dimensions (written): 230 × 160 mm.
Foliation: separately foliated by a medieval hand 1–28, [29]


15–1612 176 (-5, a stub, probably blank). Catchwords near the gutter; no signatures. At final verso (fol. 194v) a catchword, not by the scribe, providing the first words of the following manuscript.


In long lines, 53 lines to the page.

Bounded in brown and black ink, no rules; rare signs of two prick-holes at very bottom of folio in line with vertical borders.


Written in anglicana with frequent secretary a, s. xv3/4.

Punctuation by point and virgula, occasional punctus elevatus and double virgula.


Origin: England; s. xv3/4

Manuscript IV = fols 195–230


Language(s): Latin

17. Fols 195ra-97rb
Rubric: [the heading added, s. xv] Augustinus de 12. Abusionibus
Incipit: Primo si sine operibus bonis sapiens et predicator fuerit quia quod sermone docet actibus explere negligit
Explicit: Non faciamus itaque sine cristo aliquid in hoc tempore transitorio ne sine nobis cristus esse incipiat in future [added, s. xv] explicit
Ps.-Augustine, De xii abusionibus

CPL 1106, ed. S. Hellman, TU 34, 1 (1909), 32–60.

18. Fol. 197rb-va
Rubric: [the heading added in the margin, s. xv] De dignitate natu⟨re⟩ humane
Incipit: Qvanta dignitas humane condicionis esse cognoscitur ut non solum iubentis sermone
Explicit: qui se mirabiliter ad [ymaginem] et similitudinem suam in primo adam condidit mirabilius se reformauerit amen
Ps.-Augustine, De creatione primi hominis

Ed. PL 40:1213–14 (and mostly incorporated into ‘De spiritu et anima’ 35, ed. PL 40:805–6), also ps.-Alcuin, ‘Dicta Albini de imagine dei’, ed. John Marenbon, From the Circle of Alcuin to the School of Auxerre (Cambridge, 1981), 158–61. This copy is no. 25 in Marenbon’s list of thirty-one witnesses (149–50).

19. Fols 197va-98rb
Rubric: [the heading added in the margin, s. xv] Augustinus de Cognicione vere vite
Incipit: Sapiencia dei que os muti aperuit et ruditili animali humana uerba formare tribuit
Explicit: pugillo includit Si autem sempiternus predicetur et cunta tempora disponere astruetur
Honorius of Autun, De cognitione veræ vitæ (extract)

Ed. PL 40:1005–8. This copy is listed among copies of the work by Johannes Diviak and Franz Romer, Scriptorium 30 (1976), 107; they note Sion College, MS L.23 (now a Lambeth Palace Library deposit) as including the same excerpt. Lower half of fol. 198rb blank.

Fol. 198v: blank.

20. Fols 199ra-206vb
Incipit: (table) De miseria hominis
Explicit: (table) Quod nichil proderit dampnandis
Incipit: Domino patri karissimo P [i.e. Petro] portuensi episcopo Lotarius indignus diaconus graciam in presenti et gloriam in futuro Modicum ocij quod inter multas angustias . . . [fol. 199rb] Quare de uulua matris mee egressus sum ut uiderem laborem et dolorem et consumerentur
Explicit: et terrores fames et sitis frigus et cauma sulphur et ignis ardens in secula seculorum amen
Innocent III, De miseria condicionis humane

Ed. Michele Maccarrone (Lucca, 1955) 3–98 (this manuscript noted in the list of witnesses, xvi). Preceded by a table of chapters.

21. Fols 206vb-13ra
Rubric: Incipit liber de mendacio beati Augustini episcopi
Incipit: Magna questio est de mendacio que nos in ipsis cotidianis actibus nostris sepe conturbat
Explicit: nos sinet temptari supra quam potestis ferre sed faciet cum temptatione etiam exitum ut possitis sustinere.
Final rubric: Explicit liber de mendacio
Augustine, De mendacio

CPL 303, ed. Zycha, 413–66.

