- Notes:
- This record contains information from VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) which is made available under the ODC Attribution License.
- External links:
- Bibliothèque nationale de France (authority record)
- GND: Gemeinsame Normdatei (authority record)
- Library of Congress (authority record)
- SUDOC: Système Universitaire de Documentation (authority record)
- ISNI: International Standard Name Identifier (authority record)
- Wikidata
- VIAF: Virtual International Authority File (authority record)
- VIAF: Virtual International Authority File (authority record)
- Author of:
- Plutarch (pseudo (?)): De liberis educandis (tr. Guarino Veronese)[Latin]
- Plutarch: Comparison of Brutus and Dio (tr. Guarino Veronese) [Latin]
- Plutarch: De assentatoris et amici differentia (tr. Guarino Veronese) [Latin]
- Plutarch: De capienda ex inimicis utilitate (anon. tr.) [Latin]
- Plutarch: De capienda ex inimicis utilitate [Greek]
- Plutarch: De garrulitate [Greek]
- Plutarch: De remediis irae (tr. Simon Atumano, rev. Coluccio Salutati) [Latin]
- Plutarch: Extracts [Greek]
- Plutarch: Life of Aemilius Paulus (tr. Henry Morley) [English]
- Plutarch: Life of Brutus (tr. Guarino Veronese) [Latin]
- Plutarch: Life of Demosthenes (tr. Leonardo Bruni) [Latin]
- Plutarch: Life of Dio (tr. Guarino Veronese) [Latin]
- Plutarch: Life of Marius (tr. Jacobus Angelus de Scarperia) [Latin]
- Plutarch: Life of Mark Antony (tr. Leonardo Bruni) [Latin]
- Plutarch: Lives of Alexander and Caesar (tr. Guarino Veronese) [Latin]
- Plutarch: Opuscula [Latin]
- Plutarch: Parallel Lives [Greek]
- Plutarch: Parallel Lives [Latin]
- Plutarch: Quid principem debeat (tr. Rinuccio Aretino) [Latin]
- Plutarch: Quomodo adulator ab amico internoscatur [Greek]
- Plutarch: Sermo de virtute et vitio (tr. Cincius Romanus) [Latin]
- Manuscripts:
- MS. Auct. F. 1. 7 (Selected pages online) — c. 1450–60; Italian, Florence
- MS. Auct. F. 5. 26 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, middle; English
- MS. Barocci 114 (Digital facsimile online) — 15th century
- MS. Barocci 133 (Digital facsimile online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Barocci 137 (Digital facsimile online) — 14th century
- MS. Barocci 200 (Digital facsimile online) — 1515
- MS. Barocci 226 (Digital facsimile online) — 15th century
- MS. Bodl. 881 — 15th century; Italian
- MS. Bywater 38 (Selected pages online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 167 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, end; Italian, Bologna
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 172 — 15th century, middle; Italian, Lombardy
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 173 — 15th century, second quarter (after 1434); Italian, Veneto (?)
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 189 — 16th century
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 214 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 270 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 294 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, middle; Italian, Lombardy
- MS. Canon. Gr. 93 — 1362; Byzantine, Mistra
- MS. Canon. Misc. 38 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Canon. Misc. 87 (Selected pages online) — 1474; Italian, Padua
- MS. Canon. Misc. 214 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Misc. 217 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Misc. 309 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Misc. 317 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Misc. 352 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 223 — 1489 and 1490; Dalmatia, Zadar
- MS. D'Orville 182 — Composite manuscript
- MS. D'Orville 525 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Douce 214 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, second quarter; Italian, Florence
- MS. Hatton 105 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Holkham Gr. 95 — 15th century
- MS. Holkham Gr. 96 — 15th century
- MS. Holkham Gr. 97 — 15th century
- MS. Laud Gr. 55 — 15th century
- MS. Laud Misc. 672 — 15th century, middle; Italian, Florence (?)
- MS. Laud Misc. 684 (Selected pages online) — c. 1537–1547; English
- MS. Rawl. G. 87 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, third quarter; Italy, Ferrara
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.