22. Fols 213ra-18vb
Rubric: Incipit liber Augustini contra mendacium ad consencium
Incipit: Multa michi legenda misisti consenti frater karissime quibus rescripta dum prep(ar)o et aliis
Explicit: ut uix ad eius terminum quem loco isto finximus ueniremus
Final rubric: Explicit liber contra mendacium
Augustine, Contra mendacium

CPL 304, ed. Zycha, 469–528.

Last nine lines of fol. 218vb blank (though covered, as is the bottom margin, of the remains of s. xiii notes).

23. Fols 219ra-21vb
Rubric: [title in upper margin, s. xv] liber Augustini de penitencia
Incipit: Quam sit utilis et neccesaria penitencie medicina facillime homines intelligunt qui se homines esse meminerunt
Explicit: labor minor imponitur et nullo temporalis mortis periculo mors eterna uitatur
Augustine, Sermo 351

CPL 284, ed. PL 39:1535–49. Later (s. xv) divided by marginal notation into chs 1–23.

24. Fols 221vb-22ra
Incipit: Penitentes penitentes penitentes Si tamen estis penitentes et non estis irridentes mutate uitam
Explicit: Quid horum tibi futurum sit nescio Ergo dimitte incertum et tene certum Finitur
Ps.-Augustine, Sermo 393

CPL284, now ascribed to Geoffrey of Babio, ed. PL 39:1713–15; a later heading now erased and treated as continuous with the previous (numbered ch. 24 in the s. xv notation).

25. Fols 222rb-30vb
Rubric: [heading added in outer margin, s. xv] Prologus ad intelligendum difficilis quia verbis exoticis est vndique inuolutus
Incipit: Cum nocte hiemali multe lugubrationis peruigilio plurimo in lignis oliue depasto usque ad . . . [fol. 222va] ⟨A⟩mo amas maui are matus matu Verbum actiuum est inde hic amator oris
Explicit: Boglossa lingua bouina Boblossus herba ad instar bouine lingue Bucerus bouinus||
Rubric: quedam deriuacio gramaticalis incompleta cum prologo difficili (the table, fol. iv)
Osbern Pinnock of Gloucester, Panormia seu Liber derivationum

Sharpe no. 1142 [407–8], ed. Paola Busdraghi et al., Osberno Derivazioni, Biblioteca di “medioevo latino” 16, 2 vols (Spoleto, 1996), 1:5–85. The editors misidentify the location (xiii) as Corpus Christi College (whence Sharpe’s reference). See R. W. Hunt, ‘The “Lost” Preface to the Liber derivationum of Osbern of Gloucester’ in G. L. Bursill-Hall ed., Collected Papers on the History of Grammar in the Middle Ages (Amsterdam, 1980), 151–66, who notes our MS among the four English copies (152).

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: constare (fol. 196)
Form: codex
Support: Parchment (FSOS)
Extent: Fols 36


18–2012. No catchwords; all leaves in the first half of the final quire signed with a roman numeral. This last unit, beginning with item 23, might be construed as a separate booklet.


In double columns, each column 198 × 55–60 mm. , with 8 mm between columns, in 54 lines to the page, below top line.

Bounded and ruled in lead; no signs of pricking.


Written in gothic textura quadrata, s. xiiimed or xiii2.

Punctuation by point, occasional punctus elevatus, punctus interrogativus, and double point.


Most typically two- and three-line blue lombards with red flourishing at the openings of and at divisions within texts (in the last MS, both red and blue lombards, unflourished, with many unfilled spaces). Lemmata and authorities underlined in red. The texts are divided by red-slashed capitals and red paraphs. Added running titles (s. xv ex.), usually only numbers for chapters or sermons, but intermittently text titles.


Origin: England; s. xiiimed or s. xiii2

Additional Information

Record Sources

Ralph Hanna and David Rundle, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts, to c. 1600, in Christ Church, Oxford (Oxford, 2017).


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Christ Church Library.

Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.

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